The American Archipelago


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Warnings abound, but the most clear and specific might have come from a Russian novelist/historian who died on this day.


Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn[a]Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Wikipedia (11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008)[6][7] was a Russian novelist, philosopher, historian, short story writer and political prisoner. Solzhenitsyn was an outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and Communism and helped to raise global awareness of the Soviet Gulag forced-labor camp system.

2. While Orwell wrote this: “Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them," Solzhenitsyn put it in terms that he might hve meant for the current Leftist intellectuals who fuel the Democrat Party.
Solzhenitsyn writes about the intelligentsia in a way that echoes the social justice insanity at present.

"The most devastating critique of the Russian intelligentsia was mounted by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in a 1974 essay called Educationdom (Obrazovanshchina). Solzhenitsyn traced the sources of the Bolshevik revolution and its cataclysmic aftermath to the vices of the old intelligentsia, which included “a sectarian, artificial distancing from the national life,” unsuitability for practical work, an obsession with egalitarian social justice that “paralyzes the love of and interest in truth,” and a “trance-like, inadequate sense of reality.” Intelligentsia Elegy

Worse still for Solzhenitsyn was the intelligentsia’s fervent rejection of Christianity, replaced by faith in scientific progress and a mankind-worshiping idolatry. This atheism was all-embracing and uncritical in its belief that science is competent to dispose of all religious questions, finally and comprehensively. In Solzhenitsyn’s view, the intelligentsia had yielded to the temptation of Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor—may the truth rot, if people are the happier for it."
Intelligentsia Elegy

3. He's speaking of the Soviet Bolsheviks.....but it fits the Democrats like a glove.
It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals! obsession with egalitarian social justice paralyzes the love of and interest in truth hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other; and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse fervent rejection of Christianity."

4. “A social-justice agenda, therefore, is a political commitment, and politics is not disinterested. Indeed, it is often tribal. Such tribalism caricatures political opponents and whitewashes political leaders, ignoring facts along the way…”
The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution

5. "While many Westerners recall Nazi-run death camps like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, few remember Soviet death camps named Kolyma and Magadan. True, Alexander Solzhenitsyn mentioned them in "The Gulag Archipelago" as did Varlam Sjalamov in "Tales from Kolyma," but as the late Swedish journalist Andres Kung wrote, "There are people who have still not heard of these communist extermination camps -- even though the communists preceded the Nazis in creating such camps and killed an even larger number of people in their camps."
Cal Thomas Archives - Monument to murder

"Bernie Campaign Staffer Advocates Gulags for People Who Disagree"
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That guy's in the wrong profession, he should write columns every day!

He is dead right about that other guy, too. His butt is soooooorrre! This is from 7/29/2020

Hey, that has a bunch of good articles! :aargh:
It has articles from both sides..I could recommend that to anyone!

Thanks PC, not what I was expecting this AM but I learned a couple things! :11_2_1043:
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Government school doesn't teach. In fact it has the very opposite mission. So we are witnessing a generation championing failed and deadly policies.
And Solzhenitsyn wasn't the only one to give that warning.

As our main political party today, actually stands for the very same things as the Communist Party did, it behooves voters to remember what the President of the nation that slaughtered millions upon millions of its own citizens in the name of communism.

Boris Yeltsin himself showed the error of this attempt:

In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:
“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.”

Yet, they're out there taking a knee for Marxism.
"....reminiscent of the old Soviet Union, where Joseph Stalin persecuted those who he thought had the “wrong” scientific views on everything from linguistics to physics....Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s book, “In the First Circle,” in which he outlined the Soviet government’s suppression of dissenting scientists and engineers."

California Attorney General Kamala Harris has joined New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in trying to prosecute ExxonMobil for supposedly lying to its shareholders and the public about climate change,....

....amounts censoring or restricting speech and debate on what is a contentious scientific theory. In fact, they want not just to stop anyone who questions the global warming theory from being able to speak; they want to punish them with possible civil sanctions or even criminal penalties. ....needs a remedial lesson in the First Amendment.

