The CDC Used Their Research on School Openings, They Say -- And Got It Exactly Backward


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A group of researchers — actual scientists — are saying the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) misinterpreted their work and issued “harmful” guidance keeping school closed that their research never suggested was necessary... their data says schools “can remain fully open safely” and that the CDC got it wrong when they issued strict school lockdown guidelines

Follow The Science? The CDC got it WRONG, again and again and again.....

"Long considered the world’s premier public health agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has fallen short in its response to the most urgent public health emergency in its 74-year history — a pathogen that has penetrated much of the nation, killing more than 100,000 people.

The agency made early missteps in testing and failed to provide timely counts of infections and deaths, hindered by aging technology across the U.S. health system. It hesitated in absorbing the lessons of other countries, and struggled to calibrate the need to move fast and its own imperative to be cautious. Its communications were sometimes confusing, sowing mistrust, even as it clashed with the White House and President Donald Trump.

“They let us down,” said Dr. Stephane Otmezguine, an anesthesiologist who treated coronavirus patients in Fort Lauderdale, Florida."

"After blistering criticism and defiance from some of the nation’s governors, including Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has walked back controversial new guidance suggesting that not everyone exposed to COVID-19 needs to be tested."

'On Monday morning, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention edited its Web page describing how the novel coronavirus spreads, removing recently added language saying it was “possible” that it spreads via airborne transmission. It was the third major revision to CDC information or guidelines published since May 2020.'

While restaurants, store owners, carpenters, and everyday working Americans have gone back to work, approx 2 million vaccines are being given per day, and the scientists ('Follow the science, right CDC / Democrats / snowflakes?) declared there is no threat opening back up the schools and that schools should NOT be closed....but the CDC issued guidelines closing the schools, Unions and teachers refuse to go back to work...

Democrats put $126 BILLION of their $1.9 Trillion deficit bomb going to K - 12 to get back to schools THAT SHOULD NOT BE CLOSED, SCHOOLS / TEACHERS WHO REFUSE TO OPEN / GO BACK TO WORK. (It Gives nearly $40 BILLION to 'Higher Education' (Liberal Indoctrination Camps).

Can anyone tell me why Americans - even those who do not have children - are being forced to pay taxes to support public schools THAT HAVE BEEN AND REMAIN CLOSED?


The CDC has been the equivalent to the 'WEIGHT GUESSERS' at local fairs, the people who look you over and attempt to GUESS what you weigh. They have continuously revoked, changed, and re-issued new 'guidance' after continuously 'getting it wrong', resulting in extremely significant damage to citizens, business owners, and our school-aged children.

This latest public declaration by actual scientists, that the CDC's guidance regarding school-closing went directly against the science, only goes farther in proving the CDC is NOT following the science and have only contributing in the screwing of America in this COVID-19 pandemic.

Interesting how under-manned Border Agents work amongst COVID-19-positive and Un-tested children / illegals in Biden detention centers filled at 100% capacity on our Southern Borders, but teachers claim THEY are at risk going back to schools, which is actually AGAINST what the SCIENCE actually says....

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