The ACA is the 3rd. rail for the GOP

You listed millions to distract from the fact that YOU want free lunch.

Nope. No free lunch. He is paying for that healthcare monthly...and with his back problems would either be denied or priced out.

There are millions like me and him (parents and young adults)

And I'd feel the same way about this regardless.

There are millions of people who are born preexisting conditions.

Millions born with either heart problems, problems with other organs, born with spina biffitca or Down syndrome or autism or one of a very, very long list of conditions babies are born with.

None of them will ever be able to get insurance. They are all preexisting from birth.
Means testing could cover those. Concentrating capital on those issues should result in a better understanding and better solutions.

For the rest, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed could better ensures capital circulates in our market based economy.
Now its up to the Democrats to forge a replacement since they now have control of the House of Representatives

You ready for Medicare for all or a Medicare buy in?

Because that is the alternative

Yes single payer is the only alternative left.

The conservatives rejected a capitalism private insurance system that's properly regulated so that people can afford it and aren't thrown off their policy because they got sick. They just had a judge rule it unconstitutional because the republicans took the mandate out of the ACA. If they had not done that, it would have stayed in it's already wounded condition. Now, it's all gone. That one conservative judge ruled the whole law unconstitutional.

The only alternative the conservatives have left us with is single payer.

I'm a single payer supporter but because no republican in congress is going to vote for it, we will have to have all of congress with 60 seat in the senate and the White House to get it. I don't know if that's going to happen so people like you, your son one of my best friends and myself will not be able to have insurance. I will not be able to get a mammogram to even know if the cancer has returned. Even if I could get a mammogram, I can't afford the surgery, chemo and treatment. So I will die an unnecessary early death.

Conservatives I'm not just some faceless abstract what about or what if person. I'm real. I've been posting here for years. I will die. I had carcinoma. It grows fast and moves to other organs very fast. It goes to the brain and lungs from the breast. Which is why breast cancer is so deadly. It goes directly to vital organs to kill within months. The last person I knew who had carcinoma died in 6 months. I was lucky. It was found early before it could kill me. I was unlucky in that 2 hormones that my body naturally produces are 100% receptive to that carcinoma. Which it's not normal for 2 hormones to be receptive and even more un normal for both to be 100% receptive. What that means is those 2 hormones are the food for that carcinoma to live and grow. Which means that my own body chemistry is programed to be the food for carcinoma to live and grow. Which means it will return to kill me as it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies, it came back to kill them. I'm lucky, we now have a form of chemo that blocks those hormones. I was on it for 7 long years. I beat that cancer in 2016. However because of those hormones, I will always have the threat of it returning to kill me. I could live with that when I had insurance. Now, I'm terrified.

I know what it's like to live with the fear of cancer. I've been doing that since 2011. Now I have to live with the terror of it returning and not even be able to fight for my life.

No one should have to live with that terror. I will now until the day I die. Which will probably now be in the next 5 years or so.

Thanks conservatives. And you people don't understand why I will never vote for a conservative or republican ever again. It's literally a matter of my life and death.
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In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....

That one judge took insurance from over 20 million Americans with that ruling.

I will be one of them as of January 1 2020.

The employer provided insurance I've had since 1988, will end on that day. I got divorced. I am able to stay on that insurance for 3 years. It runs out that day.

I've paid into that private employer provided insurance since 1988. Literally tens of thousands of dollars over all those decades.

I didn't do anything but get divorced. That's all. But because of that I will lose the insurance I've had since 1988.

Because I had the audacity to fight for my life with everything I had and beat breast cancer I'm now preexisting condition.

With a swipe of a pen that judge made it illegal to have preexisting conditions clauses protections by federal and state level. So if any state writes any law to protect those with preexisting conditions, it will be struck down by the courts so no one can ever have protections for preexisting conditions again.

I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Not at any price because I had the audacity to fight and beat breast cancer. No insurance company will sell it to me. If something isn't done to provide insurance to people like me, I will never even be able to get a mammogram to find out if that cancer has returned to kill me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past. Even though they had full mastectomies, the cancer returned and killed them. That judge just sentenced me to an unnecessary early death.

