The Answer to Privatization? Revolution!


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What happens when the Arab Spring morphs into an Israeli Summer?
Let's ask Dafni...

"It started in mid-July, when Dafni Leef, a Tel Aviv filmmaker, was met with a hike in her rent that she couldn't afford to pay. Instead of moving to a new apartment, she moved to a tent on Rothschild Boulevard, the city's sleekest thoroughfare, and set up a Facebook event calling for her compatriots to join her.

"And they did: first, scattered hundreds - then, on Saturday, July 30, over 300,000 people in Tel Aviv alone, with tents mushrooming across the country, in self-conscious defiance of state-peddled neoliberalism...

"Polls suggest that 87 percent of Israelis support the protests.

"Among them are 98 percent of Kadima voters and 95 percent of Labor voters, the bastions of the middle class and the upper-middle class.

"But 85 percent of Bibi Netanyahu's Likud, which tends to draw support from poorer Mizrahi sectors, also supports the protests, indicating the breadth - if not the depth - of popular support for those out in the streets."

Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation | Truthout

While Israeli elites maintain these protests are "social" and not "political", this could well be an early foreshadowing of later ruptures within Zionism. If those in the tents choose economic justice over occupation and loyalty to the state, Israel will become the only Democracy in the Middle East.
The US is imploding and you're fixated on Israel, you psycho? America is doomed
It's the same implosion from Cairo to Madison to Rothschild Boulevard.
The dominant economic system on the planet is doomed..
Ready for Jubilee?

Israel is doing just fine, thanks for your worry. The US, not so much

You need a life or a shrink or both
Yeah...Israel has nothing to worry about.

"Complaints started in response to rapid increases in the price of cottage cheese, moved on to the housing crisis and have spread to the general crisis: a country peppered with billionaires but without a functioning public transportation system, a country that produces high-tech drones which it markets to militaries worldwide, but in which one-third of the workforce earns the minimum wage, a country whose name still connotes 'socialism' in some corners and which is the second-most-unequal industrialized democracy on the planet.

"At the protests, demands, complaints, cat-calls and concerns have centered on messages such as:

"Danger, construction - for the rich"
"Bibi, wake up - women are more valuable." (This rhymes in Hebrew.)
"The people want public housing."
"Welfare state now."
"The people are calling for social justice."
"The answer to privatization? Revolution!"

Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation | Truthout

Ready for that big swim?
Yeah...Israel has nothing to worry about.[/]

Israel has more companies listed on NASDAQ than any other country outside of the US and receives 3x more venture capital per person than the US, 30x more than Europe and 300x more than China.

Worry about America, not Israel, psycho.
Capitalism that can't provide jobs to all Americans who need one and continue cranking out billionaire$.

Time to tax the rich into extinction?

And the jobs they provide along with them!

Oh, wait, Our Kenyan President is already doing that last part.
Not to mention all the credit default swaps and shorts on the US dollar.
Any jobs provided by the US parasites require learning Mandarin and taking a very long swim.
What happens when the Arab Spring morphs into an Israeli Summer?
Leaving that moronic question to the morons, we should jump to the part of real interest, which is:
Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation | Truthout
There we have it - a international leftie neo-colonial project, aimed at imposing their own vision, and behavioral patterns, of course, on another state.
Capitalism that can't provide jobs to all Americans who need one and continue cranking out billionaire$.

Time to tax the rich into extinction?

And the jobs they provide along with them!

Oh, wait, Our Kenyan President is already doing that last part.
Not to mention all the credit default swaps and shorts on the US dollar.
Any jobs provided by the US parasites require learning Mandarin and taking a very long swim.

Move to Cuba if you are unable to succeed in America, loser.
What happens when the Arab Spring morphs into an Israeli Summer?
Leaving that moronic question to the morons, we should jump to the part of real interest, which is:
Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation | Truthout
There we have it - a international leftie neo-colonial project, aimed at imposing their own vision, and behavioral patterns, of course, on another state.
Certainly none of us could accuse the Jewish state of "imposing their own vision and behavioral patterns...on another state" (Lebanon in the 80s, West Bank and Gaza since '67). The current protests in Israel are social as opposed to political at this time, but issues of inequality often turn political.

