The Cost of Israel

"Other US help includes:

• US Jewish charities and organizations have remitted grants or bought Israel bonds worth $50 billion to $60 billion. Though private in origin, the money is "a net drain" on the United States economy, says Stauffer.

• The US has already guaranteed $10 billion in commercial loans to Israel, and $600 million in "housing loans." (See editor's note below.) Stauffer expects the US Treasury to cover these.

• The US has given $2.5 billion to support Israel's Lavi fighter and Arrow missile projects.

• Israel buys discounted, serviceable "excess" US military equipment. Stauffer says these discounts amount to "several billion dollars" over recent years."

Four Star General and former National Security Advisor James Jones...
"We will never forget that since the first minutes of Israeli independence, the United States has had a special relationship with Israel. And that will not change. Why? Because this is not a commitment of Democrats or Republicans; it is a national commitment based on shared values, deep and interwoven connections, and mutual interests.

I can also say from long experience that our security relationship with Israel is important for America. Our military benefits from Israeli innovations in technology, from shared intelligence, from exercises that help our readiness and joint training that enhances our capabilities and from lessons learned in Israel's own battles against terrorism and asymmetric threats.
[ame=] Israel: A History (9780688123635): Martin Gilbert: Books[/ame]

Keep trying, Georgie. LOL :clap2:

Even four star generals get handed the AIPAC speech.

You sit in your room all day and jerk off
"The dark-haired 22-year-old in black T-shirt, blue jeans and red Crocs is understandably hesitant as he sits at a picnic table in the incongruous setting of a beauty spot somewhere in Israel.

"We know his name and if we used it he would face a criminal investigation and a probable prison sentence.

"The birds are singing as he describes in detail some of what he did and saw others do as an enlisted soldier in Hebron.

"And they are certainly criminal: the incidents in which Palestinian vehicles are stopped for no good reason, the windows smashed and the occupants beaten up for talking back – for saying, for example, they are on the way to hospital; the theft of tobacco from a Palestinian shopkeeper who is then beaten 'to a pulp' when he complains; the throwing of stun grenades through the windows of mosques as people prayed.

"And worse.

"The young man left the army only at the end of last year, and his decision to speak is part of a concerted effort to expose the moral price paid by young Israeli conscripts in what is probably the most problematic posting there is in the occupied territories.

"Not least because Hebron is the only Palestinian city whose centre is directly controlled by the military, 24/7, to protect the notably hardline Jewish settlers there.

"He says firmly that he now regrets what repeatedly took place during his tour of duty.

"But his frequent, if nervous, grins and giggles occasionally show just a hint of the bravado he might have displayed if boasting of his exploits to his mates in a bar.

"Repeatedly he turns to the older former soldier who has persuaded him to speak to us, and says as if seeking reassurance:

''You know how it is in Hebron.'"

Breaking the Silence
""And they are certainly criminal: the incidents in which Palestinian vehicles are stopped for no good reason

This is a good reason to stop Pallies, fat boy...

"Oh, Allah, Kill All Jews"
Are you advocating collective punishment, "Princeton"?

"Shoot First Ask Questions Later"

"Did you have preliminary briefings regarding innocents? You enter a neighborhood and you have to be careful and not fire at our own men and not remove your helmets.

"At briefings on places I entered, we were told that if we engage at close range, we should know that normally, at night the Arab is asleep in his bed and has no business outdoors at this time, so we should really be careful.

"We weren't told outright to shoot anything we saw moving but that was the implication. I asked, 'What if I see a girl outside?' She has no business being outside.

"So what do I do?" Check if she's armed – then shoot her.

"I should shoot anyone who's armed, but if I engage at close range then I understood from that briefing that it's better to shoot first and ask questions later."

Breaking the Silence
"Fourth Geneva Convention
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Warsaw 1939 refugees and soldier

The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, commonly referred to as the Fourth Geneva Convention and abbreviated as GCIV, is one of the four treaties of the Geneva Conventions.

