Didn't trump get the nomination because of the Billions in free media he got? Has anything really changed except for him running his ignorant mouth too much?
Many of these truths are currently being revealed by WikiLeaks but not reported by any mainstream press and of course the dots not being connected by a very dumbed down public. We even learned of Justice Scalia’s “wet works” (assassination) yesterday via the e-mail dump …not even a Supreme Court Justice’s assassination warrants MSM coverage? In my opinion, Mr. Putin must dump what truth they have amassed and do so globally and as loud and flamboyantly as possible. Somehow, the information must be forced to be seen by an American public with blinders on. I believe the only way that war is avoided will be from a mass uprising and gross civil unrest of the U.S. population screaming ENOUGH!
The Final Act will be World War :: Jim Sinclair's Mineset
Every program I see follows the Trump story with the WikiLeaks story. And lets be honest the WiKiLeaks story is no where near as dramatic as the Trump sex scandal, it's not even Hillaries emails, it is her campaign staff talking from years ago. While I think it is worth reporting, it really isn't that big of deal in my opinion. This election is a reality show in a drama hungry world and the news goes where the ratings are.