The CDC Is Part Of The Deep State And Should Not Be Trusted


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump’s Plea for U.S. to Shrug Off Virus Fear Ignored by Markets

Back during the Ebola outbreak of 2014 -- Trump rightfully ripped Obama for how poorly he handled the outbreak and how he consistently lied to the public about how dangerous the outbreak was...Obama's handling of the Ebola virus was one of the worst government policy disasters since the Iraq War invasion -- we are still dealing with the after effects of it....Luckily, a couple of years ago; Trump fired the government’s entire pandemic response command team, including the White House management infrastructure -- totally owning Obama..because all of these people were Deep State operatives.

However, there are still senior officials at the CDC who are also part of the Deep State and who are working overtime to try to contradict Trump and make him look bad -- who is to say they wouldn't purposely try to start an outbreak here in order to harm his chances in the 2020 elections?

"President Donald Trump and his top advisers want global markets and the American public to believe that the coronavirus poses little risk to the U.S. But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is saying just the opposite -- warning Tuesday that the virus’s spread in America is inevitable....So far, the markets are siding with the CDC’s experts. U.S. stocks hit a 12-week low following the CDC warning, with losses on the S&P 500 totaling 7.6% over 4 days"

Whoever these CDC experts are, they need to be fired and purged from the department -- plus the fact that the media is hyping this up as some major issue is also a problem...for example, when asked about the Coronavirus, Trump said we are very close to a vaccine -- but the media made it seem as tho he was talking about the Coronavirus when everyone knew he was talking about the Ebola virus, which was completed last year...Trump said there are only about 10 cases of the virus here, then the media makes a big deal about how there are actually 5 times as many cases -- big deal, his point is that the virus is nothing to worry about.....

Now we have the markets taking an 1800 point slide and the S&P losing 3% for the first time since the 2008 collapse...To be fair, this was in large part due to Italy -- but also due to the fact that CDC keeps hyping this up instead of following the leadership of Trump..They are the Deep State and Trump needs to privatize the CDC immediately and let the free markets handle it...
Trump’s Plea for U.S. to Shrug Off Virus Fear Ignored by Markets

Back during the Ebola outbreak of 2014 -- Trump rightfully ripped Obama for how poorly he handled the outbreak and how he consistently lied to the public about how dangerous the outbreak was...Obama's handling of the Ebola virus was one of the worst government policy disasters since the Iraq War invasion -- we are still dealing with the after effects of it....Luckily, a couple of years ago; Trump fired the government’s entire pandemic response command team, including the White House management infrastructure -- totally owning Obama..because all of these people were Deep State operatives.

However, there are still senior officials at the CDC who are also part of the Deep State and who are working overtime to try to contradict Trump and make him look bad -- who is to say they wouldn't purposely try to start an outbreak here in order to harm his chances in the 2020 elections?

"President Donald Trump and his top advisers want global markets and the American public to believe that the coronavirus poses little risk to the U.S. But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is saying just the opposite -- warning Tuesday that the virus’s spread in America is inevitable....So far, the markets are siding with the CDC’s experts. U.S. stocks hit a 12-week low following the CDC warning, with losses on the S&P 500 totaling 7.6% over 4 days"

Whoever these CDC experts are, they need to be fired and purged from the department -- plus the fact that the media is hyping this up as some major issue is also a problem...for example, when asked about the Coronavirus, Trump said we are very close to a vaccine -- but the media made it seem as tho he was talking about the Coronavirus when everyone knew he was talking about the Ebola virus, which was completed last year...Trump said there are only about 10 cases of the virus here, then the media makes a big deal about how there are actually 5 times as many cases -- big deal, his point is that the virus is nothing to worry about.....

Now we have the markets taking an 1800 point slide and the S&P losing 3% for the first time since the 2008 collapse...To be fair, this was in large part due to Italy -- but also due to the fact that CDC keeps hyping this up instead of following the leadership of Trump..They are the Deep State and Trump needs to privatize the CDC immediately and let the free markets handle it...
Who do you trust?

