The Continuing War in Syria


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I'm sooo glad that our glorious Community Organizer in Chief has addressed the ongoing carnage in Syria by guaranteeing that the Russian stooge Assad can rule his country with an iron fist for the rest of his life, a la Castro. Does anyone dispute that we have been played like a violin by Putin? :eusa_boohoo:

Oh well, time to move on to the next photo op...:eusa_shhh:
I'm sooo glad that our glorious Community Organizer in Chief has addressed the ongoing carnage in Syria by guaranteeing that the Russian stooge Assad can rule his country with an iron fist for the rest of his life, a la Castro. Does anyone dispute that we have been played like a violin by Putin? :eusa_boohoo:

Oh well, time to move on to the next photo op...:eusa_shhh:

What the fuck are you talking about? Saudi Arabia opposes the Syrians, which is a very good reason for us to think twice about supporting the Saudi side--they are our real enemies in the Middle East, and they initiated/funded 9/11. For some reason, Bush embraced them. Go figure.
Egypt an' Iraq helpin' Assad...
Exclusive: Assad's secret oil lifeline: Iraqi crude from Egypt
Mon Dec 23, 2013 - The Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad has received substantial imports of Iraqi crude oil from an Egyptian port in the last nine months, shipping and payments documents show, part of an under-the-radar trade that has kept his military running despite Western sanctions.
Assad's government has been blacklisted by Western powers for its role in the two-and-a-half year civil war, forcing Damascus to rely on strategic ally Iran - itself the target of Western sanctions over its nuclear program - as its main supplier of crude oil. A Reuters examination based on previously undisclosed commercial documents about Syrian oil purchases shows however that Iran is no longer acting alone. Dozens of shipping and payment documents viewed by Reuters show that millions of barrels of crude delivered to Assad's government on Iranian ships has actually come from Iraq, through Lebanese and Egyptian trading companies.

The trade, which is denied by the firms involved, has proven lucrative, with companies demanding a steep premium over the normal cost of oil in return for bearing the risk of shipping it to Syria. It also highlights a previously undisclosed role of Egypt, Iraq and Lebanon in Assad's supply chain, despite those countries' own restrictions on assisting his government. Both the Syrian national oil company that received the oil, Sytrol, and the Iranian shipping operator that delivered it, the National Iranian Tanker Co (NITC), are on U.S. and EU sanctions lists barring them from doing business with U.S. or European firms, cutting them off from the U.S. and EU financial systems and freezing their assets. Although firms outside the United States and EU are not subject to their sanctions, companies that do business with firms on sanctions lists risk themselves being blacklisted: Washington and Brussels regularly add companies and individuals from third countries to their sanctions lists if they are found to deal with companies already listed.

At least four firms from third countries that were added to the U.S. Treasury's sanctions list for Iran when it was last updated on December 12 were punished specifically "for providing material support to NITC", the Treasury said. "We have been very focused on targeting Iranian attempts to aid the Assad regime through economic as well as military means," said a Treasury Department spokesman. He declined to comment on the specific activities described in the documents reviewed by Reuters but said companies and individuals had been added to the sanctions list for similar types of activity.

The cache of documents describing the trade between March and May this year was shown to Reuters by a source on condition of anonymity. Many details were corroborated by a separate Middle Eastern shipping source with long-standing ties to the Syrian maritime industry. Publicly available satellite tanker tracking data, provided by Thomson Reuters, parent company of Reuters, was used to confirm the movements of ships. The documents refer to at least four shipments by four tankers named Camellia, Daisy, Lantana and Clove, each of which is operated by Iran's NITC and, say the documents, carried Iraqi oil from Egypt's Mediterranean port of Sidi Kerir to Syria. According to the documents, Beirut-based trading firm Overseas Petroleum Trading (OPT) invoiced Syria for arranging at least two of the shipments and was involved in a third, while a Cairo-based firm, Tri-Ocean Energy, was responsible for loading Iraqi oil into at least one.

I'm sooo glad that our glorious Community Organizer in Chief has addressed the ongoing carnage in Syria by guaranteeing that the Russian stooge Assad can rule his country with an iron fist for the rest of his life, a la Castro. Does anyone dispute that we have been played like a violin by Putin? :eusa_boohoo:

Oh well, time to move on to the next photo op...:eusa_shhh:

As the only one who seems to remember Syria going to war with Israel, sorry, but F* Syrians.
I'm sooo glad that our glorious Community Organizer in Chief has addressed the ongoing carnage in Syria by guaranteeing that the Russian stooge Assad can rule his country with an iron fist for the rest of his life, a la Castro. Does anyone dispute that we have been played like a violin by Putin? :eusa_boohoo:

Oh well, time to move on to the next photo op...:eusa_shhh:

What the fuck are you talking about? Saudi Arabia opposes the Syrians, which is a very good reason for us to think twice about supporting the Saudi side--they are our real enemies in the Middle East, and they initiated/funded 9/11. For some reason, Bush embraced them. Go figure.

At least Bush did not bow in front of a Saudi! It gets back to our need for energy independence which liberals have prevented for years. Bush was trying to stabilize the area and support Israel.

I'm fairly libertarian in my approach to the use of overseas military. We should never have put ground troops into Iraq, and we should have vacated Afghanistan in six months.

We should not be the world's policeman, but should only protect our interest that are real.
obama has a vested interest in helping the muslim brotherhood slaughter the Christians in both Egypt and Syria.

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