"It was adopted in August 1949, and defines humanitarian protections for civilians in a war zone, and outlaws the practice of total war.

"There are currently 194 countries party to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, including this fourth treaty but also including the other three.[1]

"In 1993, the United Nations Security Council adopted a report from the Secretary-General and a Commission of Experts which concluded that the Geneva Conventions had passed into the body of customary international law, thus making them binding on non-signatories to the Conventions whenever they engage in armed conflicts."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wiki
"Fourth Geneva Convention
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Warsaw 1939 refugees and soldier

The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, commonly referred to as the Fourth Geneva Convention and abbreviated as GCIV, is one of the four treaties of the Geneva Conventions.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are not signatories to the Geneva Conventions nor do they abide by its laws, therefore, Israel is not bound by them.

Clueless Georgie, Israel is in violation of no Geneva law.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in targeting civilian Israeli population centers for terrorist actions.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in fighting out of uniform.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in fighting without military arms in full view.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in not providing regular reports on captive Israeli Gilad Shalit.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of international law in providing safe haven to numerous terrorist factions.

Now, you know, Clueless Georgie.
"Fourth Geneva Convention
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Warsaw 1939 refugees and soldier

The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, commonly referred to as the Fourth Geneva Convention and abbreviated as GCIV, is one of the four treaties of the Geneva Conventions.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are not signatories to the Geneva Conventions nor do they abide by its laws, therefore, Israel is not bound by them.

Clueless Georgie, Israel is in violation of no Geneva law.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in targeting civilian Israeli population centers for terrorist actions.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in fighting out of uniform.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in fighting without military arms in full view.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in not providing regular reports on captive Israeli Gilad Shalit.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of international law in providing safe haven to numerous terrorist factions.

Now, you know, Clueless Georgie.

If Israel is not bound by the Geneva convention, why do you say that the Palestinians are?
"Part III. Status and Treatment of Protected Persons
[edit] Section I. Provisions common to the territories of the parties to the conflict and to occupied territories

Article 32. A protected person/s shall not have anything done to them of such a character as to cause physical suffering or extermination ... the physical suffering or extermination of protected persons in their hands.

"This prohibition applies not only to murder, torture, corporal punishments, mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment'

"While popular debate remains on what constitutes a legal definition of torture (see discussion on the Torture page), the ban on corporal punishment simplifies the matter; even the most mundane physical abuse is thereby forbidden by Article 32, as a precaution against alternate definitions of torture.

"The prohibition on scientific experiments was added, in part, in response to experiments by German and Japanese doctors during World War II, of whom Josef Mengele was the most infamous."

'Think Menachem Begin would have found a use for Josef Mengele?

Fourth Geneva Convention
"Part III. Status and Treatment of Protected Persons
[edit] Section I. Provisions common to the territories of the parties to the conflict and to occupied territories

Georgie, the Geneva Conventions are way over your paygrade.

The Pallies are not even signatories to the Geneva Conventions nor do they abide by Geneva rules. Thus, Israel is not bound by Geneva law.

There is no occupation based on Geneva law. There is no sovereign Pallie state and Geneva law applies to states.

Furthermore, the lands are sovereign Israeli lands under international law.

You might want to study the Geneva Conventions instead of mindlessly cutting and pasting.

Georgie, you're an uneducated clown. :lol:
"Fourth Geneva Convention
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Warsaw 1939 refugees and soldier

The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, commonly referred to as the Fourth Geneva Convention and abbreviated as GCIV, is one of the four treaties of the Geneva Conventions.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are not signatories to the Geneva Conventions nor do they abide by its laws, therefore, Israel is not bound by them.

Clueless Georgie, Israel is in violation of no Geneva law.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in targeting civilian Israeli population centers for terrorist actions.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in fighting out of uniform.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in fighting without military arms in full view.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in not providing regular reports on captive Israeli Gilad Shalit.

Clueless Georgie, the Pallies are in flagrant violation of international law in providing safe haven to numerous terrorist factions.

