"The attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum" UN Secretary-General

To say nothing of the fact that Hamas has no armor, F-16s, artillery, or thousands of ground troops, which of course Israel has. Todd The Dummy is demanding Hamas agree to be slaughtered.
Humanitarian slaughter of subhumans, please.

Only an antisemitic monster would suggest that Israel's monstrous conduct is monstrous, or that the Palestinians are human.

They're not Christian, mostly not White enough, and they refuse to totally submit to being murdered, dehumanized and having all of their remaining land stolen.

They need to stop resisting!!!! :mad:
Sux when your Jewish victims start shooting back, doesn't it? Don't want this? Don't start wars like you did on October 7th.
Ancient Moron liked it when Jews were slaughtered and couldn’t do anything about it.
On Gaza, Lula says,

"This is the problem: it's not a war, it's a genocide that has already killed nearly 2000 children who have nothing do with this. I don't know how any human being is capable of waging a war knowing that the result will be more deaths of innocent children."

Palestinian journalist films the moment an Israeli strike murders him and a fellow doctor trying to save lives - live
-New war crime

This is WAR.

People die in wars.

If the medic was anywhere to the north of Wadi Gaza then that's on him.

If you don't want to take such casualties, then don't start $hit, like you did on October 7th.

People die in wars.

So long as they're on YOUR side... or HELPING your side... I don't worry much about it... :cool:

Eat $hit and die, Achmed...

Death to Hamas...

Go Team Israel !!!
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Just 4 examples attached showing how Palestinians are legally discriminated against in Israel:

Soldier Confessions:
"To create the feeling of being persecuted"
IOF soldiers' mission for 70 years
"No Israeli soldier serves in the occupied territory and remains innocent after that"
New York Times headlines: "Political terrorist groups keep Palestine in turmoil."

The terrorist groups the article referred to are Jewish. The date is July 28, 1946.
The founding fathers of the Zionist states used terrorism to help create Israel; were on the Brits' wanted list.

Israel killed 2,500 Palestinian children, saying they would have grown up to be terrorists anyway. However, he was offended when the UN Secretary General doubted this. But it’s good that there are countries such as the USA, EU and Ukraine that agree with this statement.
Israeli Snipers spend their time :

"Let's shoot some civilians"

2016 video:

If Hamas chooses to pick their city as battlefield, all responsibility for what happens is theirs. International law does not require a state to expose its citizens to terrorist attacks.
Where else have they got??
No thanks to Israel.
Ex-soldier in an Israeli sniper unit speaks about firing unarmed civilians:

The testifier soldier explains the detachment between what he did and saw in the Territories and what his family knew at home.

The soldier describes the common procedure of "confirmation of killing".

Purity of Arms

Soldiers were reprimanded about destroying TVs in a building set for demolition, but never questioned why the building was being demolished.


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