Everyone will be preexisting condition at some point in their life. It won't be their own fault. They just got sick. Or they were like me just standing on the shoreline at the beach when monster 15 ft waves fell on me nearly killing me, putting me in a coma the doctors didn't think I would wake from. I did wake from it but was left with stenosis, sclerosis, degenerative disk disease in my spine with nerve damage in my hands and arms. I've been declared legally disabled by 2 judges and social security. I don't qualify for any disability support. I qualify medically but not financially. A person can't have more than 2 thousand dollars in money and assets to qualify for disability. I also don't qualify financially for medicaid. The same type financial qualifications apply and they go back 5 years so if you've had any assets above the cap in the last 5 years you can't get medicaid. No one knows when they're going to be in an accident that will make them disabled. They can be like me and a perfectly health 40 something year old and in the blink of an eye, I became disabled and preexisting condition. A car accident can make you preexisting condition. I had 3 surgeries because of that accident. One of those surgeries found the cancer. Imagine you're in a surgeon's office for a follow up to your surgery when he looks you in the eye and tells you that a very deadly form of cancer was found during that surgery. That happened to me. It can happen to anyone. Even one of you conservatives.

You conservatives need to seriously think about reality.

That judge also made it illegal to have capitalism private insurance coverage regulations. That judge basically outlawed any government regulated private insurance so now the insurance companies set the rules and we all know what that will do. Watch your premiums skyrocket for any reason the insurance company wants. Watch your coverage be cut at the same time.

That judge just made single payer the only option left for health care reform.

So all the people who are cheering this are going to be facing single payer health care reform soon since conservatives took a capitalism private insurance based health care out of most people's hands. When that happens employers will switch their employees over to that single payer plan because it will be cheaper.

Conservatives shouldn't be cheering this. It's going to cause millions of Americans to die needless early deaths but I know that doesn't bother conservatives. This will, now you're going to get single payer with your tax dollars paying for it.

You conservatives only have yourselves to blame.

Truly sorry to hear of your plight........My guess, however, is that with Trump's demise, so will these assaults on the ACA........For some strange reason, I believe that Chief Justice Roberts may turn out to be a hero in rebuking this errant district judge's political decision.
You listed millions to distract from the fact that YOU want free lunch.

Nope. No free lunch. He is paying for that healthcare monthly...and with his back problems would either be denied or priced out.

There are millions like me and him (parents and young adults)

And I'd feel the same way about this regardless.

There are millions of people who are born preexisting conditions.

Millions born with either heart problems, problems with other organs, born with spina biffitca or Down syndrome or autism or one of a very, very long list of conditions babies are born with.

None of them will ever be able to get insurance. They are all preexisting from birth.
Means testing could cover those. Concentrating capital on those issues should result in a better understanding and better solutions.

For the rest, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed could better ensures capital circulates in our market based economy.

I don't live on unemployment. Or any type of government assistance.

I don't qualify for any type of government assistance. I had to give up my career because I'm disabled but don't qualify for disability.

I was married for 30 years and it wasn't an issue. I had private employer provided insurance through my ex husband. I'm divorced now. I am able to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years after divorce. That coverage runs out on December 31st 2019. On January 1, 2020, I will have no insurance. If the conservatives get their way, I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Which will guarantee that I die an unnecessary early death. I will suffer during that time because I won't be able to get the proper medications, physical therapy or see my doctors for a spine injury and nerve damage that has made me disabled. Nerve damage that's not the kind that causes no feeling and use. The kind that causes horrible agony. My hands and arms are literally being burned from the inside out. Imagine the feel of burning red hot fire knives slicing through your hands and arms with no way to make it stop. That's what I will face without insurance. And that's just in my arms. I have the same type of nerve damage in my spine. From my skull all the way down to the bottom of my spine. With one small area that's not damaged.

I have the money to buy insurance. I pay $8800.00 dollars a year in premiums alone right now. Add in the deductible, residuals, medication costs and I pay at least 15 thousand dollars a year in health care right now. I expected it to at least double when I lose that insurance I've had since 1988. Now I expect it to skyrocket to the point I can't afford it, That is IF I can find a company to sell me a policy.

As with most people, it's not a matter that I don't want to buy insurance. I want to. It's a matter that no one will sell me a policy or if they do, it's so expensive I can't afford it.
If the goal could possibly be attained, I'm sure that many would.

But immolate their career for a vote that wouldn't accomplish the goal in question? That is technically speaking "stupid" and not "principled" at all.

No they wouldn’t. Few would be willing to trade their “career” for a single victory. Obviously it would have to be for a hill that would be able to hold up going forward, but even in that situation I don’t see most of these Republicans throwing away a “career” (something I already have a problem with) just to sto the ACA.

Unfortunately thst will eventually lead to the population having to wipe out the career politicians en masse to fix the system.
If the goal could possibly be attained, I'm sure that many would.

But immolate their career for a vote that wouldn't accomplish the goal in question? That is technically speaking "stupid" and not "principled" at all.

No they wouldn’t. Few would be willing to trade their “career” for a single victory. Obviously it would have to be for a hill that would be able to hold up going forward, but even in that situation I don’t see most of these Republicans throwing away a “career” (something I already have a problem with) just to sto the ACA.