...we should investigate what Harris “knows” about global warming or climate change, which Harris (and Schneiderman) treats as if it is a proven, unassailable, incontrovertible fact. However, as the Heritage Foundation’s Nicolas Loris has pointed out, “flaws discovered in the scientific assessment of climate change have shown that the scientific consensus is not as settled as the public had been led to believe.”
California to Persecute Scientific Dissent on Climate Change
1. Warnings abound, but the most clear and specific might have come from a Russian novelist/historian who died on this day.

View attachment 370534
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn[a]Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Wikipedia (11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008)[6][7] was a Russian novelist, philosopher, historian, short story writer and political prisoner. Solzhenitsyn was an outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and Communism and helped to raise global awareness of the Soviet Gulag forced-labor camp system.

2. While Orwell wrote this: “Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them," Solzhenitsyn put it in terms that he might hve meant for the current Leftist intellectuals who fuel the Democrat Party.
Solzhenitsyn writes about the intelligentsia in a way that echoes the social justice insanity at present.

"The most devastating critique of the Russian intelligentsia was mounted by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in a 1974 essay called Educationdom (Obrazovanshchina). Solzhenitsyn traced the sources of the Bolshevik revolution and its cataclysmic aftermath to the vices of the old intelligentsia, which included “a sectarian, artificial distancing from the national life,” unsuitability for practical work, an obsession with egalitarian social justice that “paralyzes the love of and interest in truth,” and a “trance-like, inadequate sense of reality.” Intelligentsia Elegy

Worse still for Solzhenitsyn was the intelligentsia’s fervent rejection of Christianity, replaced by faith in scientific progress and a mankind-worshiping idolatry. This atheism was all-embracing and uncritical in its belief that science is competent to dispose of all religious questions, finally and comprehensively. In Solzhenitsyn’s view, the intelligentsia had yielded to the temptation of Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor—may the truth rot, if people are the happier for it."
Intelligentsia Elegy

3. He's speaking of the Soviet Bolsheviks.....but it fits the Democrats like a glove.
It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals! obsession with egalitarian social justice paralyzes the love of and interest in truth hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other; and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse fervent rejection of Christianity."

4. “A social-justice agenda, therefore, is a political commitment, and politics is not disinterested. Indeed, it is often tribal. Such tribalism caricatures political opponents and whitewashes political leaders, ignoring facts along the way…”
The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution

5. "While many Westerners recall Nazi-run death camps like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, few remember Soviet death camps named Kolyma and Magadan. True, Alexander Solzhenitsyn mentioned them in "The Gulag Archipelago" as did Varlam Sjalamov in "Tales from Kolyma," but as the late Swedish journalist Andres Kung wrote, "There are people who have still not heard of these communist extermination camps -- even though the communists preceded the Nazis in creating such camps and killed an even larger number of people in their camps."
Cal Thomas Archives - Monument to murder

"Bernie Campaign Staffer Advocates Gulags for People Who Disagree"

Great post, thank you. However, few will heed Solzhenitsyn's warnings even as history repeats right before their very eyes. Too many radical American leftists want the historical cycle to cycle; for empires to fall and civilizations to crumble—for our great Age to end and new one begin. Problem is those radical leftists have no idea what they'll do or be facing in the aftermath.
1. Warnings abound, but the most clear and specific might have come from a Russian novelist/historian who died on this day.

View attachment 370534
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn[a]Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Wikipedia (11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008)[6][7] was a Russian novelist, philosopher, historian, short story writer and political prisoner. Solzhenitsyn was an outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and Communism and helped to raise global awareness of the Soviet Gulag forced-labor camp system.

2. While Orwell wrote this: “Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them," Solzhenitsyn put it in terms that he might hve meant for the current Leftist intellectuals who fuel the Democrat Party.
Solzhenitsyn writes about the intelligentsia in a way that echoes the social justice insanity at present.

