The Acorn Sting Revisited

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
The Public Editor - The Acorn Sting Revisited - Op-Ed -

With two associates, Michael McElroy and Rebecca Ruiz, I have reviewed the entire available public record, including the O’Keefe videos and what are represented on a conservative Web site as the full transcripts and audio of his visits to the Acorn offices. It is the same record from which FAIR and others are getting their alternative interpretation. I have talked with Andrew Breitbart, the conservative Web entrepreneur who arranged the release of the videos; Bertha Lewis, the chief executive of Acorn; and Scott Harshbarger, a former Massachusetts attorney general, and his associate, Amy Crafts, who were hired by Acorn last year to investigate what happened and to evaluate the group’s management.

Here is what I found: O’Keefe almost certainly did not go into the Acorn offices in the outlandish costume — fur coat, goggle-like sunglasses, walking stick and broad-brimmed hat — in which he appeared at the beginning and end of most of his videos. It is easy to see why The Times and other news organizations got a different impression. At one point, as the videos were being released, O’Keefe wore the get-up on Fox News, and a host said he was “dressed exactly in the same outfit he wore to these Acorn offices.” He did not argue.

interesting article and letters/comments that followed.

[url=]The Public Editor - The Acorn Sting Revisited - Op-Ed -[/URL]
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When conservatives had power under Reagan, Gingrich, Bush Sr and Junior, all was good with the world of politics. Out of power the wackos come out of the woodwork. Notice how O'Keefe's interest in getting dirt on others was getting dirt on an organization that helped the lower classes, and was identified with the current administration. Consider that O'Keefe and the other stooges didn't investigate whether there were WMDs in Iraq, whether there was corruption in corporate America, rather they had inappropriate conversations about prostitution with staffers who didn't have the good sense to smell a rat. The case clearly demonstrates when power is lost, scruples are lost too. How much more of the entire conservative republican witch hunt on the poor was correct may never be known.

"The rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious. The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly... it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over." Joseph Goebbels

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