The border wall

Winky dinky ^ has trouble with analogies or anything that requires the ability to think clearly.

Doors with locks work, too.

But doors can still be forced open just as walls can be scaled.

Why do folks like you even have any locks on your doors? Shouldn’t anyone and everyone who wants to come in just be allowed to do so?
FAILURE ^^^^ Lacking Again I see.
The LACK of intelligence from you is astonishing.
You're such a Failed Poster.
You need backup......who you gonna call?
FAILURE ^^^^ Lacking Again I see.
The LACK of intelligence from you is astonishing.
You're such a Failed Poster.
You need backup......who you gonna call?
Ah. More winkybdinky static and no support and no evidence. Just his typical fare of claims without evidence.

It may be time to make sure you have a supply of Kotex ready, winky dinky. It appears to be your time of month.
Ah. More winkybdinky static and no support and no evidence. Just his typical fare of claims without evidence.

It may be time to make sure you have a supply of Kotex ready, winky dinky. It appears to be your time of month.

Actually, they do keep people out when built well and guarded. This is why there are walls around the residences of people like Kamalalala Harris. 👍
Sure. You run with that. Ask the Israeli people how well that worked out for them last Oct 7th.
Funny how you BLAME (D) for lack of funding under trump then also BLAME (D) for spending on Foreign Aid.

You RWI's spin and blame constantly.

That why trump can get away with saying "No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." djt
Hey stupid, do you even know you quoted two different people?

Grow a brain.
Your link is alt-right propaganda. You do the same thing you always do when you get called out.
Issue a standard denial and run away.
Everything this side of the MSDNC Madcow dude is alt-right to you.

Prove them wrong for once in your pathetic, troll life.


This Order doesn't mean what you think it means. There is NOTHING there which forces anyone to finish the wall. They just can't use the funds for the military schools and hospitals that Trump stole these funds from.
Actually, they do keep people out when built well and guarded.
In trying to make a point BackAgain unwittingly makes just the opposite point.
What a nitwit.
You just ecplained why a border wall can never work on our southern border. 2000 miles of remote, somewhat inaccessible wilderness terrain and no one to keep guard on it 24/7.
There are sections of the existing border barrier in New Mexico that haven't had a Border Patrol visit in over a year.

But do keep up the good work BackAgain.
I enjoy watching you fail.
In trying to make a point BackAgain unwittingly makes just the opposite point.
What a nitwit.
You just ecplained why a border wall can never work on our southern border. 2000 miles of remote, somewhat inaccessible wilderness terrain and no one to keep guard on it 24/7.
There are sections of the existing border barrier in New Mexico that haven't had a Border Patrol visit in over a year.

But do keep up the good work BackAgain.
I enjoy watching you fail.
Hey look, the moron is back.

Walls work, Simp. The numbers prove it.


The results speak for themselves: illegal drug, border crossings, and human smuggling activities have decreased in areas where barriers are deployed. For example:

San Diego Sector:

  • In one short 12 mile section in the San Diego Sector, the wall reduced CBP manpower requirements by 150 agents every 24 hours. That is approximately a $28 million return on investment per year in salaries and benefits. These agents were redeployed to fill resource gaps in other areas of the border -- further improving our security.
  • CBP’s San Diego Field Office continues to be a significant source of narcotics seizures. From FY 19 to FY 20, seizures of fentanyl, marijuana, and methamphetamine all increased, with meth seizures jumping at alarming rates in the past several years – demonstrating that the border wall is forcing drug smugglers to where we are best prepared to catch them – our ports of entry.
Yuma Sector:

  • Illegal entries in areas with new border wall system plummeted over 87% in FY 20 compared to FY 19.
  • In FY 19, CBP deployed a temporary barrier, which it has replaced with a permanent system, at the Sanchez Canal, which resulted in illegal entries decreasing in this area by more than 1,000 per month.
  • In FY 19, in areas of older existing border fencing or barriers, Yuma Sector apprehended 12 large groups (over a 100 persons) compared to zero large groups in FY 20 with new border wall system.
    • Family Unit entries have decreased over 95%
      • FY 19: 51,961 vs. FY 20: 2,940
RGV Sector:

  • In a section of RGV (Zone 1) apprehensions have decreased since the construction of the border wall system. This is a location that has never had any border infrastructure.
    • CBP has seen 79% decrease in apprehensions in this area (Zone 1) since the completion of border wall system.
    • CBP has seen a 26% decrease in narcotics seizures since the completion of border wall system in this area.
  • In another section of RGV, prior to construction of the border wall system it was common to see illegal aliens running across a heavily traveled road, putting themselves and members of the community at risk.
    • Smugglers are now forced to take their groups further west into areas that are less dense with brush and easier for CBP surveillance cameras to detect illicit activity.
El Paso Sector:

  • El Paso Sector has experienced a significant reduction in drug and smuggling activities in areas where the new border wall system was built.
    • Most notably, in Zones 14 and 15 of the Santa Teresa (STN) AOR where apprehensions have decreased by 60% and 81% respectively when comparing the last half of fiscal year FY 20 to the first half of FY 20.
  • El Paso Station has experienced similar results from the new border wall in Zones 20 – 23, with a reduction in apprehensions of 70% during the same timeframe.

Wall doesn't really matter when they're just gonna fly em in through the NGOs anyway.

Which is what they're doing now. And have been doing. That's how far ahead of the game they already are.

They've already trafficked millions through the southern border by foot.

So I think that leg of the operation has largely served their no good, dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, under-handed purpose.

American sovereignty is largely dead now.

And nobody's doing a darned thing about it.

Color commentating. Thats about it...
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Walls work.

In fact, the number of deportable illegal immigrants located by the US Border Patrol plummeted by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which the controversial new fence was built, according to Homeland Security data I reviewed. When the project first started in 2006, illegal crossings totaled 122,261, but by 2010, when the 131-mile fence was completed from one end of El Paso out into the New Mexico desert, immigrant crossings shrank to just 12,251.

They hit a low of 9,678 in 2012, before slowly ticking back up to a total of 25,193 last year. But they’re still well below pre-fence levels, and the Border Patrol credits the fortified barrier dividing El Paso from Mexico for the reduction in illegal flows.

And crime abated with the reduced human traffic from Juarez, considered one of the most dangerous places in the world due to drug-cartel violence, helping El Paso become one of the safest large cities in America.
Just ignore the Nostril boi here. He doesn't comprehend things the way most people do.
You can explain something simple to him like, a dozen times and he STILL won't understand you, so he'll misquote you.
He's an idiot.
Still waiting on your pics of the border wall built in the middle of the river, Chowderhead. :laugh2:
If Republican illegals were pouring across the border by the millions Democrats would be mowing them down with machine guns.

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