"The most devastating critique of the Russian intelligentsia was mounted by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in a 1974 essay called Educationdom (Obrazovanshchina). Solzhenitsyn traced the sources of the Bolshevik revolution and its cataclysmic aftermath to the vices of the old intelligentsia, which included “a sectarian, artificial distancing from the national life,” unsuitability for practical work, an obsession with egalitarian social justice that “paralyzes the love of and interest in truth,” and a “trance-like, inadequate sense of reality.” Intelligentsia Elegy

Worse still for Solzhenitsyn was the intelligentsia’s fervent rejection of Christianity, replaced by faith in scientific progress and a mankind-worshiping idolatry. This atheism was all-embracing and uncritical in its belief that science is competent to dispose of all religious questions, finally and comprehensively. In Solzhenitsyn’s view, the intelligentsia had yielded to the temptation of Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor—may the truth rot, if people are the happier for it."
Intelligentsia Elegy

3. He's speaking of the Soviet Bolsheviks.....but it fits the Democrats like a glove.
It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals! obsession with egalitarian social justice paralyzes the love of and interest in truth hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other; and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse fervent rejection of Christianity."

4. “A social-justice agenda, therefore, is a political commitment, and politics is not disinterested. Indeed, it is often tribal. Such tribalism caricatures political opponents and whitewashes political leaders, ignoring facts along the way…”
The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution

5. "While many Westerners recall Nazi-run death camps like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, few remember Soviet death camps named Kolyma and Magadan. True, Alexander Solzhenitsyn mentioned them in "The Gulag Archipelago" as did Varlam Sjalamov in "Tales from Kolyma," but as the late Swedish journalist Andres Kung wrote, "There are people who have still not heard of these communist extermination camps -- even though the communists preceded the Nazis in creating such camps and killed an even larger number of people in their camps."
Cal Thomas Archives - Monument to murder

"Bernie Campaign Staffer Advocates Gulags for People Who Disagree"

Great post, thank you. However, few will heed Solzhenitsyn's warnings even as history repeats right before their very eyes. Too many radical American leftists want the historical cycle to cycle; for empires to fall and civilizations to crumble—for our great Age to end and new one begin. Problem is those radical leftists have no idea what they'll do or be facing in the aftermath.

But they are winning.

The Dior jewelry ad on the latest Vanity captures the look of this generation.....angry, resentful, disrespectful

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn? Novelist? Historian? Yes, but, I do not think so at the time he was arrested. And to identify him simply as such, really does not illuminate who he was.

Aleksandr, A captain in the army arrested for being critical of Stalin in a private letter he wrote to a friend.

Aleksandr spent the next 11 years in a world he hardly knew existed before hand. The Gulags. Aleksandr is the voice of thousands, of millions, who labored and died in the Gulags. Aleksandr collected the stories of hundreds of people whom he spent time in the Gulags with and thus became their only voice, the only witness to the horror they lived at the hands of Communism.

Aleksandr is the witness and the voice, of the devastation of human life that Socialism is built upon. Aleksandr eye witness testimony should be studied in every school, in most grades, but sadly is not.

The Gulag Archipelago. Three volumes. The voice of millions who suffered and died at the hands of Socialism, of Marxism, of Communism.

Now, our Democrat party seems to have embraced and began implementing the very form of government so many millions died or suffered fighting against.

The Gulag Archipelago, the proper words to describe Aleksandr's master piece escape me. It is very much a tragic story, one of the saddest stories of the 20th century.
1. Warnings abound, but the most clear and specific might have come from a Russian novelist/historian who died on this day.

View attachment 370534
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn[a]Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Wikipedia (11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008)[6][7] was a Russian novelist, philosopher, historian, short story writer and political prisoner. Solzhenitsyn was an outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and Communism and helped to raise global awareness of the Soviet Gulag forced-labor camp system.

2. While Orwell wrote this: “Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them," Solzhenitsyn put it in terms that he might hve meant for the current Leftist intellectuals who fuel the Democrat Party.
Solzhenitsyn writes about the intelligentsia in a way that echoes the social justice insanity at present.