Now, you know, Clueless Georgie.

If Israel is not bound by the Geneva convention, why do you say that the Palestinians are?

Why do you post while stoned out of your addled mind?
From September, 2006 here's Hamlet does Israel:

"HAD HAMLET been a reserve soldier in the Israeli army, he might now declare: 'Something is rotten in the State of Israel!'

"And indeed, something is rotten -

* The President of the State refuses to suspend himself, in face of eight individual accusations of sexual harassment. He whines about a monstrous conspiracy against him and points at Netanyahu's men in the Likud.

"The Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense refuse to resign, in spite of the overwhelming majority of the public's expressed lack of confidence in Ehud Olmert (70%) and Amir Peretz (82%).

"Instead of agreeing to the establishment of an independent judicial commission of inquiry, they have set up an examining committee that has already lost the confidence of the majority of the public--even before it has started to investigate the events of the Lebanon War.

"The Chief-of-Staff, under attack from retired and serving generals, declares that he 'will not take off his uniform until somebody tears it off.'

* The chairman of the Knesset Foreign and Military Affairs Committee is indicted for fraud and perjury.

* The Minister of Justice is on trial for pushing his tongue into the mouth of a female soldier."

The cost of perpetual occupation is eternal corruption.

Political Corruption
From September, 2006 here's Hamlet does Israel:

"HAD HAMLET been a reserve soldier in the Israeli army, he might now declare: 'Something is rotten in the State of Israel!'

Letter To Barack Obama From 50 Prominent American Military Leaders On Israel's Importance As US Ally...

Israel as a Security Asset for the United States...
We, the undersigned, have traveled to Israel over the years with The Jewish
Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). We brought with us our
decades of military experience and, following unrestricted access to
Israel's civilian and military leaders, came away with the unswerving belief
that the security of the State of Israel is a matter of great importance to
the United States and its policy in the Middle East and Eastern
Mediterranean. A strong, secure Israel is an asset upon which American
military planners and political leaders can rely. Israel is a democracy - a
rare and precious commodity in the region - and Israel shares our commitment
to freedom, personal liberty and rule of law.

Throughout our travels and our talks, the determination of Israelis to
protect their country and to pursue a fair and workable peace with their
neighbors was clearly articulated. Thus we view the current tension between
the United States and Israel with dismay and grave concern that political
differences may be allowed to outweigh our larger mutual interests.

As American defense professionals, we view events in the Middle East through
the prism of American security interests.

The United States and Israel established security cooperation during the
Cold War, and today the two countries face the common threat of terrorism by
those who fear freedom and liberty. Historically close cooperation between
the United States. and Israel at all levels including the IDF, military
research and development, shared intelligence and bilateral military
training exercises enhances the security of both countries. American police
and law enforcement officials have reaped the benefit of close cooperation
with Israeli professionals in the areas of domestic counter-terrorism
practices and first response to terrorist attacks.

Israel and the United States are drawn together by shared values and shared
threats to our well-being.

The proliferation of weapons and nuclear technology across the Middle East
and Asia, and the ballistic missile technology to deliver systems across
wide areas require cooperation in intelligence, technology and security
policy. Terrorism, as well as the origins of financing, training and
executing terrorist acts, need to be addressed multilaterally when possible.
The dissemination of hatred and support of terrorism by violent extremists
in the name of Islam, whether state or non-state actors, must be addressed
as a threat to global peace.

In the Middle East, a volatile region so vital to U.S. interests, it would
be foolish to disengage - or denigrate - an ally such as Israel.


