The Chihuhua barks "Reload"!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Seems that the insane little yappy punt dog known as the Wasilla Chihuahua has decided to tell her followers on Facebook to reload, complete with districts placed in rifle crosshairs.

Sarah Palin Unveils Target List for Midterm Elections
Posted by Brian Montopoli 24 comments

(Credit: AP)

Sarah Palin has posted on her Facebook page a list of the Democrats she is targeting for defeat in the November elections. She says her political action committee will be "paying particular attention to those House members who voted in favor of Obamacare and represent districts that Senator John McCain and I carried during the 2008 election."

Here's her list of targeted Democrats: Ann Kirkpatrick (Arizona), Harry E. Mitchell (Arizona), Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona), John Salazar (Colorado), Betsy Markey (Colorado). Allen Boyd (Florida), Suzanne M. Kosmas (Florida), Baron P. Hill (Indiana), Earl Pomeroy (Alabama), Charlie Wilson (Ohio), John Boccieri (Ohio), Kathy Dahlkemper (Pennsylvania), Christopher Carney (Pennsylvania), John M. Spratt, Jr. (South Carolina), Tom Perriello (Virginia), Alan B. Mollohan (West Virginia), and Nick J. Rahall II (West Virginia).

"We'll aim for these races and many others," she writes. "This is just the first salvo in a fight to elect people across the nation who will bring common sense to Washington."

Palin tells her supporters not to get discouraged by the president signing into law health care reform legislation, but rather to "get organized!"

"We're going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people," writes the former Alaska governor. "We're going to fire them and send them back to the private sector, which has been shrinking thanks to their destructive government-growing policies. Maybe when they join the millions of unemployed, they'll understand why Americans wanted them to focus on job creation and an invigorated private sector. Come November, we're going to print pink slips for members of Congress as fast as they've been printing money."

In other Palin news, Variety reports that the Discovery Channel is likely to be the network that broadcasts Palin's planned television show, which reportedly "will center on interesting characters, traditions and attractions in the 49th state -- with the ex-VP candidate as a guide."

The network is said to be paying more than $1 million per episode for the series, which is produced by Mark Burnett of "Survivor" and "The Apprentice."

Sarah Palin Unveils Target List for Midterm Elections - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Wonder if the Discovery channel is going to have a spin off show with Palin going to Democratic areas and hunting the representatives?

This is seriously fucked up, because now tea party members are starting to take this rhetoric seriously.

Remember the gas line that was cut this morning?
What I find funny is that no one on the right denounces these nutjobs...especially Palin. They make up excuses for the most part.

Remember when they used to demand all muslims apologize for 9/11?
What I find funny is that no one on the right denounces these nutjobs...especially Palin. They make up excuses for the most part.

Remember when they used to demand all muslims apologize for 9/11?

If the fear is in support of their views, it's "creative politics". If the fear is against them, it's dirty tricks from the other side. a military man, whenever I'm told that there is a crosshair sight on me, and the people who are pointing it are being directed to "reload", I kinda consider that uncivil.

The fact that Palin is doing it over the computer and promoting fear as a way to press her political point, you could almost call it domestic cyber terrorism.
What I find funny is that no one on the right denounces these nutjobs...especially Palin. They make up excuses for the most part.
I guess you were all riled up when these little pieces of love and understanding were squeezed from the rectal cavities of the fringe kook left:


A new low in Bush-hatred - The Boston Globe





OTOH, I'd bet not so much.

I think people that compare American politicians to Nazis and Commies are assholes.

You, not so much.

But nice work trying to deflect, Dud.
Yeah.........but the right wing has done more in the past 6 months than the left had done during the entire presidency of Bush Jr.

And.........nobody brought loaded weapons to Bush Jr.'s rallies. They did with Obama.
This is how far-right totalitarian regimes and mass slaughter get started....
Seems that the insane little yappy punt dog known as the Wasilla Chihuahua has decided to tell her followers on Facebook to reload, complete with districts placed in rifle crosshairs.

Sarah Palin Unveils Target List for Midterm Elections
Posted by Brian Montopoli 24 comments

(Credit: AP)

Sarah Palin has posted on her Facebook page a list of the Democrats she is targeting for defeat in the November elections. She says her political action committee will be "paying particular attention to those House members who voted in favor of Obamacare and represent districts that Senator John McCain and I carried during the 2008 election."

Here's her list of targeted Democrats: Ann Kirkpatrick (Arizona), Harry E. Mitchell (Arizona), Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona), John Salazar (Colorado), Betsy Markey (Colorado). Allen Boyd (Florida), Suzanne M. Kosmas (Florida), Baron P. Hill (Indiana), Earl Pomeroy (Alabama), Charlie Wilson (Ohio), John Boccieri (Ohio), Kathy Dahlkemper (Pennsylvania), Christopher Carney (Pennsylvania), John M. Spratt, Jr. (South Carolina), Tom Perriello (Virginia), Alan B. Mollohan (West Virginia), and Nick J. Rahall II (West Virginia).

"We'll aim for these races and many others," she writes. "This is just the first salvo in a fight to elect people across the nation who will bring common sense to Washington."

Palin tells her supporters not to get discouraged by the president signing into law health care reform legislation, but rather to "get organized!"