"The most devastating critique of the Russian intelligentsia was mounted by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in a 1974 essay called Educationdom (Obrazovanshchina). Solzhenitsyn traced the sources of the Bolshevik revolution and its cataclysmic aftermath to the vices of the old intelligentsia, which included “a sectarian, artificial distancing from the national life,” unsuitability for practical work, an obsession with egalitarian social justice that “paralyzes the love of and interest in truth,” and a “trance-like, inadequate sense of reality.” Intelligentsia Elegy

Worse still for Solzhenitsyn was the intelligentsia’s fervent rejection of Christianity, replaced by faith in scientific progress and a mankind-worshiping idolatry. This atheism was all-embracing and uncritical in its belief that science is competent to dispose of all religious questions, finally and comprehensively. In Solzhenitsyn’s view, the intelligentsia had yielded to the temptation of Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor—may the truth rot, if people are the happier for it."
Intelligentsia Elegy

3. He's speaking of the Soviet Bolsheviks.....but it fits the Democrats like a glove.
It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals! obsession with egalitarian social justice paralyzes the love of and interest in truth hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other; and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse fervent rejection of Christianity."

4. “A social-justice agenda, therefore, is a political commitment, and politics is not disinterested. Indeed, it is often tribal. Such tribalism caricatures political opponents and whitewashes political leaders, ignoring facts along the way…”
The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution

5. "While many Westerners recall Nazi-run death camps like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, few remember Soviet death camps named Kolyma and Magadan. True, Alexander Solzhenitsyn mentioned them in "The Gulag Archipelago" as did Varlam Sjalamov in "Tales from Kolyma," but as the late Swedish journalist Andres Kung wrote, "There are people who have still not heard of these communist extermination camps -- even though the communists preceded the Nazis in creating such camps and killed an even larger number of people in their camps."
Cal Thomas Archives - Monument to murder

"Bernie Campaign Staffer Advocates Gulags for People Who Disagree"
See if you can identify the sound

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn? Novelist? Historian? Yes, but, I do not think so at the time he was arrested. And to identify him simply as such, really does not illuminate who he was.

Aleksandr, A captain in the army arrested for being critical of Stalin in a private letter he wrote to a friend.

Aleksandr spent the next 11 years in a world he hardly knew existed before hand. The Gulags. Aleksandr is the voice of thousands, of millions, who labored and died in the Gulags. Aleksandr collected the stories of hundreds of people whom he spent time in the Gulags with and thus became their only voice, the only witness to the horror they lived at the hands of Communism.

Aleksandr is the witness and the voice, of the devastation of human life that Socialism is built upon. Aleksandr eye witness testimony should be studied in every school, in most grades, but sadly is not.

The Gulag Archipelago. Three volumes. The voice of millions who suffered and died at the hands of Socialism, of Marxism, of Communism.

Now, our Democrat party seems to have embraced and began implementing the very form of government so many millions died or suffered fighting against.

The Gulag Archipelago, the proper words to describe Aleksandr's master piece escape me. It is very much a tragic story, one of the saddest stories of the 20th century.

How does this obviate the OP?
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn? Novelist? Historian? Yes, but, I do not think so at the time he was arrested. And to identify him simply as such, really does not illuminate who he was.

Aleksandr, A captain in the army arrested for being critical of Stalin in a private letter he wrote to a friend.

Aleksandr spent the next 11 years in a world he hardly knew existed before hand. The Gulags. Aleksandr is the voice of thousands, of millions, who labored and died in the Gulags. Aleksandr collected the stories of hundreds of people whom he spent time in the Gulags with and thus became their only voice, the only witness to the horror they lived at the hands of Communism.

Aleksandr is the witness and the voice, of the devastation of human life that Socialism is built upon. Aleksandr eye witness testimony should be studied in every school, in most grades, but sadly is not.

The Gulag Archipelago. Three volumes. The voice of millions who suffered and died at the hands of Socialism, of Marxism, of Communism.