Lieutenant General Mark Anderson, USAF (ret.)
Rear Admiral Charles Beers, USN (ret.)
General William Begert, USAF (ret.)
Rear Admiral Stanley W. Bryant, USN (ret.)
Lieutenant General Anthony Burshnick, USAF (ret.)
Lieutenant General Paul Cerjan, USA (ret.)
Admiral Leon Edney, USN (ret.)
Brigadier General William F. Engel, USA (ret.)
Major General Bobby Floyd, USAF (ret.)
General John Foss, USA (ret.)
Major General Paul Fratarangelo, USMC (ret.)
Major General David Grange, USA (ret.)
Lieutenant General Tom Griffin, USA (ret.)
Lieutenant General Earl Hailston, USMC (ret.)
Lieutenant General John Hall, USAF (ret.)
General Alfred Hansen, USAF (ret.)
Rear Admiral James Hinkle, USN (ret.)
General Hal Hornburg, USAF (ret.)
Major General James T. Jackson, USA (ret.)
Admiral Jerome Johnson, USN (ret.)
Rear Admiral Herb Kaler, USN (ret.)
Vice Admiral Bernard Kauderer, USN (ret.)
General William F. Kernan, USA (ret.)
Major General Homer Long, USA (ret.)
Major General Jarvis Lynch, USMC (ret.)
General Robert Magnus, USMC (ret.)
Lieutenant General Charles May, Jr., USAF (ret.)
Vice Admiral Martin Mayer, USN (ret.)
Major General James McCombs, USA (ret.)
Lieutenant General Fred McCorkle, USMC (ret.)
Rear Admiral W. F. Merlin, USCG (ret.)
Rear Admiral Mark Milliken, USN (ret.)
Rear Admiral Riley Mixson, USN (ret.)
Major General William Moore, USA (ret.)
Lieutenant General Carol Mutter, USMC (ret.)
Major General Larry T. Northington, USAF (ret.)
Lieutenant General Tad Oelstrom, USAF (ret.)
Major General James D. Parker, USA (ret.)
Vice Admiral J. T. Parker, USN (ret.)
Major General Robert Patterson, USAF (ret.)
Vice Admiral James Perkins, USN (ret.)
Rear Admiral Brian Peterman, USCG (ret.)
Lieutenant General Alan V. Rogers, USAF (ret.)
Rear Admiral Richard Rybacki, USCG (ret.)
General Crosbie Saint, USA (ret.)
Rear Admiral Norm Saunders, USCG (ret.)
General Lawrence Skantze, USAF (ret.)
Major General Sid Shachnow, USA (ret.)
Rear Admiral Jeremy Taylor, USN (ret.)
Major General Larry Taylor, USMCR (ret.)
Lieutenant General Lanny Trapp, USAF (ret.)
Vice Admiral Jerry O. Tuttle, USN (ret.)
General Louis Wagner, USA (ret.)
Rear Admiral Thomas Wilson, USN (ret.)
Lieutenant General Robert Winglass, USMC (ret.)
Rear Admiral Guy Zeller, USN (ret.)
"Israel as a Security Asset for the United States" | The Weekly Standard
"Why another book on the Second World War, which is probably the most written about subject in human history?

"Why another book on the Holocaust, which has been movingly described by many survivors and scholars?

"As a general subject, the age of the dictators, the world war, and the Holocaust have indeed been covered – but has the interaction between Zionism and Fascism and Nazism been adequately explored?

"And if not, why not?

The answer is quite simple.

"Different aspects of the general subject have been dealt with, but there is no equivalent of the present work, one that attempts to present an overview of the movement's world activities during that epoch.

"Of course, that is not an accident, but rather a sign that there is much that is politically embarrassing to be found in that record.

"Dealing with the issues brings difficult problems, one of the most difficult arising out of the emotions evoked by the Holocaust.

"Can there by any doubt that many of the United Nations delegates who voted for the creation of an Israeli state, in 1947, were motivated by a desire to somehow compensate the surviving Jews for the Holocaust?

"They, and many of Israel’s other well-wishers, cathected the state with the powerful human feelings they had toward the victims of Hitler’s monstrous crimes.

"But therein was their error: they based their support for Israel and Zionism on what Hitler had done to the Jews, rather than on what the Zionists had done for the Jews.

"To say that such an approach is intellectually and politically impermissable does not denigrate the deep feelings produced by the Holocaust."

Lenni Brenner: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Preface)

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