The Antifa will riot upon your body

What else besides a Glock has that 2-stage trigger? I may get a revolver and keep hammer on empty cylinder. I like that about the Glock. Pfft.

I'm thinking cowboy gun right about now. Hammer on empty chamber. Safety.

All modern revolvers have a bar to prevent accidental discharge should it be hit or dropped. No need for the empty cylinder.


Pardon me while I want the empty cylinder because...
Funny listening to these small dick gun nuts.
Bang bang shoot em up.
Go play pretend

Yeah, you're a faggot.
My wife is laughing at your dumb old ass..
Did she permit you to laugh or tell you when to do so?
I never realized how many insane people there are on this forum.
I confess. I am one inane mfer. In fact, I am the inanist mfer ever to inane the rain on the plain in spain.
In other words there is the testimony of 12 women against a pathological liar. Yet you believed him. Lmao
Then you go off the rails talking about communism. Oh my!
William Jefferson Clinton

Look, I don't give a rat's ass about any of that. Gorsuch is on the SCOTUS and likely 2 more will be replaced with Gorsuch clones. If Trump kicks puppies, leaves the toilet seat up, and drives 45 in the fast lane, and nothing else, mission accomplished.

We have guns. The communist revolution will be put down in 3 minutes. It's time for the commies to give up. It's over.
Communist revolution. That's crazy man talk.
You have guns? The military and police have bigger ones you dumbfuck.
I'll let you know something about America.

Crackers out there are much more proficient and capable with guns than the "establishment" okay?
A lot good that will do when the tanks roll over your fat asses.

Tell that to these guys ...


AKs vs B-52s and they still won. Talk about wrestling above your weight.

I had a friend tell me he knew they were going to lose the war in Vietnam when a helicopter came back with arrows sticking out of the belly of the bird. The Vietcong literally shot arrows, bow and arrows, at a helicopter. That isn't something that you are going to overcome with a little more technology.

In The Godfather II, Michael Coreleone tells the other mob people that he watched a man kill himself to take one of the soldiers with him. That's motivation, that's dedication, and that can't be stopped.

When France Fell, Britain had a few squadrons of Spitfires, most of the soldiers had a rifle, and they were dragging artillery pieces out of museums to prepare to defend the Island Nation. They were preparing the motto, you can always take one with you to inspire the people to fight to the death against the Germans.

Denied food, they were hungry. Denied support, they were isolated. But until a people give up, they are not defeated.

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