The Birfer State Law Tracking Thread

If you supported Arizona's bill, you hate the Constitution. Just admit it. I bet you wish the Confederacy had won, doncha?

citizenship is a mandate of the Constitution. We can't use word of mouth now the country is too big and Hawaii is to corrupt, the documewnt obama uses has too many holes and errors on it to accept it.
And there is the special-ed crux of your conspiracy. The state of Hawai'i is all in on it. A Republican governor could have knocked Obama out of the race, but didn't because...?

Your posts have too many holes and errors for me to accept them.

As of 2007 yes they are.
If my post have to many holes come bucko lets discuss them
So let's review.

* Arizona - Two bills died in committee but passed through the Senate as a strike-everything bill. Voted and passed by both chambers but was vetoed by the governor.
* Arkansas - Died in committee
* Connecticut - Died in committee
* Georgia - Died in committee.
* Hawaii - Died in committee. Not really a birfer bill. Clever Hawaii legislators were trying to profit from the birfer nonsense by charging people $100 for birth certificate requests.
* Indiana - Died in committee.
* Iowa - Died in committee. Can be carried over into next year. Doesn't appear to really be a birfer bill.
* Louisiana - Bill to be introduced in the upcoming session.
* Maine - Not really a birfer bill.
* Missouri - Still alive but effectively no longer a birfer bill. The governor is a Democrat.
* Montana - Died in committee.
* Nebraska - Died in committee.
* New Hampshire - Died in committee.
* Oklahoma - A bill passed in the Senate but no longer a birfer bill.
* Tennessee - House bill died in committee.
* Texas - Still alive.

I've read that Bobby Jindal said he'd sign a birfer bill. I wonder if the Louisiana governor is a natural born citizen. Weren't his parents not citizens when he was born? By birfer standards, doesn't that mean he can't be President?
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citizenship is a mandate of the Constitution. We can't use word of mouth now the country is too big and Hawaii is to corrupt, the documewnt obama uses has too many holes and errors on it to accept it.
And there is the special-ed crux of your conspiracy. The state of Hawai'i is all in on it. A Republican governor could have knocked Obama out of the race, but didn't because...?

Your posts have too many holes and errors for me to accept them.

As of 2007 yes they are.
If my post have to many holes come bucko lets discuss them

Are you kidding? You are one of the most obtuse, dense, barely-literate, functionally-retarded posters here. I'm not sure you can tie your shoes. Do you even wear shoes? Are they velcro? There is no point in "discussing" with you. I learned that long ago.
And there is the special-ed crux of your conspiracy. The state of Hawai'i is all in on it. A Republican governor could have knocked Obama out of the race, but didn't because...?

Your posts have too many holes and errors for me to accept them.

As of 2007 yes they are.
If my post have to many holes come bucko lets discuss them

Are you kidding? You are one of the most obtuse, dense, barely-literate, functionally-retarded posters here. I'm not sure you can tie your shoes. Do you even wear shoes? Are they velcro? There is no point in "discussing" with you. I learned that long ago.

Do your best I'm waiting.
As of 2007 yes they are.
If my post have to many holes come bucko lets discuss them

Are you kidding? You are one of the most obtuse, dense, barely-literate, functionally-retarded posters here. I'm not sure you can tie your shoes. Do you even wear shoes? Are they velcro? There is no point in "discussing" with you. I learned that long ago.

Do your best I'm waiting.

Waiting for what, the south to rise again?
Hawaii is lying to you. Do you know anyone or have a family membner who was born in Hawaii? I do
:lol: IMO, you're either a liar or easily lied real difference. If long forms were so common they'd be everywhere and not just posted as second hand evidence on sites like WorldNutDaily.

I have a grand son who was born in the year 2008 at Tripler Army Medical Center the long form I showed is the long form Hawaii uses. They lied to you.