Please feel free to get specific.
Trump’s Plea for U.S. to Shrug Off Virus Fear Ignored by Markets

Back during the Ebola outbreak of 2014 -- Trump rightfully ripped Obama for how poorly he handled the outbreak and how he consistently lied to the public about how dangerous the outbreak was...Obama's handling of the Ebola virus was one of the worst government policy disasters since the Iraq War invasion -- we are still dealing with the after effects of it....Luckily, a couple of years ago; Trump fired the government’s entire pandemic response command team, including the White House management infrastructure -- totally owning Obama..because all of these people were Deep State operatives.

However, there are still senior officials at the CDC who are also part of the Deep State and who are working overtime to try to contradict Trump and make him look bad -- who is to say they wouldn't purposely try to start an outbreak here in order to harm his chances in the 2020 elections?

"President Donald Trump and his top advisers want global markets and the American public to believe that the coronavirus poses little risk to the U.S. But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is saying just the opposite -- warning Tuesday that the virus’s spread in America is inevitable....So far, the markets are siding with the CDC’s experts. U.S. stocks hit a 12-week low following the CDC warning, with losses on the S&P 500 totaling 7.6% over 4 days"

Whoever these CDC experts are, they need to be fired and purged from the department -- plus the fact that the media is hyping this up as some major issue is also a problem...for example, when asked about the Coronavirus, Trump said we are very close to a vaccine -- but the media made it seem as tho he was talking about the Coronavirus when everyone knew he was talking about the Ebola virus, which was completed last year...Trump said there are only about 10 cases of the virus here, then the media makes a big deal about how there are actually 5 times as many cases -- big deal, his point is that the virus is nothing to worry about.....

Now we have the markets taking an 1800 point slide and the S&P losing 3% for the first time since the 2008 collapse...To be fair, this was in large part due to Italy -- but also due to the fact that CDC keeps hyping this up instead of following the leadership of Trump..They are the Deep State and Trump needs to privatize the CDC immediately and let the free markets handle it...
Who do you trust?

Please feel free to get specific.
I believe that OP was satire, so who do you trust?

Please feel free to get specific.
Trump’s Plea for U.S. to Shrug Off Virus Fear Ignored by Markets

Back during the Ebola outbreak of 2014 -- Trump rightfully ripped Obama for how poorly he handled the outbreak and how he consistently lied to the public about how dangerous the outbreak was...Obama's handling of the Ebola virus was one of the worst government policy disasters since the Iraq War invasion -- we are still dealing with the after effects of it....Luckily, a couple of years ago; Trump fired the government’s entire pandemic response command team, including the White House management infrastructure -- totally owning Obama..because all of these people were Deep State operatives.

However, there are still senior officials at the CDC who are also part of the Deep State and who are working overtime to try to contradict Trump and make him look bad -- who is to say they wouldn't purposely try to start an outbreak here in order to harm his chances in the 2020 elections?

"President Donald Trump and his top advisers want global markets and the American public to believe that the coronavirus poses little risk to the U.S. But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is saying just the opposite -- warning Tuesday that the virus’s spread in America is inevitable....So far, the markets are siding with the CDC’s experts. U.S. stocks hit a 12-week low following the CDC warning, with losses on the S&P 500 totaling 7.6% over 4 days"

Whoever these CDC experts are, they need to be fired and purged from the department -- plus the fact that the media is hyping this up as some major issue is also a problem...for example, when asked about the Coronavirus, Trump said we are very close to a vaccine -- but the media made it seem as tho he was talking about the Coronavirus when everyone knew he was talking about the Ebola virus, which was completed last year...Trump said there are only about 10 cases of the virus here, then the media makes a big deal about how there are actually 5 times as many cases -- big deal, his point is that the virus is nothing to worry about.....

