Thanks to African American for my tacos


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2017
1. I ordered three tacos today to be delivered to my home.

2. Because the restaurant is somewhat far away, I stipulated a tip of $20 for the driver.

3. While waiting, I got a telephone call from the driver: He was having a heck of a time reaching my home because many streets were blocked off for the Los Angeles Marathon.

4. He promised to find a way. On my table top commuter (I do not have a smartphone), I could watch his attempts to reach me. It was very touching.

5. After a good 45 minutes, he pulled up. We both laughed about his ordeal. And I gave him $10 more as a tip.


* It is no secret that some members say rude things about African Americans.

* I personally never do, but I admit that I fear younger ones because an unusually large number of them engage in gratuitous violence that scares the blank out of this senior citizen.

* I wish that there were more like this thirtysomething driver who was so industrious and determined to accomplish his job. If there were, our country would be a happier place.
1. I ordered three tacos today to be delivered to my home.

2. Because the restaurant is somewhat far away, I stipulated a tip of $20 for the driver.

3. While waiting, I got a telephone call from the driver: He was having a heck of a time reaching my home because many streets were blocked off for the Los Angeles Marathon.

4. He promised to find a way. On my table top commuter (I do not have a smartphone), I could watch his attempts to reach me. It was very touching.

5. After a good 45 minutes, he pulled up. We both laughed about his ordeal. And I gave him $10 more as a tip.


* It is no secret that some members say rude things about African Americans.

* I personally never do, but I admit that I fear younger ones because an usually large number of them engage in gratuitous violence that scares the blank out of this senior citizen.

* I wish that there were more like this thirtysomething driver who was so industrious and determined to accomplish his job. If there were, our country would be a happier place.

All people are or at least can be unique individuals unto themselves despite whatever their appearance or background. While this can apply to behavior worthy of being lionized, most of the time it ends up demonstrating how we all can be equal opportunity assholes. Well done, nevertheless, tipping the guy so well.
1. I ordered three tacos today to be delivered to my home.

2. Because the restaurant is somewhat far away, I stipulated a tip of $20 for the driver.

3. While waiting, I got a telephone call from the driver: He was having a heck of a time reaching my home because many streets were blocked off for the Los Angeles Marathon.

4. He promised to find a way. On my table top commuter (I do not have a smartphone), I could watch his attempts to reach me. It was very touching.

5. After a good 45 minutes, he pulled up. We both laughed about his ordeal. And I gave him $10 more as a tip.


* It is no secret that some members say rude things about African Americans.

* I personally never do, but I admit that I fear younger ones because an unusually large number of them engage in gratuitous violence that scares the blank out of this senior citizen.

* I wish that there were more like this thirtysomething driver who was so industrious and determined to accomplish his job. If there were, our country would be a happier place.
Just think of all the sorry ass Negroes on welfare and in jail and who ain't worth a shit that gives good Black people like him a bad name.
Just think of all the sorry ass Negroes on welfare and in jail and who ain't worth a shit that gives good Black people like him a bad name.
There are also sorry ass Caucasians. Anyone judging everyone the same because of what some people of the same race do need to change their mind thought and remember that people are individuals, not a group.

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