The Blind Can Experience the Eclipse with This Cool Sensory App and Braille Book


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A new multisensory app and tactile guide help blind and visually impaired communities experience the total solar eclipse on Aug. 21.

The Eclipse Soundscapes Project uses sound to create a multisensory eclipse experience. The app includes audio descriptions of the eclipse in real time, as well as recordings of environmental sounds that tend to change during an eclipse. Users can also visualize the eclipse through touch, using the app's interactive "rumble map."

"For individuals who cannot see, hearing is an ideal way to experience the eclipse, since soundscapes change dramatically as the moon passes between the Earth and sun," Eclipse Soundscapes representatives wrote on the project's website. "Due to the change in light, nocturnal animals stir into action, while diurnal animals settle. As the sun's light re-emerges, it often triggers a 'false dawn chorus.'" [Total Solar Eclipse 2017: When, Where and How to See It (Safely)]
The Blind Can Experience the Eclipse with This Cool Sensory App and Braille Book

That is so cool.

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