Now, our Democrat party seems to have embraced and began implementing the very form of government so many millions died or suffered fighting against.

The Gulag Archipelago, the proper words to describe Aleksandr's master piece escape me. It is very much a tragic story, one of the saddest stories of the 20th century.

How does this obviate the OP?
The OP is nonsense just like everything you babble
How does this obviate the OP?
What makes you think I meant to?

It was the tone of your post, starting here: Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn? Novelist? Historian? Yes, but, I do not think so at the time he was arrested. And to identify him simply as such, really does not illuminate who he was.
tone is hard to convey in text, but yeah, I can see how you would take a little offence, I debated if I should of started with a comment such as, I mean no offense?

But, Aleksandr, his work, it is beyond words. I do not know if you read it, but simply reading the first Chapter, called arrest, is beyond chilling.
1. Warnings abound, but the most clear and specific might have come from a Russian novelist/historian who died on this day.

View attachment 370534
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn[a]Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Wikipedia (11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008)[6][7] was a Russian novelist, philosopher, historian, short story writer and political prisoner. Solzhenitsyn was an outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and Communism and helped to raise global awareness of the Soviet Gulag forced-labor camp system.

2. While Orwell wrote this: “Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them," Solzhenitsyn put it in terms that he might hve meant for the current Leftist intellectuals who fuel the Democrat Party.
Solzhenitsyn writes about the intelligentsia in a way that echoes the social justice insanity at present.

"The most devastating critique of the Russian intelligentsia was mounted by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in a 1974 essay called Educationdom (Obrazovanshchina). Solzhenitsyn traced the sources of the Bolshevik revolution and its cataclysmic aftermath to the vices of the old intelligentsia, which included “a sectarian, artificial distancing from the national life,” unsuitability for practical work, an obsession with egalitarian social justice that “paralyzes the love of and interest in truth,” and a “trance-like, inadequate sense of reality.” Intelligentsia Elegy

Worse still for Solzhenitsyn was the intelligentsia’s fervent rejection of Christianity, replaced by faith in scientific progress and a mankind-worshiping idolatry. This atheism was all-embracing and uncritical in its belief that science is competent to dispose of all religious questions, finally and comprehensively. In Solzhenitsyn’s view, the intelligentsia had yielded to the temptation of Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor—may the truth rot, if people are the happier for it."
Intelligentsia Elegy

3. He's speaking of the Soviet Bolsheviks.....but it fits the Democrats like a glove.
It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals! obsession with egalitarian social justice paralyzes the love of and interest in truth hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other; and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse fervent rejection of Christianity."

4. “A social-justice agenda, therefore, is a political commitment, and politics is not disinterested. Indeed, it is often tribal. Such tribalism caricatures political opponents and whitewashes political leaders, ignoring facts along the way…”
The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution

5. "While many Westerners recall Nazi-run death camps like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, few remember Soviet death camps named Kolyma and Magadan. True, Alexander Solzhenitsyn mentioned them in "The Gulag Archipelago" as did Varlam Sjalamov in "Tales from Kolyma," but as the late Swedish journalist Andres Kung wrote, "There are people who have still not heard of these communist extermination camps -- even though the communists preceded the Nazis in creating such camps and killed an even larger number of people in their camps."
Cal Thomas Archives - Monument to murder

"Bernie Campaign Staffer Advocates Gulags for People Who Disagree"
Ironic isn't it that Trump gave Xi his blessing when Xi mentioned locking up the Uighurs:

On June 29 last year, President Trump met in Osaka, Japan, with President Xi Jinping of China. According to former national security adviser John Bolton, in a new memoir, Mr. Trump used the meeting to beg Mr. Xi to buy American farm products to help with his reelection. Mr. Xi also defended China’s camps in Xinjiang. “According to our interpreter,” Bolton writes, “Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do.”​

Of course Trump denied it but it took him until Bolton's book was leaked to do anything:

Within hours of leaks about Mr. Bolton’s book, Mr. Trump signed the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act, which includes possible sanctions against those involved in repression of the Uighur people.​

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