The Best News In A Long Time!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This nation was founded based on checks and balances, with each branch having unique and specific powers and obligations.

Certain corrupt individuals have assumed the presidency, and ignored these constitutional restrictions.....

...and now....finally.....

1. "Congressmen Want to Bring Obama to Court for Not Faithfully Executing Laws

2. ...a Republican, is sponsoring a resolution in the House of Representatives that would, if adopted, direct the legislative body "to bring a civil action for declaratory or injunctive relief to challenge certain policies and actions taken by the executive branch."

3 ....Obama has adopted a practice of picking and choosing which laws he wants to enforce.

4. Our Founding Fathers created the Executive Branch to implement and enforce the laws written by Congress and vested this power in the President. However, President Obama has chosen to ignore some of the laws written by Congress ...

5. ....bring legal action against the Executive Branch and challenge recent actions, inactions, and policies."

6. .... "for ignoring Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution." Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution states,

He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States.

7. .... Obama and his administration have abused executive power and failed to execute the laws of the United States faithfully.

8. ....the complaints are:

a. President Obama recently announced an “administrative fix” in regard to cancelled healthcare plans due to Obamacare. Of course he plans to provide a “fix” which will substantially alter his signature legislation without involving Congress.

b. Over the summer, President Obama’s Administration announced a one-year delay in Obamacare’s employer mandate without involving Congress.

c. Last year, President Obama’s Administration granted temporary status to illegal immigrants who entered the United States as children without involving Congress.

d. In June 2012, President Obama’s Administrative provided a waiver initiative for the welfare work requirement under TANF without involving Congress.

9. So far, 29 members of Congress are co-sponsoring Rice's Resolution."
Congressmen Want to Bring Obama to Court for Not Faithfully Executing Laws | The Weekly Standard

It's about time the United States had a two party system instead of Democrats and the 'Go-Along-To-Get-Along' Party.
Perhaps I should have included in the introduction to the article summarized in the OP the more than interesting fact that checks and balances is the political result of the Founders adherence to Judeo-Christian values.
Can author a bill making the Flying Spaghetti Monster the nation deity. Doesn't mean it'll ever see the light of day let alone become a law. Until they put lil' Bush against a wall, I'm not overly concerned about President Obama getting into trouble.

That said, I'd love to see a bill holding all political candidates liable for campaign promises. Seems they all make grandiose promises they're not then held responsible for if they win. That should be changed. Make a campaign promise and don't fulfill it in some reasonable amount of time, you get booted out of office.
Can author a bill making the Flying Spaghetti Monster the nation deity. Doesn't mean it'll ever see the light of day let alone become a law. Until they put lil' Bush against a wall, I'm not overly concerned about President Obama getting into trouble.

That said, I'd love to see a bill holding all political candidates liable for campaign promises. Seems they all make grandiose promises they're not then held responsible for if they win. That should be changed. Make a campaign promise and don't fulfill it in some reasonable amount of time, you get booted out of office.

"That said, I'd love to see a bill holding all political candidates liable for campaign promises."

A step in the right direction!

And how about adding this: elected officials who sign contracts for unions that ultimately break the bank should be responsible for the indebtedness.....
...they should be required to have personal liability insurance in case the contracts they OK don't work out.

And parole boards who release convicts who repeat criminal behavior should be held as accomplishes!!

Can we add those two codicils to your post?
Mmm, if I understood right no. Post hoc ergo propter hoc isn't always true. Though I would support making an elected politician legally forbidden from entering into any and all legal contracts while in office. Seems a conflict of interest waiting to happen.

"Politicians make poor politicians." Me.
Perhaps I should have included in the introduction to the article summarized in the OP the more than interesting fact that checks and balances is the political result of the Founders adherence to Judeo-Christian values.

How so? The money did not have "Under God" until the civil war.
The FF's did not try to establish a federal christian mandate, nor does any of the Constitution have reference to one.
Was Thomas Jefferson following Judean/ Christian values with his slave concubine?

There is no proof that he has of those stories that Leftists subscribe to so that they can hate America, but claim it's all about slavery.

"Jefferson's Blood, PBS Frontline, 2000, accessed March 10, 2012. Quote: "Now, the new scientific evidence has been correlated with the existing documentary record, and a consensus of historians and other experts who have examined the issue agree that the question has largely been answered: Thomas Jefferson fathered at least one of Sally Hemings's children, and quite probably all six."

Read carefully.
general agreement.

"But those tests didn’t even involve DNA from Thomas Jefferson and only established that Eston was probably fathered by any one of more than two dozen Jefferson men living in Virginia at the time, “The Jefferson-Hemings Controversy” asserts. In fact, the scholars point to Jefferson’s brother, Randolph, as the likely father of Hemings’ son."
Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: one of history's myths? -

More undermining of America and its founders.
Perhaps I should have included in the introduction to the article summarized in the OP the more than interesting fact that checks and balances is the political result of the Founders adherence to Judeo-Christian values.

How so? The money did not have "Under God" until the civil war.
The FF's did not try to establish a federal christian mandate, nor does any of the Constitution have reference to one.

I'm thinking of constructing an OP explaining how this nation was founded based on Judeo-Christian values......

....coax me.
Perhaps I should have included in the introduction to the article summarized in the OP the more than interesting fact that checks and balances is the political result of the Founders adherence to Judeo-Christian values.

How so? The money did not have "Under God" until the civil war.
The FF's did not try to establish a federal christian mandate, nor does any of the Constitution have reference to one.

I'm thinking of constructing an OP explaining how this nation was founded based on Judeo-Christian values......

....coax me.

I only do coaxial cable.

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