The Big Lie

In related news a story broke today that a multi-billion dollar wind energy company has been funneling 10's of thousands of dollars to a Dem senator for favorable support of their projects in congress, shocker.

The fossil fuel industry has been funneling money to Republicans for a long time. That doesn't seem to bother you.
You are as usual describing yourself.
I find it interesting that Dems never want to discuss/debate Trump's policies.
I find it interesting that Trump never wants to discuss/debate Trump’s policies. All you get from him is meaningless vague blabber.
It would take many links since your post is an amalgamation of right wing media lies.
For example, you claimed the FBI paid Twitter to censor.
That’s a lie.
I believe Elon Musk, not the FBI or their MSM hacks.
There is absolutely no evidence of that. That is a convenient excuse for you right wing hacks. Bobulinsky was not a whistleblower and he had no proof. No pone paid twitter to do anything and they did not censor anything. It was Russian disinformation.
Musk is a lying weasel.
The FBI covered up the crimes documented in Hunter's laptop, including real whistleblower Bobulinsky.

Musk uncovered files, emails, and texts that prove the FBI was censoring Biden's crimes. Musk bought Twitter to protect "Free Speech", you're welcome.
I believe Elon Musk, not the FBI or their MSM hacks.
Well you shouldn’t because Elon Musk lied. He lies often.

From your own article:
Which is to say that the money Twitter collected had nothing to do with censoring anyone. The money was simply given as reimbursement for the processing of legal requests, similar to how a journalist might have to pay a fee for a government agency processing a Freedom of Information Act request. As Alex Stamos, the former chief security officer at Facebook and partner at the cyber consulting firm Krebs Stamos Group, wrote Tuesday, “This is absolutely nothing to do with content moderation.”
The FBI covered up the crimes documented in Hunter's laptop, including real whistleblower Bobulinsky.
Bobulinsky isn’t a “whistleblower” (you guys need to stop misusing that word) and he didn’t allege any crimes.
Bobulinsky isn’t a “whistleblower” (you guys need to stop misusing that word) and he didn’t allege any crimes.
The FBI questioned former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski about a May 2017 email that discussed how to cut in Joseph R. Biden on a multimillion-dollar deal with a Communist Party-connected Chinese billionaire, Mr. Bobulinski tells The Washington Times.
Well you shouldn’t because Elon Musk lied. He lies often.

From your own article:
Which is to say that the money Twitter collected had nothing to do with censoring anyone. The money was simply given as reimbursement for the processing of legal requests, similar to how a journalist might have to pay a fee for a government agency processing a Freedom of Information Act request. As Alex Stamos, the former chief security officer at Facebook and partner at the cyber consulting firm Krebs Stamos Group, wrote Tuesday, “This is absolutely nothing to do with content moderation.”
We'll see after people get subpoenaed.
The FBI questioned former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski about a May 2017 email that discussed how to cut in Joseph R. Biden on a multimillion-dollar deal with a Communist Party-connected Chinese billionaire, Mr. Bobulinski tells The Washington Times.
Where’s the lie? Tell me the crime Bobulinski alleged.
We'll see after people get subpoenaed.
We already have seen. You just say this in order to ignore the proof of your lie. There won’t be any subpoena. There won’t be any recognition of your lie.

You’ll just move on to the next lie like this never even happened.

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