The Danger Of Democrats To Foreign Policy


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. No serious discussion ever reveals any reasoning behind the votes Democrats cast. Just try asking one of their voters what policies of Biden's they voted for, or which of Trump's policies they voted against, and the most one will ever get is what we mockingly refer to as 'Orange Man Bad!"

2. As a pertinent example in the category of foreign policy, let's remember that Trump managed to get a sort of perestroika between Israel and a number of Muslim nations.....something no President before could accomplish, nor, frankly, did I imagine it possible. He received five Nobel Peace Prize nominations.
Democrat's momentous foreign policy achievement was to guarantee nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.
Biden Democrats mishandled the withdrawal that Trump had engineered from Afghanistan so badly that his generals are now calling him a liar about offering their advice.

3. As Hussein Obama warned us, elections have consequences.....even stolen ones.
And the Biden Democrats have set the stage for a rebirth of Afghanistan as ground zero for terrorism.

4. "Ronald Kessler: Biden's 'Over-the-Horizon' Hoax Will Jeopardize US Safety
As testimony from America’s top military leaders has now made clear, President Joe Biden lied when he said no one warned him not to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

But much more concerning is Biden’s repeated lie that a so-called ''over-the-horizon'' capability in Afghanistan will keep America safe from terrorist attacks."

5. "We have what's called Over The Horizon [OTH] capabilities, which means we can strike terrorists and targets without American boots on the ground, or very few if needed.
The concept essentially means doing things remotely (i.e., “over the horizon”) that would ordinarily be accomplished by forces present in-country, if not on the battlefield itself. It aims to create effects without putting troops into hostilities.

In fact, before the collapse of the Afghan government, the U.S. was going to try to support the Afghan military using an OTH approach."

It is the mark of the Democrat voter.....
They are immune to truth, logic, experience or facts. Or even intuition.
Making judgements about foreign policy is clearly beyond Democrat voters.
The simply take orders and do not question.
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Afghanistan War was created by Repubs hell bent on economic skullduggery. I can see why yer so pizzed off that Biden ended it.
6. ".....more concerning is Biden’s repeated lie that a so-called ''over-the-horizon'' capability in Afghanistan will keep America safe from terrorist attacks.

In a little noticed announcement last July 6, the Pentagon first referred to this when it said it was developing such over-the-horizon capabilities if needed to take out terrorist plots in Afghanistan.

At the time, the Afghan government was still in control of the country. The over-the-horizon strategy assumed that the U.S. would continue to have an embassy in Afghanistan and that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) could deploy officers with diplomatic cover and spies known as illegals who could continue to develop human sources to unravel impending terrorist plots.

Now that capability is gone."

Democrats are an existential threat to all of Western Civilization.
Dems are only interested in how to squeeze money out of other countries in pay to play schemes, hence their foreign policy is FUBAR.

If only for money, it could be understandable.

But it is part of a far larger, more evil program.

Their motivation in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7
7. " Afghanistan, where terrorists are now in charge.

Without human sources in Afghanistan, the FBI’s ability to stop terrorist plots aimed at the U.S. will be severely limited. Before 9/11, because of relentless media criticism and a lack of clear authority under Justice Department guidelines, the FBI had become so gun-shy and politically correct that even though terrorists were known to hatch their plots in mosques, the bureau was averse to following suspects there. that Biden has allowed Afghanistan to become a haven for terrorists and has stymied our efforts to uncover plots there, the FBI will be unable to pinpoint Al Qaeda plots with the help of CIA assets on the ground as it previously did.

Most troubling, when the U.S. military entered Afghanistan after 9/11, it found that Al Qaeda was working on developing chemical and biological weapons, just as Osama bin Laden had decreed it should.

Not to worry, Biden told the nation."
Notice who wants forever war.

This is a problem for you Democrat know you post stupid stuff.

Watch this:

1. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

2. After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

3. Flashback: Pelosi Said Obama Did Not Need Authorization to Attack Libya
Flashback: Pelosi Said Obama Did Not Need Authorization to Attack Libya

Next time, take off the horseshoe before you put your hoof in your mouth.
8. Biden has as much an understanding of foreign policy as do his voters.

''What interest do we have in Afghanistan at this point with Al Qaeda gone?'' Biden mindlessly commented during a White House briefing explaining his decision to withdraw U.S. forces.

The Pentagon quickly contradicted him and said the terrorist organization continues to exist in Afghanistan. As Biden spoke, the Taliban had already freed thousands of Al Qaeda and ISIS fighters in jailbreaks.

