The art of the hate-crime hoax


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Just like the left to fake anything to get their way or to ridiculel someone...
CAIR’s California Classic
The art of the hate-crime hoax.
February 6, 2017
Lloyd Billingsley

Sometime during the night of February 1, the Sacramento Bee reported, “someone spray painted anti-Muslim graffiti on the walls of the Tarbiya Institute” in nearby Roseville, and “police are investigating the vandalism as a hate crime.” In a statement, the Institute said “we at Tarbiya believe that this incident is a microcosm of a sinister spirit that has been perpetuating our country, and sponsored by people in power. This spirit emboldens some who are full of hate to actually take action.”

The story also noted another recent “hate crime” at the Islamic Center in Davis, where “windowpanes were smashed, bicycle tires were sliced and strips of uncooked bacon were placed on an exterior door handle of the center.” Last December, this mosque received a threatening letter “identical to one sent to numerous mosques around the country.” The note was from a group calling itself Americans for a Better Way, addressed to “the children of Satan,” and referenced Donald Trump by saying “there’s a new sheriff in town,” therefore Muslims’ “day of reckoning has arrived.”

Chief respondent for the incidents was Basim Elkarra executive director of the Sacramento Valley Council on American-Islamic Relations, the local CAIR affiliate. He cited those “targeted by bigotry” and in radio interviews linked both incidents to Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric. On Elkarra himself the news reports came up short.

In April of 2000, as a member of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at UC Berkeley, Elkarra moderated an event featuring Hamas operative Mohammad Salah, labeled a terrorist by President Clinton. Elkarra became a member of the California Democratic Party’s executive board and in 2006 Senator Barbara Boxer gave the CAIR boss a certificate of appreciation for his “efforts to protect civil liberties and to build bridges among diverse communities in California.”

Boxer quickly revoked the award, explaining that her California office had not vetted CAIR sufficiently. In 2007 Basim Elkarra refused to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups. He has also suggested that “Islamophobes” be prosecuted like Holocaust deniers. Elkarra has his defenders but in 2015 he failed to gain a seat on a local school board, his first run for public office. None of this emerged in recent reports, which also failed to provide background on the Tarbiya Institute, site of the alleged “hate crime” on February 1.

The Tarbiya Institute “is an Islamic organization that focuses its efforts on restoring the authentic image of Islam, and the empowerment of the Muslim individual through perpetual personal progress.” It was founded by businessman Sherif Abdul-Azeez and his brother Dr. Mohamed Abdul-Azeez, born in Egypt and for 10 years the leader of the Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims, which co-hosted events with CAIR. In 2009 the FBI gave its Community Leadership Award to Abdul-Azeez, for “preventing violence, creating understanding,” and “ bringing people together.”

Tarbiya’s director of youth development is Ustadh Kamran Islam, who “spent many years as an Advisor for CAIR’s Muslim Youth Leadership Program (MYLP).” Tarbiya’s director of Islamic and Quranic studies is Ustadh Ayman Mohamed, who memorized the Quran by the age of nine and continued “his studies of the Islamic sciences with prominent Islamic scholars,” none of whom is named. Of all the Tarbiya leaders, Dr.Mohamed Abdul-Azeez boasts the highest profile.

In 2013 he promoted a musical concert at Sacramento’s Crest Theater, an event that “challenges the belief among some orthodox Muslims that music can lead to sinful behavior.” Abdul-Azeez, who earned a degree in political science and history at Ohio State and a master’s from the University of Chicago, sought to expose young people to “beautiful, inspiring music that promotes love of religion and country.” That same year Steve Magagnini of the Sacramento Bee sought out Abdul-Azeez after the Muslim Tsarnaev brothers bombed the Boston Marathon.


As this plays out, meanwhile, Patriots Day is still playing to packed houses in local theatres. Back in 2013 Basim Elkarra went on record that “what happened in Boston and Watertown ” was “not a reflection of ethnic identity, religion, or national affiliation.”

CAIR’s California Classic
June 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The oppressors are oppressed.

To justify their ceaseless oppression, their safe spaces, their witch hunts, their threats, their greed, their demands for more free stuff, more power and privilege, they need to constantly invent new claims of victimhood. Like a Rorschach test, the victimhood is everywhere. You unpack your knapsack and throw out some litter. And there's more oppression.

if you don't see it, that's a sign of your white privilege. It's proof of your entitlement. Don't you understand that POC on campus "literally" can't breathe from all the oppressing? Don't you see how litter without trigger warnings traumatize them? Don't you understand how tired they are of the unpaid emotional labor of educating you about how many privileges they need to survive?

Here. See and be shamed.


This is what the modern campus is for. It's there to entertain the delusions of victimhood by Malik and his friends.

Plastic Wrap Reported as Hate Crime

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