Unfortunately thst will eventually lead to the population having to wipe out the career politicians en masse to fix the system.
I agree. This may well be the end of the GOP as we know it.
If you like your healthcare

Tough luck. The GOP is going to kill it
I don't live on unemployment. Or any type of government assistance.

I don't qualify for any type of government assistance. I had to give up my career because I'm disabled but don't qualify for disability.

I was married for 30 years and it wasn't an issue. I had private employer provided insurance through my ex husband. I'm divorced now. I am able to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years after divorce. That coverage runs out on December 31st 2019. On January 1, 2020, I will have no insurance. If the conservatives get their way, I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Which will guarantee that I die an unnecessary early death. I will suffer during that time because I won't be able to get the proper medications, physical therapy or see my doctors for a spine injury and nerve damage that has made me disabled. Nerve damage that's not the kind that causes no feeling and use. The kind that causes horrible agony. My hands and arms are literally being burned from the inside out. Imagine the feel of burning red hot fire knives slicing through your hands and arms with no way to make it stop. That's what I will face without insurance. And that's just in my arms. I have the same type of nerve damage in my spine. From my skull all the way down to the bottom of my spine. With one small area that's not damaged.

I have the money to buy insurance. I pay $8800.00 dollars a year in premiums alone right now. Add in the deductible, residuals, medication costs and I pay at least 15 thousand dollars a year in health care right now. I expected it to at least double when I lose that insurance I've had since 1988. Now I expect it to skyrocket to the point I can't afford it, That is IF I can find a company to sell me a policy.

As with most people, it's not a matter that I don't want to buy insurance. I want to. It's a matter that no one will sell me a policy or if they do, it's so expensive I can't afford it.
Yet you seem completely oblivious to the fact that it is The State, to whom you are looking for a solution, that is the biggest problem in the first place.

Everything form Medicare, Medicaid, state run monopolies and must-issue mandates, ad nausem, have all acted to cause massive distortions in the natural marketplace, all of which have driven up costs....And your "solution" is basically to call for more leeches and another blood letting.
Everything form Medicare, Medicaid, state run monopolies and must-issue mandates, ad nausem, have all acted to cause massive distortions in the natural marketplace, all of which have driven up costs....And your "solution" is basically to call for more leeches and another blood letting.

Moron......Check out how the REST of the civilized world does health care.....

....and DO NOT bullshit that we have the "best" care......Look at our mortality and morbidity rates and compare them to other advanced economies...

(AND, stop watching the fuckheads at FOX for your "education".....LOL).
What people don't that the ACA has not only made it possible for 20 million people to get healthcare that wouldn' also affects ALL healthcare insurance.

Alll qualify has to offer a whole lot of stuff that weren't previously covered. If ACA gets trashed...all insurance is going to change...and not for the better
Everything form Medicare, Medicaid, state run monopolies and must-issue mandates, ad nausem, have all acted to cause massive distortions in the natural marketplace, all of which have driven up costs....And your "solution" is basically to call for more leeches and another blood letting.

Moron......Check out how the REST of the civilized world does health care.....

....and DO NOT bullshit that we have the "best" care......Look at our mortality and morbidity rates and compare them to other advanced economies...

(AND, stop watching the fuckheads at FOX for your "education".....LOL).
Bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument, bird brain.
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”

Percy is too far up Trump orange ass to see the difference.....but for others...

Which is worse???

Obama: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

68 times Trump promised to repeal Obamacare
6 promises Trump has made about health care
Everything Donald Trump Promised to Do on Day One of

Soo...Trump Is now an excuse for Obama’s stupidity?

Good luck with that one.
WHat people don't that the ACA has not only made it possible for 20 million people to get healthcare that wouldn' also affects ALL healthcare insurance.
The law FORCED 20 million to buy insurance who wouldn't otherwise have, or would have bought cheaper catastrophic-only coverage...You've already been straightened you out on this...Why do you keep spreading this lie?
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....

Where’s Trumps better/cheaper plan that doesn’t have a mandate yet covers pre conditions? Oh and unicorns will shoot rainbows out their buts .
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....

You broke it, you bought it
Now explain to voters you don’t know what to do next
What people don't that the ACA has not only made it possible for 20 million people to get healthcare that wouldn' also affects ALL healthcare insurance.

Alll qualify has to offer a whole lot of stuff that weren't previously covered. If ACA gets trashed...all insurance is going to change...and not for the better

I undertboth of those things very well.

1. Those 20 million people don’t deserve healthcare if they can’t acquire it themselves (personally or through an employer).

2. All that extra stuff ended up increasing my premium by nearly 50%; and it’s all shit I don’t use.

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