Now we have the markets taking an 1800 point slide and the S&P losing 3% for the first time since the 2008 collapse...To be fair, this was in large part due to Italy -- but also due to the fact that CDC keeps hyping this up instead of following the leadership of Trump..They are the Deep State and Trump needs to privatize the CDC immediately and let the free markets handle it...
Codswallop! Asked about the Coronavirus, but media made it seem like he was talking about the Coronavirus when he really meant the Ebola virus? Are you nutz?
Trump’s Plea for U.S. to Shrug Off Virus Fear Ignored by Markets

Back during the Ebola outbreak of 2014 -- Trump rightfully ripped Obama for how poorly he handled the outbreak and how he consistently lied to the public about how dangerous the outbreak was...Obama's handling of the Ebola virus was one of the worst government policy disasters since the Iraq War invasion -- we are still dealing with the after effects of it....Luckily, a couple of years ago; Trump fired the government’s entire pandemic response command team, including the White House management infrastructure -- totally owning Obama..because all of these people were Deep State operatives.

However, there are still senior officials at the CDC who are also part of the Deep State and who are working overtime to try to contradict Trump and make him look bad -- who is to say they wouldn't purposely try to start an outbreak here in order to harm his chances in the 2020 elections?

"President Donald Trump and his top advisers want global markets and the American public to believe that the coronavirus poses little risk to the U.S. But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is saying just the opposite -- warning Tuesday that the virus’s spread in America is inevitable....So far, the markets are siding with the CDC’s experts. U.S. stocks hit a 12-week low following the CDC warning, with losses on the S&P 500 totaling 7.6% over 4 days"

Whoever these CDC experts are, they need to be fired and purged from the department -- plus the fact that the media is hyping this up as some major issue is also a problem...for example, when asked about the Coronavirus, Trump said we are very close to a vaccine -- but the media made it seem as tho he was talking about the Coronavirus when everyone knew he was talking about the Ebola virus, which was completed last year...Trump said there are only about 10 cases of the virus here, then the media makes a big deal about how there are actually 5 times as many cases -- big deal, his point is that the virus is nothing to worry about.....

Now we have the markets taking an 1800 point slide and the S&P losing 3% for the first time since the 2008 collapse...To be fair, this was in large part due to Italy -- but also due to the fact that CDC keeps hyping this up instead of following the leadership of Trump..They are the Deep State and Trump needs to privatize the CDC immediately and let the free markets handle it...
Who do you trust?

Please feel free to get specific.
I believe that OP was satire, so who do you trust?

Please feel free to get specific.
I have little trust for anyone within the political spectrum: Politicians, pundits, politicos or partisans. Virtually anything they say requires corroboration.

I would ask you, but I don't care.
Trump’s Plea for U.S. to Shrug Off Virus Fear Ignored by Markets

Back during the Ebola outbreak of 2014 -- Trump rightfully ripped Obama for how poorly he handled the outbreak and how he consistently lied to the public about how dangerous the outbreak was...Obama's handling of the Ebola virus was one of the worst government policy disasters since the Iraq War invasion -- we are still dealing with the after effects of it....Luckily, a couple of years ago; Trump fired the government’s entire pandemic response command team, including the White House management infrastructure -- totally owning Obama..because all of these people were Deep State operatives.

However, there are still senior officials at the CDC who are also part of the Deep State and who are working overtime to try to contradict Trump and make him look bad -- who is to say they wouldn't purposely try to start an outbreak here in order to harm his chances in the 2020 elections?

"President Donald Trump and his top advisers want global markets and the American public to believe that the coronavirus poses little risk to the U.S. But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is saying just the opposite -- warning Tuesday that the virus’s spread in America is inevitable....So far, the markets are siding with the CDC’s experts. U.S. stocks hit a 12-week low following the CDC warning, with losses on the S&P 500 totaling 7.6% over 4 days"

Whoever these CDC experts are, they need to be fired and purged from the department -- plus the fact that the media is hyping this up as some major issue is also a problem...for example, when asked about the Coronavirus, Trump said we are very close to a vaccine -- but the media made it seem as tho he was talking about the Coronavirus when everyone knew he was talking about the Ebola virus, which was completed last year...Trump said there are only about 10 cases of the virus here, then the media makes a big deal about how there are actually 5 times as many cases -- big deal, his point is that the virus is nothing to worry about.....