With an entire country under their control, the Taliban and their Al Qaeda partners now will be able to expend millions of dollars to hire top scientists to develop weapons of mass destruction."
1. No serious discussion ever reveals any reasoning behind the votes Democrats cast. Just try asking one of their voters what policies of Biden's they voted for, or which of Trump's policies they voted against, and the most one will ever get is what we mockingly refer to as 'Orange Man Bad!"

2. As a pertinent example in the category of foreign policy, let's remember that Trump managed to get a sort of perestroika between Israel and a number of Muslim nations.....something no President before could accomplish, nor, frankly, did I imagine it possible. He received five Nobel Peace Prize nominations.
Democrat's momentous foreign policy achievement was to guarantee nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.
Biden Democrats mishandled the withdrawal that Trump had engineered from Afghanistan so badly that his generals are now calling him a liar about offering their advice.

3. As Hussein Obama warned us, elections have consequences.....even stolen ones.
And the Biden Democrats have set the stage for a rebirth of Afghanistan as ground zero for terrorism.

4. "Ronald Kessler: Biden's 'Over-the-Horizon' Hoax Will Jeopardize US Safety
As testimony from America’s top military leaders has now made clear, President Joe Biden lied when he said no one warned him not to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

But much more concerning is Biden’s repeated lie that a so-called ''over-the-horizon'' capability in Afghanistan will keep America safe from terrorist attacks."

5. "We have what's called Over The Horizon [OTH] capabilities, which means we can strike terrorists and targets without American boots on the ground, or very few if needed.
The concept essentially means doing things remotely (i.e., “over the horizon”) that would ordinarily be accomplished by forces present in-country, if not on the battlefield itself. It aims to create effects without putting troops into hostilities.

In fact, before the collapse of the Afghan government, the U.S. was going to try to support the Afghan military using an OTH approach."

It is the mark of the Democrat voter.....
They are immune to truth, logic, experience or facts. Or even intuition.
Making judgements about foreign policy is clearly beyond Democrat voters.
The simply take orders and do not question.

I glanced at this and expected for a truth expose . As usual it's just opinion and lies. Why do you bother.
Afghanistan War was created by Repubs hell bent on economic skullduggery. I can see why yer so pizzed off that Biden ended it.
Xiden voted for the war, he and Obama campaigned on it being the “war of necessity”

the war was “created” because the Taliban allowed AQ, to operate and hide in afghan and carry out the 9/11 attack on the USA

xiden just surrendered, for no reason other then a potential political optic, to the terrorist…ans his own miltary advisors have now testified he was warned repeatedly what would happen, and that the taliban will again. allow terrrorist to operate there

Xiden and his dembot cultist ignored it…every victim of terrorist from now on is a victim because of xiden and his dembot cult
Xiden voted for the war, he and Obama campaigned on it being the “war of necessity”

the war was “created” because the Taliban allowed AQ, to operate and hide in afghan and carry out the 9/11 attack on the USA

xiden just surrendered, for no reason other then a potential political optic, to the terrorist…ans his own miltary advisors have now testified he was warned repeatedly what would happen, and that the taliban will again. allow terrrorist to operate there

Xiden and his dembot cultist ignored it…every victim of terrorist from now on is a victim because of xiden and his dembot cult
Biden surrendered by making Trump's admin sign an agreement for peace in Afghanistan with the Taliban, how odd..
Xiden voted for the war, he and Obama campaigned on it being the “war of necessity”

the war was “created” because the Taliban allowed AQ, to operate and hide in afghan and carry out the 9/11 attack on the USA

xiden just surrendered, for no reason other then a potential political optic, to the terrorist…ans his own miltary advisors have now testified he was warned repeatedly what would happen, and that the taliban will again. allow terrrorist to operate there

Xiden and his dembot cultist ignored it…every victim of terrorist from now on is a victim because of xiden and his dembot cult
Trump signed off on the peace deal and Biden abided by it but it's all Biden's fault, sorry I don't live in a world of not recognizing reality.
Trump signed off on the peace deal and Biden abided by it but it's all Biden's fault, sorry I don't live in a world of not recognizing reality.
haha still with that lie…even xiden himself has debunked it

you dembot cultist are funny
haha still with that lie…even xiden himself has debunked it

you dembot cultist are funny
read it a tell me...

F. The United States and its allies will refrain from the threat or the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Afghanistan or intervening in its domestic affairs.

I am not a Democrat and your projection shows you clearly have a closed mind.
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