The Absurd Attack on Alexander Acosta

It currently looks like Acosta ain't going nowhere!

So says the one who has a fake gif of a lie

Both of those are real. The one in my sigline is approximately seconds 7-8-9 of the video you just put up. The one above is John Cleese selling "ALBATROSS".

I'm talking about your signature and it's a lie she did shake his hand

Pictures don't "lie" unless they're photoshopped. This isn't. Once AGAIN it's a piece of the same video you posted.

And it ain't there for what she did. It's there for that stupid look on Rump's face.

While you were gone from this site here's the last one I ran for a while and will prolly be back... now this one is an actual tweak:


Here's another one I just found while looking that up:


Pretty cool huh?

You're lying here's the video of the hand shake
So says the one who has a fake gif of a lie

Both of those are real. The one in my sigline is approximately seconds 7-8-9 of the video you just put up. The one above is John Cleese selling "ALBATROSS".

I'm talking about your signature and it's a lie she did shake his hand

Pictures don't "lie" unless they're photoshopped. This isn't. Once AGAIN it's a piece of the same video you posted.

And it ain't there for what she did. It's there for that stupid look on Rump's face.

While you were gone from this site here's the last one I ran for a while and will prolly be back... now this one is an actual tweak:


Here's another one I just found while looking that up:


Pretty cool huh?

You're lying here's the video of the hand shake

So says the one who has a fake gif of a lie

Both of those are real. The one in my sigline is approximately seconds 7-8-9 of the video you just put up. The one above is John Cleese selling "ALBATROSS".

I'm talking about your signature and it's a lie she did shake his hand

Pictures don't "lie" unless they're photoshopped. This isn't. Once AGAIN it's a piece of the same video you posted.

And it ain't there for what she did. It's there for that stupid look on Rump's face.

While you were gone from this site here's the last one I ran for a while and will prolly be back... now this one is an actual tweak:


Here's another one I just found while looking that up:


Pretty cool huh?

You're lying here's the video of the hand shake


So you knowingly use a lie in your signature?
The Absurd Attack on Alexander Acosta
July 10, 2019 ~ John Klar
The leftist media machine has launched an effort to link Donald Trump with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. This tiresome methodology of character attack is a threat to the core of free speech, as victimhood — whether of border children, women, blacks, gays, transgenders, or inquiring people — is transformed into a self-righteous weapon unhindered by policy prescriptions, employed by one political group against another on purely ideological grounds.
This new progressivism elevates "justice" above laws and institutions (after all, the "system" is oppressive and racist). In its name, free speech is denied to Nazis or KKK members despite specific Supreme Court rulings safeguarding those people's rights. In its name, Americans who wear MAGA hats or the Trump insignia or display Confederate flags are open season for physical assault. (The second tenet of the satanic temple similarly declares: "The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.")
Alexander Acosta secured a conviction of a vile predator, despite the fierce attacks of defense attorneys like Hillary Clinton. For that, he is being politically victimized.

Apply critical thinking to anything the Progressive, Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat party and their biased media does deliberately and any argument falls entirely apart in very short order.
The question in my mind that the AG would have had to sign off on a deal like that in such a high profile case. That was Michael Mukasey and another Southern District of New York connection.
The most interesting FACT is that the Famous Mr. Robert Mueller was the US Atty. who recommended the plea deal to Acosta, because he was using Epstein in a Financial investigation he had going on. Also interesting is a key witness in the case died, and the case had a good chance Epstein would walk, so by giving him a plea deal at least he would get 3 years.
The guilty by innuendo and PC are the favorite attack method of the PMS/DSA Democrat left and their propaganda arm PRAVDA/MSM. They create the innuendo from thin air by simply creating new false narratives and spoon feeding to their greater fools who suck it up without question or any rational thought. Very Pavlovian indeed, like a herd of Wildebeests jumping of the cliff into the crocodiles below, only because the first guy did so.
Propaganda and identity politics are their tools and source of power and none of it needs to be true or factual because it is all simply created, like magic, by willing participants in the insane asylum we call journalism today.
Meanwhile another heavy donator to the Democrat Party:
Two Black Gay Men Are Dead, But Ed Buck Is Still Home
Two Black Gay Men Are Dead, But Ed Buck Is Still Home
Two Black Gay Men Are Dead, But Ed Buck Is Still Home While his home of West Hollywood is roiled by outrage and protests, the wealthy Democratic donor continues to sleep in his own bed.