Now we have the markets taking an 1800 point slide and the S&P losing 3% for the first time since the 2008 collapse...To be fair, this was in large part due to Italy -- but also due to the fact that CDC keeps hyping this up instead of following the leadership of Trump..They are the Deep State and Trump needs to privatize the CDC immediately and let the free markets handle it...
Who do you trust?

Please feel free to get specific.
I believe that OP was satire, so who do you trust?

Please feel free to get specific.
I have little trust for anyone within the political spectrum: Politicians, pundits, politicos or partisans. Virtually anything they say requires corroboration.

I would ask you, but I don't care.

Of corse you don't care, I'm one of the few people who actually checks the facts.
Oh Great! Guilt by association, by blood! What's next for you Trumpers..guilt by eye color? I've heard that blue-eyed is due to a recessive gene? I must presume none of your family members vote Democrat, which would make you 'suspect' of being a deep state never-Trumper,.

Another 'most in history' this admin and supporters can claim is "MOST CHILDISH"!
Oh Great! Guilt by association, by blood! What's next for you Trumpers..guilt by eye color? I've heard that blue-eyed is due to a recessive gene? I must presume none of your family members vote Democrat, which would make you 'suspect' of being a deep state never-Trumper,.

Another 'most in history' this admin and supporters can claim is "MOST CHILDISH"!
She is a Jew. She cannot be trusted.
Why does this one CDC asshole keep spouting off about pandemic and the media all agog and hanging on every word???
Far far far far more people in the USA are constantly infected with pneumonia
Why does this one CDC asshole keep spouting off about pandemic and the media all agog and hanging on every word???
Far far far far more people in the USA are constantly infected with pneumonia
Jsus told that loser to pick up his bed and fuck off.
Nothing wrong with him..
Policy should reflect that fact.
With Mike in command the Lord will protect the Godly.
Trump’s Plea for U.S. to Shrug Off Virus Fear Ignored by Markets

Back during the Ebola outbreak of 2014 -- Trump rightfully ripped Obama for how poorly he handled the outbreak and how he consistently lied to the public about how dangerous the outbreak was...Obama's handling of the Ebola virus was one of the worst government policy disasters since the Iraq War invasion -- we are still dealing with the after effects of it....Luckily, a couple of years ago; Trump fired the government’s entire pandemic response command team, including the White House management infrastructure -- totally owning Obama..because all of these people were Deep State operatives.

However, there are still senior officials at the CDC who are also part of the Deep State and who are working overtime to try to contradict Trump and make him look bad -- who is to say they wouldn't purposely try to start an outbreak here in order to harm his chances in the 2020 elections?

"President Donald Trump and his top advisers want global markets and the American public to believe that the coronavirus poses little risk to the U.S. But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is saying just the opposite -- warning Tuesday that the virus’s spread in America is inevitable....So far, the markets are siding with the CDC’s experts. U.S. stocks hit a 12-week low following the CDC warning, with losses on the S&P 500 totaling 7.6% over 4 days"

Whoever these CDC experts are, they need to be fired and purged from the department -- plus the fact that the media is hyping this up as some major issue is also a problem...for example, when asked about the Coronavirus, Trump said we are very close to a vaccine -- but the media made it seem as tho he was talking about the Coronavirus when everyone knew he was talking about the Ebola virus, which was completed last year...Trump said there are only about 10 cases of the virus here, then the media makes a big deal about how there are actually 5 times as many cases -- big deal, his point is that the virus is nothing to worry about.....

Now we have the markets taking an 1800 point slide and the S&P losing 3% for the first time since the 2008 collapse...To be fair, this was in large part due to Italy -- but also due to the fact that CDC keeps hyping this up instead of following the leadership of Trump..They are the Deep State and Trump needs to privatize the CDC immediately and let the free markets handle it...
Who do you trust?

