The Best Writer At USMB

Who in your opinion is the best writer on USMB?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Who do you think is the best wordsmith at USMB?

It doesn't matter what your criteria is...the most gifted at using 4 letter words....the most to the point...or the one who sounds like he/she took too much acid in the 70s.

Who do you think is the most gifted writer here?
Who do you think is the best wordsmith at USMB?

It doesn't matter what your criteria is...the most gifted at using 4 letter words....the most to the point...or the one who sounds like he/she took too much acid in the 70s.

Who do you think is the most gifted writer here?

I didn't take enough acid in the 70's. Maybe that's my problem?
Who do you think is the best wordsmith at USMB?

It doesn't matter what your criteria is...the most gifted at using 4 letter words....the most to the point...or the one who sounds like he/she took too much acid in the 70s.

Who do you think is the most gifted writer here?

I didn't take enough acid in the 70's. Maybe that's my problem?

I don't think acid can help me.
There are a lot of good writers here but the one who comes to mind is Frogen. He's like our very own bawdy drunken philosopher poet. Love his posts.
There are a lot of good writers here but the one who comes to mind is Frogen. He's like our very own bawdy drunken philosopher poet. Love his posts.

Yup and he is definitely on a roll this morning. Almost pissed my pants I've been laughing so hard!
Thank you for the nomination mud. I am gifted in snarkasm. But I rarely write in complete sentences. Victim of secretarial school dictation training. No acid for me, but I lose IQ points every day I spend in a classroom with teenagers. Lol

I vote for bones. She's got that stream of consciousness thing going that would put JD Salinger to shame. Throw in a touch of ee cummings and she is a unique and brilliant writer. (Could someone make her a pretend mod already?)
Who in your opinion is the best writer on USMB?
I appreciate the umm... opportunity you have given me as an American to ahh... answer that very important question that umm... takes on more urgency every day. This is where we get into the ahh... partisan divide in this country -- let me be clear. The huge amount of ummmm... bad information that's been put out there by right wing talk radio and cable news has uhhh.... muddied the waters quite a bit. Let's be clear -- questions are always welcome, uhh... it's great to live in a country where speech isn't inhibited. But these nay-sayers are troubling. They are keeping a umm... dialogue of noise going in this country, in the narrative, in the uhh... debate, that makes it doubly difficult to continue to ahhhhm... keep the facts out front. I am glad you asked your question, it does show the uhh.. partisan divide we have in this country. But just let me be clear here.... If we could uhh... keep the narrative focused where it's supposed to be, questions such as yours would ahh.... never come up.

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