An allegation of human trafficking has been added to a wrongful death lawsuit brought against Ed Buck, the prominent gay Democratic donor whose home has been the site of drug-related deaths of two Black men.
Any think person quickly realizes that linking Trump with Epstein, giving Trump's history, could turn out to be a no brainer. So, let's look at Trump, adulterer big time. Ran around with porn stars, allegations that he used "beards" in New York to date women while he was married. Admitted to and bragged about grabbing women's privates, groping them and just kiss, kiss.

So if allegations of his benefiting with women thanks to Epstein,

And you didn't even mention posing soft porn pics with his own 15-year old daughter, waltzing in on teenage girls in their dressing rooms unannounced, and watching a ten-year-old ascend the escalator drooling about how he'd be 'dating her in a few years".

Not to mention, shilling for Roy Moore...
all lying bullshit

All documented.
so is the bible
The Absurd Attack on Alexander Acosta
July 10, 2019 ~ John Klar
The leftist media machine has launched an effort to link Donald Trump with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. This tiresome methodology of character attack is a threat to the core of free speech, as victimhood — whether of border children, women, blacks, gays, transgenders, or inquiring people — is transformed into a self-righteous weapon unhindered by policy prescriptions, employed by one political group against another on purely ideological grounds.
This new progressivism elevates "justice" above laws and institutions (after all, the "system" is oppressive and racist). In its name, free speech is denied to Nazis or KKK members despite specific Supreme Court rulings safeguarding those people's rights. In its name, Americans who wear MAGA hats or the Trump insignia or display Confederate flags are open season for physical assault. (The second tenet of the satanic temple similarly declares: "The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.")
Alexander Acosta secured a conviction of a vile predator, despite the fierce attacks of defense attorneys like Hillary Clinton. For that, he is being politically victimized.

Apply critical thinking to anything the Progressive, Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat party and their biased media does deliberately and any argument falls entirely apart in very short order.
The question in my mind that the AG would have had to sign off on a deal like that in such a high profile case. That was Michael Mukasey and another Southern District of New York connection.
The most interesting FACT is that the Famous Mr. Robert Mueller was the US Atty. who recommended the plea deal to Acosta, because he was using Epstein in a Financial investigation he had going on. Also interesting is a key witness in the case died, and the case had a good chance Epstein would walk, so by giving him a plea deal at least he would get 3 years.
The guilty by innuendo and PC are the favorite attack method of the PMS/DSA Democrat left and their propaganda arm PRAVDA/MSM. They create the innuendo from thin air by simply creating new false narratives and spoon feeding to their greater fools who suck it up without question or any rational thought. Very Pavlovian indeed, like a herd of Wildebeests jumping of the cliff into the crocodiles below, only because the first guy did so.
Propaganda and identity politics are their tools and source of power and none of it needs to be true or factual because it is all simply created, like magic, by willing participants in the insane asylum we call journalism today.
Meanwhile another heavy donator to the Democrat Party:
Two Black Gay Men Are Dead, But Ed Buck Is Still Home
Two Black Gay Men Are Dead, But Ed Buck Is Still Home
Two Black Gay Men Are Dead, But Ed Buck Is Still Home While his home of West Hollywood is roiled by outrage and protests, the wealthy Democratic donor continues to sleep in his own bed.

An allegation of human trafficking has been added to a wrongful death lawsuit brought against Ed Buck, the prominent gay Democratic donor whose home has been the site of drug-related deaths of two Black men.
Any think person quickly realizes that linking Trump with Epstein, giving Trump's history, could turn out to be a no brainer. So, let's look at Trump, adulterer big time. Ran around with porn stars, allegations that he used "beards" in New York to date women while he was married. Admitted to and bragged about grabbing women's privates, groping them and just kiss, kiss.

So if allegations of his benefiting with women thanks to Epstein,

And you didn't even mention posing soft porn pics with his own 15-year old daughter, waltzing in on teenage girls in their dressing rooms unannounced, and watching a ten-year-old ascend the escalator drooling about how he'd be 'dating her in a few years".

Not to mention, shilling for Roy Moore...
all lying bullshit

All documented.
so is the bible

I said "documented", not "printed".
Any think person quickly realizes that linking Trump with Epstein, giving Trump's history, could turn out to be a no brainer. So, let's look at Trump, adulterer big time. Ran around with porn stars, allegations that he used "beards" in New York to date women while he was married. Admitted to and bragged about grabbing women's privates, groping them and just kiss, kiss.

So if allegations of his benefiting with women thanks to Epstein,

And you didn't even mention posing soft porn pics with his own 15-year old daughter, waltzing in on teenage girls in their dressing rooms unannounced, and watching a ten-year-old ascend the escalator drooling about how he'd be 'dating her in a few years".

Not to mention, shilling for Roy Moore...
all lying bullshit

All documented.
so is the bible

I said "documented", not "printed".
no difference--both bullshit

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