Thank God I live in a country that allows these IDIOTS to live!!!

The Iraq war was a crime.

Simple as that.

If anything the Libya thing was a crime. Obama did not even go to congress for that . At least Bush went to congress and they all approved it .

Oh so you think that a man that plotted, financed and executed a plot to kill Americans should be allowed to rule a country.


Maybe that's why it took the election of Obama to finally kill Bin Laden and Gaddafi.
Pure fucking bullshit. The Iraq war will never be considered neccessary. It will be regarded historically the in the same manner as the Trail of Bitter Tears. Unneccessary, and damnded wrong.

even if a Iraq becomes a thriving healthy democracy?

Even if Iraq becomes a thriving, healthy democracy.

It's not our right to invade sovereign countries and build a new nation.

And especially at the cost of thousands of American lives, body parts, minds and destroyed military families. Nor at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars we don't have.

It's not our place at any cost. Certainly not at the cost we've paid.


You have every right to believe the war was not worth the sacrafice, or cost, but history is being written and time will tell.
even if a Iraq becomes a thriving healthy democracy?

Even if Iraq becomes a thriving, healthy democracy.

It's not our right to invade sovereign countries and build a new nation.

And especially at the cost of thousands of American lives, body parts, minds and destroyed military families. Nor at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars we don't have.

It's not our place at any cost. Certainly not at the cost we've paid.


You have every right to believe the war was not worth the sacrafice, or cost, but history is being written and time will tell.

Believe me, I would LOVE to be wrong. Happens all the time. Ask my wife.

again, you danced over the fact that Democrats were calling for Saddam's ouster all the way back to the 1990's.

And, yeah, I'd call into question the patriotism of anyone who would defend Saddam, a man who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people. Also, their decency and common sense.

But the Democrats were being purely cynical. They voted for the war because of the polls, not the intelligence.

I didn't dance around anything. Anyone with even the most rudimentary spook smarts knows that Saddam was helped into power by the CIA. And after that..had a long and curious relationship with the United States. He thought of himself as the new Saladin and admired Josef Stalin. So he went on hedging his bets between Superpowers and became a proxy and strawman for US politicians. Great to use as a force against states like Iran. And great to shake a fist at when you needed a bad guy.

In any case..I think most people thought Iraq was going to be like Panama. And they weren't:
A. Listening.
B. Recognizing that George W. was no George HW.

Well, a couple things on that.

In this very thread, you said you thought Gulf War I was wrong, too. Since Gulf War I didn't resolve the problem (They didn't occupy Iraq, hoping the Iraqi military would take care of Saddam for them), it would seem doing that again wasn't the answer, was it? Saddam remained a thorne in our side for 12 years.

Personally, I think we need to end all involvement in the ME. Including propping up Israel. If we keep sticking our hands in the hornet's nest, we should expect to get stung, especially by the bigger meaner hornets we were feeding (Saddam and Bin laden).

But please don't make this a partisan issue. Our middle east policy is based on 1) Keeping the place safe for the oil companies and 2) blind, mindless support for Zionism.

And there isn't an inch of daylight between the two parties on that position.
again, you danced over the fact that Democrats were calling for Saddam's ouster all the way back to the 1990's.

And, yeah, I'd call into question the patriotism of anyone who would defend Saddam, a man who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people. Also, their decency and common sense.

But the Democrats were being purely cynical. They voted for the war because of the polls, not the intelligence.

I didn't dance around anything. Anyone with even the most rudimentary spook smarts knows that Saddam was helped into power by the CIA. And after that..had a long and curious relationship with the United States. He thought of himself as the new Saladin and admired Josef Stalin. So he went on hedging his bets between Superpowers and became a proxy and strawman for US politicians. Great to use as a force against states like Iran. And great to shake a fist at when you needed a bad guy.

In any case..I think most people thought Iraq was going to be like Panama. And they weren't:
A. Listening.
B. Recognizing that George W. was no George HW.

Well, a couple things on that.

In this very thread, you said you thought Gulf War I was wrong, too. Since Gulf War I didn't resolve the problem (They didn't occupy Iraq, hoping the Iraqi military would take care of Saddam for them), it would seem doing that again wasn't the answer, was it? Saddam remained a thorne in our side for 12 years.

Personally, I think we need to end all involvement in the ME. Including propping up Israel. If we keep sticking our hands in the hornet's nest, we should expect to get stung, especially by the bigger meaner hornets we were feeding (Saddam and Bin laden).

But please don't make this a partisan issue. Our middle east policy is based on 1) Keeping the place safe for the oil companies and 2) blind, mindless support for Zionism.

And there isn't an inch of daylight between the two parties on that position.

I think Gulf War I was wrong because the Kuwait invasion was the result of a complete diplomatic disaster. Iraq got the wrong message from the US and acted on it.

In any case..I sorta agree with you on the rest of your post..with the exception of the "blind, mindless" support part. There are lot of Geo-political reasons we are involved with the Middle East..but most of them stem from a cold war mentality.