Please feel free to get specific.

I try Biffy, but it seems only I get your humor
Why can't you leftists get his SARCASM????
Oh Great! Guilt by association, by blood! What's next for you Trumpers..guilt by eye color? I've heard that blue-eyed is due to a recessive gene? I must presume none of your family members vote Democrat, which would make you 'suspect' of being a deep state never-Trumper,.

Another 'most in history' this admin and supporters can claim is "MOST CHILDISH"!
She is a Jew. She cannot be trusted.
You're pretty predictable
Trump’s Plea for U.S. to Shrug Off Virus Fear Ignored by Markets

Back during the Ebola outbreak of 2014 -- Trump rightfully ripped Obama for how poorly he handled the outbreak and how he consistently lied to the public about how dangerous the outbreak was...Obama's handling of the Ebola virus was one of the worst government policy disasters since the Iraq War invasion -- we are still dealing with the after effects of it....Luckily, a couple of years ago; Trump fired the government’s entire pandemic response command team, including the White House management infrastructure -- totally owning Obama..because all of these people were Deep State operatives.

However, there are still senior officials at the CDC who are also part of the Deep State and who are working overtime to try to contradict Trump and make him look bad -- who is to say they wouldn't purposely try to start an outbreak here in order to harm his chances in the 2020 elections?

"President Donald Trump and his top advisers want global markets and the American public to believe that the coronavirus poses little risk to the U.S. But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is saying just the opposite -- warning Tuesday that the virus’s spread in America is inevitable....So far, the markets are siding with the CDC’s experts. U.S. stocks hit a 12-week low following the CDC warning, with losses on the S&P 500 totaling 7.6% over 4 days"

Whoever these CDC experts are, they need to be fired and purged from the department -- plus the fact that the media is hyping this up as some major issue is also a problem...for example, when asked about the Coronavirus, Trump said we are very close to a vaccine -- but the media made it seem as tho he was talking about the Coronavirus when everyone knew he was talking about the Ebola virus, which was completed last year...Trump said there are only about 10 cases of the virus here, then the media makes a big deal about how there are actually 5 times as many cases -- big deal, his point is that the virus is nothing to worry about.....

Now we have the markets taking an 1800 point slide and the S&P losing 3% for the first time since the 2008 collapse...To be fair, this was in large part due to Italy -- but also due to the fact that CDC keeps hyping this up instead of following the leadership of Trump..They are the Deep State and Trump needs to privatize the CDC immediately and let the free markets handle it...
On a scale of 1 to 10 how deranged are you

We should only believe what our President tells us.
Oh Great! Guilt by association, by blood! What's next for you Trumpers..guilt by eye color? I've heard that blue-eyed is due to a recessive gene? I must presume none of your family members vote Democrat, which would make you 'suspect' of being a deep state never-Trumper,.

Another 'most in history' this admin and supporters can claim is "MOST CHILDISH"!
She is a Jew. She cannot be trusted.
You're pretty predictable
Honesty does not waiver.
Oh Great! Guilt by association, by blood! What's next for you Trumpers..guilt by eye color? I've heard that blue-eyed is due to a recessive gene? I must presume none of your family members vote Democrat, which would make you 'suspect' of being a deep state never-Trumper,.

Another 'most in history' this admin and supporters can claim is "MOST CHILDISH"!
She is a Jew. She cannot be trusted.
You're pretty predictable
Honesty does not waiver.
Nor bigotry
Oh Great! Guilt by association, by blood! What's next for you Trumpers..guilt by eye color? I've heard that blue-eyed is due to a recessive gene? I must presume none of your family members vote Democrat, which would make you 'suspect' of being a deep state never-Trumper,.

Another 'most in history' this admin and supporters can claim is "MOST CHILDISH"!
She is a Jew. She cannot be trusted.
You're pretty predictable
Honesty does not waiver.
Nor bigotry
Potato...potato...tomato...tomato...blow me.

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