The Crown


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Started watching the new seaon last night. Pissed me off about the hunt for that stag. They found the perfect person to play Diana. Jillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher is the best pick to play her. The queen is still boring. Charles actor has his mannerisms and wimpiness down pat.
Started watching yesterday and I've finished two episodes thus far. Elizabeth Debicki, who plays Lady Di is amazing/haunting and Jillian Anderson's Margaret Thatcher is superb. There are so many good actors and actresses in this show it's amazing. It stinks that Charles Dance is already gone, but that's to be expected considering the circumstances.
I watched part of the first episode and it took me a few minutes to recognize the woman playing Margaret Thatcher..was Gillian Anderson (X-Files).
Like all serial shows...I got bored. Quickly.
My wife made me watch it and I enjoyed it quite a lot, although royals usually aren't my cup of tea.

I read there was some debate about alleged historical inaccuracies in this latest season ... does any of you have an idea what exactly it was that sparked the controversy?
My wife made me watch it and I enjoyed it quite a lot, although royals usually aren't my cup of tea.

I read there was some debate about alleged historical inaccuracies in this latest season ... does any of you have an idea what exactly it was that sparked the controversy?
One of the areas of disagreement is Phillip's infidelities. The royal family says the depiction is overblown. As I recall, his infidelity was extraordinary.

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