No, I think YOU'RE lying. Do you mean to tell us that after months on end of trying to prove your point you're just now informing us that you have a copy of your grandson's long form? Then why haven't you performed your copy/paste magic and shown it to us?

Look, nobody is denying in the first place that "long forms" exist. It's just that as a matter of privacy, the State of Hawaii does not dole out copies to anyone who is not an immediate member of the family.

And you people are just too stupid to realize that since you're the ones causing such a rift among the Republicans/conservatives/whatevers, that is POLITICALLY advantageous to President Obama, and therefore you will NOT be seeing a copy of his long form birth certificate. It would be tantamount to showing his Ace in the Hole!!
You should read your article:

Republican Gov. Linda Lingle signed into law Wednesday a bill allowing state government agencies not to respond to follow-up requests for information if they determine that the subsequent request is duplicative or substantially similar to a previous request.


It's not a NEW law. They are simply saying, "Ignore the dumb asses who won't stop bothering us". Consider carefully whether you "identify".

When yo ignore something aren't you closing off access to it?

The point is that access is already closed. The bill simply allows officials to ignore repetitive requests for information, at least according to the article you posted.

So, no, they aren't closing off access, they are keeping the agencies from having to respond to repeated requests after they have been denied.

The Supreme Court has gotten a little tired of it too.
Has anyone seen the original newsprint copy of the birth notices? If not they do not exist.
Federal Rules of Evidence

The rule is the familiar one requiring production of the original of a document to prove its contents, expanded to include writings, recordings, and photographs, as defined in Rule 1001(1) and (2), supra.

And would also apply to the document obama uses as a birth certificate.

Federal Rules of Evidence - Notes to Rule 1002

Yes, there are copies of the TWO newspapers where the birth announcement was placed, but of course Berg et al. immediately said they "could have been cut and pasted." So there ya go. As I've said, even if Obama produced the original live birth certificate with completed medical information thereon, and signed by the OBGYN, you assholes would say it's a forgery. Even if said OBGYN testified before the USSC, if it ever came to that, there would be those who would say he committed perjury.

It would be so nice, if ya'll would just admit that the reason you want to see his birth certificate is so that he could be disqualified BECAUSE HE IS BLACK.
Has anyone seen the original newsprint copy of the birth notices? If not they do not exist.
Federal Rules of Evidence

The rule is the familiar one requiring production of the original of a document to prove its contents, expanded to include writings, recordings, and photographs, as defined in Rule 1001(1) and (2), supra.

And would also apply to the document obama uses as a birth certificate.

Federal Rules of Evidence - Notes to Rule 1002

Yes, there are copies of the TWO newspapers where the birth announcement was placed, but of course Berg et al. immediately said they "could have been cut and pasted." So there ya go. As I've said, even if Obama produced the original life birth certificate with completed medical information thereon, and signed by the OBGYN, you assholes would say it's a forgery. Even if said OBGYN testified before the USSC, if it ever came to that, there would be those who would say he committed perjury.

It would be so nice, if ya'll would just admit that the reason you want to see his birth certificate is BECAUSE HE IS BLACK. and you want to see him disqualified for any reason you can conjure up in your pathetic little minds.
Has anyone seen the original newsprint copy of the birth notices? If not they do not exist.
Federal Rules of Evidence

The rule is the familiar one requiring production of the original of a document to prove its contents, expanded to include writings, recordings, and photographs, as defined in Rule 1001(1) and (2), supra.

And would also apply to the document obama uses as a birth certificate.

Federal Rules of Evidence - Notes to Rule 1002

Yes, there are copies of the TWO newspapers where the birth announcement was placed, but of course Berg et al. immediately said they "could have been cut and pasted." So there ya go. As I've said, even if Obama produced the original life birth certificate with completed medical information thereon, and signed by the OBGYN, you assholes would say it's a forgery. Even if said OBGYN testified before the USSC, if it ever came to that, there would be those who would say he committed perjury.