And that has to change.
Sallow should the US have gotten involed in WW 2 prior to pearl harbor??

Based on what it knew?


Based on history?


Yep Germany was invading other countrys and such.
Iraq was not involved with AQ or 9-11.

WW2 was a response, Iraq was a preemptive invasion. the new Bush Doctrine.
Anyone who tries to equate Iraq to WW2 is an idiot.
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I think Gulf War I was wrong because the Kuwait invasion was the result of a complete diplomatic disaster. Iraq got the wrong message from the US and acted on it.

In any case..I sorta agree with you on the rest of your post..with the exception of the "blind, mindless" support part. There are lot of Geo-political reasons we are involved with the Middle East..but most of them stem from a cold war mentality.

And that has to change.

Whether the diplomacy was wrong on Kuwait (and it was), the fact is that Saddam did violate the soveriegnty of a nation. The world couldnt' let that stand, which is why the entire UN came down hard on him, not the just the US.

Now, I think there was some Zionist manipulation there to beat the war drums. They wanted Saddam taken down a peg and got us to do it.

I can't feel really that bad for the Kuwaitis, because they were the ones who bankrolled Saddam when he was going after Iran.

I also think that the Kuwait thing was a mistake. I don't think Saddam wanted to do anything but take the Rumelia Oil fields away from Kuwait, but the Kuwaiti military folded like a cheap suit. Saddam was really looking for a face-saving way out of the mess.

Bottom line, though. Can't get all weepy that Saddam ended his days at the end of a rope.
Sallow should the US have gotten involed in WW 2 prior to pearl harbor??

Based on what it knew?


Based on history?


Yep Germany was invading other countrys and such.
Iraq was not involved with AQ or 9-11.

WW2 was a response, Iraq was a preemptive invasion. the new Bush Doctrine.
Anyone who tries to equate Iraq to WW2 is an idiot.

Following that logic the first Iraq war was justified?
Based on what it knew?


Based on history?


Yep Germany was invading other countrys and such.
Iraq was not involved with AQ or 9-11.

WW2 was a response, Iraq was a preemptive invasion. the new Bush Doctrine.
Anyone who tries to equate Iraq to WW2 is an idiot.

Following that logic the first Iraq war was justified?

Yes, but it was for oil.
As was said at the time we would not have pulled them out if they produced Brocolli instead of oil.

We also did not go for occupation and nation building in Iraq in that one.

Of course by the same token we officially ignored Iraq using WMD's in their squabble with Iran.
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The Iraq war was a crime.

Simple as that.

I suppose you should be glad that you live in a country where, as of today, you can still write that. May we find a away to delay the end of your right to write that a little longer.

The Iraq war was a crime.

Simple as that.

So when are you going to demand that all the DEMOCRATS who voted for it and continued it be tried as war criminals?

When I realized the Democrats were full of shit about this issue.

They couldn't find it in their hearts to boot Joe Leiberman out of office, even though he was the last Democrat who stood by his vote for the war, but they did boot out Lincoln Chafee, the only Republican to oppose it.

It's one thing to be against a war on principle, it's another to simply use the war as a political wedge. Support it when it's popular, use it to bash the oppossition when it isn't.

I frankly am not fond of the GOP's love for big corporate greed or religious whackos, but one of the main reasons I still support them is that when they commit us to a conflict, they don't waiver.

Two bad things happened,we went into Iraq,and the Dems did the filp of the century,both just as reprehensible.

Signing on then dragging your feet in evry possible way while our young people were being killed was bad in so many ways.
The Iraq war was a crime.

Simple as that.

So when are you going to demand that all the DEMOCRATS who voted for it and continued it be tried as war criminals?

When I realized the Democrats were full of shit about this issue.

They couldn't find it in their hearts to boot Joe Leiberman out of office, even though he was the last Democrat who stood by his vote for the war, but they did boot out Lincoln Chafee, the only Republican to oppose it.

It's one thing to be against a war on principle, it's another to simply use the war as a political wedge. Support it when it's popular, use it to bash the oppossition when it isn't.

I frankly am not fond of the GOP's love for big corporate greed or religious whackos, but one of the main reasons I still support them is that when they commit us to a conflict, they don't waiver.

Two bad things happened,we went into Iraq,and the Dems did the filp of the century,both just as reprehensible.

Signing on then dragging your feet in evry possible way while our young people were being killed was bad in so many ways.

I never supported invading Iraq.

I was shocked when I figured out we were going to premeptively invade a country.

I predicted pretty accurately how it would turn out as well.
I did a much better job than those in congress or the administration or the news media did.
Pure fucking bullshit. The Iraq war will never be considered neccessary. It will be regarded historically the in the same manner as the Trail of Bitter Tears. Unneccessary, and damnded wrong.

even if a Iraq becomes a thriving healthy democracy?

You're joking right?


Jury's still out. Maybe one day they'll have that, all of which not possible without our actions. At least there is some level of hope now.

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