The big victory republicans had in the last election says nothing about the validity of the party

Typical far left drone thread. Post a bunk of known bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!

It is like talking to a two year old, but what do you expect from a far left drone..
"Far left drone derp, derp, derp!"

Do you ever have anything else besides that bullshit to offer this forum?

Well, if it's in the politics forum you have to keep to the subject. If all you want to do is insult folks it should be moved to the rubber room
I offered you objective facts and you refuse to present your own. Who is the troll exactly?

lmao! :bsflag::crybaby::cuckoo::itsok:
Typical USMB reaction.

Yes it that is an example of the typical far left response after be challenged on their bunk posts..
What it meant is that American stupidity has not changed. Americans in general know very little about how our government is run. They barely know how it all works. Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers.

So long as they repeat flowery phrases about freedom, the constitution, and good ole warm American apple pie, they get elected. In truth, in terms of policy they have nothing to offer this nation. Let's summarize what they exactly offer:

1) They cut taxes for the wealthy which has been proven over and over to be a poor economic stimulator. Rich white guys only care about their own interests - not the country, you doofs. Oh, and revenue as a percentage of GDP is already near the historic low.

2) Seeking to repeal ALL of ObamaCare and having millions go without health insurance. If they were actual adults, they would compromise with Obama over the law - not rid it all together. Afterall, Romney and the Heritage foundation were all for the core parts of the law before Obama came along. Remember that assclowns? Oh and let's not forget that republicans have NO PLAN of their own to replace ObamaCare and fix our broken healthcare system.

3) BENGHAZI and... (insert next fake scandal to whine about).

4) Deregulation: which again has proven to be a poor economic stimulator of actual jobs. If you actually looked at the BLS, you will see that regulations do very little to hinder job growth.

5) The party of NO! Gay marriage, raising the minimum wage, background checks on gun control, etc are all FORBIDDEN despite the fact polls show most Americans support those issues.

Yes, you see Americans are stupid.
Aren't you thee same asshole that said the GOP was dead after obie got elected? Electing him was prime stupidity yet only when you get rejected you think people are dumb.
When the people vote my party in, they are infinitely wise. When the bad guys win narrowly win, the people are mislead, when they deliver an asskicking like they delivered last november they are stupid, racist, uninformed.

if you live in a democracy, quite often the people vote for the bad guys. That is the breaks. I live in Oregon. My neighbors, whole lots of them, vote for the bad guys. I have to agree that large numbers of them are pretty smart too.

You live in a democracy, you take the lumps when you loose, the victories when you get them. And you make sure your arguments are sharp for the next election
Surrender? What the fuck are you talking about?

ROFLMAS Go away little puppy.
Whatever. Why do right wingers always make claims, but run and hide when anyone questions those claims? You should at least be able to say why you believe the things you post. Too much to hope for I guess.

When you start flaming it means your out of ideas, as far as I'm concerned the discussion ended there. Now go away little puppy.

Says the far left drone that will not question their own..
What are you talking about? The discussion was about whether you can be communist and socialist at the same time. What do you want me to question?

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