"The average apartment is unaffordable for 90 percent of the population, what academic and housing researcher Danny Ben Shahar calls a 'social time-bomb,' in part the result of housing inflation as a jet-setting Jewish transnational elite flits into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem for the summer, stays at their 'ghost apartment,' then returns to Paris and Los Angeles.

"Inflation is not restricted to the housing market.

"As Histadrut Labor Federation Chairman Ofer Eini said, 'If once I was able to go to the supermarket and make a NIS 700 purchase, today I pay double. And that is not linked to the CPI. If the CPI rises 3 percent, the supermarket prices rise 30 percent.

"The one benefiting from these rising prices is the government.'"

Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation | Truthout
What happens when the Arab Spring morphs into an Israeli Summer?
Leaving that moronic question to the morons, we should jump to the part of real interest, which is:
Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation | Truthout
There we have it - a international leftie neo-colonial project, aimed at imposing their own vision, and behavioral patterns, of course, on another state.
Certainly none of us could accuse the Jewish state of "imposing their own vision and behavioral patterns...on another state" (Lebanon in the 80s, West Bank and Gaza since '67). The current protests in Israel are social as opposed to political at this time, but issues of inequality often turn political.

"The average apartment is unaffordable for 90 percent of the population, what academic and housing researcher Danny Ben Shahar calls a 'social time-bomb,' in part the result of housing inflation as a jet-setting Jewish transnational elite flits into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem for the summer, stays at their 'ghost apartment,' then returns to Paris and Los Angeles.

"Inflation is not restricted to the housing market.

"As Histadrut Labor Federation Chairman Ofer Eini said, 'If once I was able to go to the supermarket and make a NIS 700 purchase, today I pay double. And that is not linked to the CPI. If the CPI rises 3 percent, the supermarket prices rise 30 percent.

"The one benefiting from these rising prices is the government.'"

Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation | Truthout

The US is imploding, but, George the Loser fixates on Israel. America is doomed :lol:
And the jobs they provide along with them!

Oh, wait, Our Kenyan President is already doing that last part.
Not to mention all the credit default swaps and shorts on the US dollar.
Any jobs provided by the US parasites require learning Mandarin and taking a very long swim.

Move to Cuba if you are unable to succeed in America, loser.
Speaking of very long swims and losers.

How's the backstroke coming?

"As ever, the state is not looking out for the interests of the dispossessed. It is looking out for the interests of the possessed, and looking out for them with great care and skill: ten large business groups now control 30 percent of the market value of public companies, while 16 control half of the money in the whole country."

How's the vulture capital biz in Poland looking?

Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation | Truthout
Not to mention all the credit default swaps and shorts on the US dollar.
Any jobs provided by the US parasites require learning Mandarin and taking a very long swim.

Move to Cuba if you are unable to succeed in America, loser.
Speaking of very long swims and losers.

How's the backstroke coming?

"As ever, the state is not looking out for the interests of the dispossessed. It is looking out for the interests of the possessed, and looking out for them with great care and skill: ten large business groups now control 30 percent of the market value of public companies, while 16 control half of the money in the whole country.[/]"

You didn't take your anti-psychotic medication like the nice nurse asked you to do, Georgie. :cuckoo:
How's your hierarchy of suffering?

"Meanwhile, for the Palestinians under a decades-long occupation, the intricacies of internal Israeli social discontent and the nuances of Israeli social mobilization have understandably elicited sneers and jeers.

"The cost of bread to a Jewish family in Ashkelon is a real problem, but in the hierarchy of suffering, it cannot rank next to the experience of the oppression of a family in a Gaza City refugee camp who used to live in Ashkelon when it was called Majdal, who were 'cleansed' from there in 1948 and who lost their bakery to destruction in the 2008-2009 attack, which most of the Israelis now complaining about high bread prices openly supported."

Talk about psychotic.

Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation | Truthout

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