It would be so nice, if ya'll would just admit that the reason you want to see his birth certificate is BECAUSE HE IS BLACK. and you want to see him disqualified for any reason you can conjure up in your pathetic little minds.

Yes, there are copies of the TWO newspapers where the birth announcement was placed

I said originals with the newspapers? And one more time if you missed it. The state would not have issued any birth notice since it gave the address of residency it would have violated the right to privacy.

It would be so nice, if ya'll would just admit that the reason you want to see his birth certificate is BECAUSE HE IS BLACK. and you want to see him disqualified for any reason you can conjure up in your pathetic little minds

It seem's those desputing any argument against the document of birth are the ones using race as their defense are you a racist?
Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules.

The rule is the familiar one requiring production of the original of a document to prove its contents, expanded to include writings, recordings, and photographs, as defined in Rule 1001(1) and (2), supra.

Application of the rule requires a resolution of the question whether contents are sought to be proved. Thus an event may be proved by nondocumentary evidence, even though a written record of it was made. If, however, the event is sought to be proved by the written record, the rule applies. For example, payment may be proved without producing the written receipt which was given. Earnings may be proved without producing books of account in which they are entered. McCormick § 198; 4 Wigmore § 1245. Nor does the rule apply to testimony that books or records have been examined and found not to contain any reference to a designated matter.
Federal Rules of Evidence - Notes to Rule 1002
(a) General provision.

The requirement of authentication or identification as a condition precedent to admissibility is satisfied by evidence sufficient to support a finding that the matter in question is what its proponent claims.

Federal Rules of Evidence (LII 2010 ed.)

I fail to see your point in posting any of that^. It isn't as though this thing was being debated in open court. It isn't, it hasn't, and it won't. The USSC has already deemed that Phillip Berg's myriad "exhibits" attempting to "authenticate" his case were not provable.
Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules.

The rule is the familiar one requiring production of the original of a document to prove its contents, expanded to include writings, recordings, and photographs, as defined in Rule 1001(1) and (2), supra.

Application of the rule requires a resolution of the question whether contents are sought to be proved. Thus an event may be proved by nondocumentary evidence, even though a written record of it was made. If, however, the event is sought to be proved by the written record, the rule applies. For example, payment may be proved without producing the written receipt which was given. Earnings may be proved without producing books of account in which they are entered. McCormick § 198; 4 Wigmore § 1245. Nor does the rule apply to testimony that books or records have been examined and found not to contain any reference to a designated matter.
Federal Rules of Evidence - Notes to Rule 1002
(a) General provision.

The requirement of authentication or identification as a condition precedent to admissibility is satisfied by evidence sufficient to support a finding that the matter in question is what its proponent claims.

Federal Rules of Evidence (LII 2010 ed.)

I fail to see your point in posting any of that^. It isn't as though this thing was being debated in open court. It isn't, it hasn't, and it won't. The USSC has already deemed that Phillip Berg's myriad "exhibits" attempting to "authenticate" his case were not provable.

It was about the birth notices if there isn't an original then they are not valid documents. As I said anyone can mcreate a newspaper article for any year they want to.
You are being unreasonable. Asking for the original newspaper is not a reasonable request. It demonstrates your mindset. You won't believe no matter what. The SoS of AZ says he thinks the birfer bill is unconstitutional in a video and you respond that you don't think he really means it. You, like most birfers, have closed your mind so there is no reason to release it because you have demonstrated that you are not willing to believe anything that contradicts your narrative.

For one thing an "original" newspaper, one that would satisfy these kooks, wouldn't even exist. Once the first COPY came off the press and gone through a quick perusal to make sure everything was placed where it should be, there would have been thousands run off after that. And the only people I know who would have saved newspapers just for the heck of it going all the way back 48 years would be hoarders. Maybe BigRebel's next journey should be to join one of those teams that go in and clean up piles of garbage from people's homes and he'll find one there with years of rat shit all over it.

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