"We're going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people," writes the former Alaska governor. "We're going to fire them and send them back to the private sector, which has been shrinking thanks to their destructive government-growing policies. Maybe when they join the millions of unemployed, they'll understand why Americans wanted them to focus on job creation and an invigorated private sector. Come November, we're going to print pink slips for members of Congress as fast as they've been printing money."

In other Palin news, Variety reports that the Discovery Channel is likely to be the network that broadcasts Palin's planned television show, which reportedly "will center on interesting characters, traditions and attractions in the 49th state -- with the ex-VP candidate as a guide."

The network is said to be paying more than $1 million per episode for the series, which is produced by Mark Burnett of "Survivor" and "The Apprentice."

Sarah Palin Unveils Target List for Midterm Elections - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Wonder if the Discovery channel is going to have a spin off show with Palin going to Democratic areas and hunting the representatives?

This is seriously fucked up, because now tea party members are starting to take this rhetoric seriously.

Remember the gas line that was cut this morning?

Congrats! I think you just moved ahead of VaYank.

Yeah....this coming from someone who thought Hitler was a liberal.

Keep drinking the crazy juice Cruiser Skank.

Sorry, I only give one card per thread.

What exactly was "liberal" about Hitler?

For that matter, do any of you tea bagging assholes on the fringe right know what it means, or are you swallowing what Limp Idiot, Manatee, Blech and Billo the Clown are selling?

If so, you're screwing up. They don't know what anything means any longer either, they just pull up the worst and scariest ideas they can come up with, and then point to things they disagree with, and call it that.

The Wasilla Chihuahua is a prime example of that. She's one of the stupider ones, no matter what you think about her.

I bet that her old man Todd would be pissed if he knew how much you beat off to her picture.
LOL I remember when that shopped pic came out and how the Palentologists loved it.
They were heartbroken when it was proven to be photoshopped.
Statements such as this can be made by the right and they use all kinds of excuses to deflect the real meaning. I saw McCain giving excuses on CNN. It is just scary to think that this woman was so close to being the VP of the United States. What a dunce...
Statements such as this can be made by the right and they use all kinds of excuses to deflect the real meaning. I saw McCain giving excuses on CNN. It is just scary to think that this woman was so close to being the VP of the United States. What a dunce...

If it makes you feel better there was never any real threat of McCain winning in 2008.
Statements such as this can be made by the right and they use all kinds of excuses to deflect the real meaning. I saw McCain giving excuses on CNN. It is just scary to think that this woman was so close to being the VP of the United States. What a dunce...

If it makes you feel better there was never any real threat of McCain winning in 2008.

Statements such as this can be made by the right and they use all kinds of excuses to deflect the real meaning. I saw McCain giving excuses on CNN. It is just scary to think that this woman was so close to being the VP of the United States. What a dunce...

If it makes you feel better there was never any real threat of McCain winning in 2008.


lol ...

There really wasn't, IMO, del.

The only that could have stopped Obama was Obama himself.
Seems that the insane little yappy punt dog known as the Wasilla Chihuahua has decided to tell her followers on Facebook to reload, complete with districts placed in rifle crosshairs.

Sarah Palin Unveils Target List for Midterm Elections
Posted by Brian Montopoli 24 comments

(Credit: AP)

Sarah Palin has posted on her Facebook page a list of the Democrats she is targeting for defeat in the November elections. She says her political action committee will be "paying particular attention to those House members who voted in favor of Obamacare and represent districts that Senator John McCain and I carried during the 2008 election."

Here's her list of targeted Democrats: Ann Kirkpatrick (Arizona), Harry E. Mitchell (Arizona), Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona), John Salazar (Colorado), Betsy Markey (Colorado). Allen Boyd (Florida), Suzanne M. Kosmas (Florida), Baron P. Hill (Indiana), Earl Pomeroy (Alabama), Charlie Wilson (Ohio), John Boccieri (Ohio), Kathy Dahlkemper (Pennsylvania), Christopher Carney (Pennsylvania), John M. Spratt, Jr. (South Carolina), Tom Perriello (Virginia), Alan B. Mollohan (West Virginia), and Nick J. Rahall II (West Virginia).

"We'll aim for these races and many others," she writes. "This is just the first salvo in a fight to elect people across the nation who will bring common sense to Washington."

Palin tells her supporters not to get discouraged by the president signing into law health care reform legislation, but rather to "get organized!"

"We're going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people," writes the former Alaska governor. "We're going to fire them and send them back to the private sector, which has been shrinking thanks to their destructive government-growing policies. Maybe when they join the millions of unemployed, they'll understand why Americans wanted them to focus on job creation and an invigorated private sector. Come November, we're going to print pink slips for members of Congress as fast as they've been printing money."

In other Palin news, Variety reports that the Discovery Channel is likely to be the network that broadcasts Palin's planned television show, which reportedly "will center on interesting characters, traditions and attractions in the 49th state -- with the ex-VP candidate as a guide."

The network is said to be paying more than $1 million per episode for the series, which is produced by Mark Burnett of "Survivor" and "The Apprentice."

Sarah Palin Unveils Target List for Midterm Elections - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Wonder if the Discovery channel is going to have a spin off show with Palin going to Democratic areas and hunting the representatives?

This is seriously fucked up, because now tea party members are starting to take this rhetoric seriously.

Remember the gas line that was cut this morning?


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