That 'Reliable Democrat Voter'....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....has been well trained to vote Democrat, no matter what's on the agenda....
They've proven that they will vote against free speech, against American sovereignty, and for awarding nuclear weapons to 7th century barbarians.

1.Truth be told, huge numbers of registered Democrats are far more sane than that 'reliable' sort, as one can see here:

"[Obama's] presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."

"Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

2. Laura Hollis summarizes what they will be asked to support this time around:

The "question is not whether Democratic voters will turn out, but what it is they are being asked to vote for. What does the Democratic Party stand for these days?

3. ...Democratic wunderkind is 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a self-proclaimed “democratic socialist” (emphasis on “socialist”) who has stretched the truthabout her background, is explicitly anti-capitalism, and who has displayed remarkable ignorance about unemployment and about Israel despite degrees from Boston University in economics and international relations.

4. ...the left’s comic darling, Michelle Wolf, who recently celebrated the Fourth of July with a vile video “Salute to Abortion.” Bye, bye "safe, legal and rare," hello "baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and D&C." Her shtick plays right into the Democrats’ slobbering love affair with abortion....

5. Democrats -- once a reliable bastion of support for First Amendment rights -- have largely abandoned them....use their political power to silence speech they don’t like....

6. You don't approve of gay marriage? Too bad. Democrats would -- if they controlled the Supreme Court -- force you to bake that wedding cake or arrange those flowers.

7. ...the Second Amendment, which they now call to be repealed.

8. The left’s callous disregard for the ability to defend one’s self brings up Democratic positions on crime, homelessness and immigration. San Francisco is a bastion of leftist governance; the news is filled with headlines about its exploding homeless population, and corresponding problemswith trash, used drug needles, and human urine and feces and all over the streets.

a. Baltimore -- described by The Washington Postas a “Democratic stronghold” -- has endured “years of record-breaking homicide rates” rivaling those of Chicago -- another city run for decades by Democrats.

9. ...the party’s platform is to “Abolish ICE” and embrace de facto open borders.

10. Nearly 70 percent of Americans identify as Christian (another 7 percent expressly identify with another faith), but Democrats notoriously booed God (at least, reference to Him in their party platform) not once, but three times, at their 2012 national convention."
Hollis: What Are Democrats Running On?

What sort of American would sign on to support this agenda????
Last edited:
11. “…Democrats’ political hypocrisy is off the charts. The party stopped caring about personal character in its national candidates decades ago — Bill Clinton is the most salient example — but pretend to be outraged because Donald Trump has a potty mouth.

12. Their latest Kabuki outrage is calling Trump a “traitor” for his statements at a press conference following a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on July 16. But they never blinked when Obama sent $1.7 billion in cold hard cash to Iran — one of the largest sponsors of terror on the planet.”
Hollis: What Are Democrats Running On?

13. “Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders are all reportedly gearing up for a 2020 presidential run. Warren claims she’ll “clean up the mess” Trump will have left behind. What mess is she referring to?

Record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics?
Massive job creation?
Reduced taxes for taxpayers (but record receipts for government)?
Defeat of ISIS in the Middle East?

14. Democratic politicians count on the party loyalty of third- and fourth-generation Democratic voters. But those voters — and others — are figuring out that the party left them a long time ago. The party, for its part, doesn’t seem to get this.

Voters expressed their discontent with Democrats in the 2010, 2014 and 2016 elections. In response, Democrats are doubling down on their worst impulses, and the Pravda press is dutifully reporting that they’re really gonna clean up in November.

No wonder the #WalkAway movement is gaining such steam.”
Hollis: What Are Democrats Running On?
13. “Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders are all reportedly gearing up for a 2020 presidential run. Warren claims she’ll “clean up the mess” Trump will have left behind. What mess is she referring to?

Record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics?
Massive job creation?
Reduced taxes for taxpayers (but record receipts for government)?
Defeat of ISIS in the Middle East?

14. Democratic politicians count on the party loyalty of third- and fourth-generation Democratic voters. But those voters — and others — are figuring out that the party left them a long time ago. The party, for its part, doesn’t seem to get this.

Voters expressed their discontent with Democrats in the 2010, 2014 and 2016 elections. In response, Democrats are doubling down on their worst impulses, and the Pravda press is dutifully reporting that they’re really gonna clean up in November.

No wonder the #WalkAway movement is gaining such steam.”
Hollis: What Are Democrats Running On?
one has to lie when one has no negativity to run against. just make it up. like russia russia.
Cleaning up Trump's mess?

Restoring the climate mess will take generations to fix. NASA's carbon monitoring is canceled. EPA as it is now is exposing us to health hazards. Who will bear the costs of warming planet?

The tax cut is a big shift of wealth away from youth to older workers. While massively increasing national debt.

Our Education Department if furthering the degradation of our colleges into more of a scam.

Pew research has shown that our image has deteriorated in nearly every country around the world.

Trump has alienated and aggravated our allies, while pandering to dictators.

Photos and stories of toddlers ripped from their parents. Nikki Haley had us resigned from UN human rights council.

Certainly democrats need to get on point about what their running on, but fixing the above would be a good start. Even republicans are starting to come to their senses.
Reliable Democrat Voters get their marching orders:

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”


Reliable Democrat Voters:

"Troubled waters: Maxine Waters fans BURN THE FLAG and protest Trump

Maxine Waters supporters set fire to the American flag outside the Democratic firebrand's Los Angeles office Thursday as way to counter an anticipated protest by a far-right militia group who never showed.

Shocking photographs captured outside the field office show the crowd stomping on the flag before circling around the stars and stripes as they cheer when it erupts into flames."


Maxine Waters supporters burn the American flag during counter protest | Daily Mail Online
"Reliable Democratic Voters" may be placed into the following categories:

1. Lifelong Democrats who are oblivious to the direction the Party has taken during the past 50 years.

2. Students and other young people who have received little or no intellectual stimulation at home and believe whatever they are told by those in positions of apparent authority.

3. Radicalized people from dysfunctional backgrounds.

4. Irresponsible people who adopt victimization as an excuse for their behavior.

5. People who seek instant gratification without regard to long term consequences.
If the Democrat Party runs on this sort of platform....

...Democratic wunderkind is 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a self-proclaimed “democratic socialist” (emphasis on “socialist”) who has stretched the truthabout her background, is explicitly anti-capitalism, and who has displayed remarkable ignorance about unemployment and about Israel despite degrees from Boston University in economics and international relations.

...the left’s comic darling, Michelle Wolf, who recently celebrated the Fourth of July with a vile video “Salute to Abortion.” Bye, bye "safe, legal and rare," hello "baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and D&C." Her shtick plays right into the Democrats’ slobbering love affair with abortion....

Democrats -- once a reliable bastion of support for First Amendment rights -- have largely abandoned them....use their political power to silence speech they don’t like....

You don't approve of gay marriage? Too bad. Democrats would -- if they controlled the Supreme Court -- force you to bake that wedding cake or arrange those flowers.

...the Second Amendment, which they now call to be repealed.

....they will suffer the same fate as Hans Gruber, in Die Hard....


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