Texas state board of education eliminates Hillary Clinton & Helen Keller from history curriculum

Texas board votes to cut Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history courses

Texas board may cut Hillary Clinton from history courses

The Texas State Board of Education voted Friday to slice mention of Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller from the state’s mandatory history curriculum — but will keep in Moses’ influence on U.S. founding documents.

This is an injustice. Hillary is a very important historical American figure. No other American politician has been able to get away with obstruction of justice, money laundering, tax evasion, abuse of power, charity fraud……


Hillary? Whatever is a Hillary? Didn't he climb a mountain? Forever relegated to total irrelevancy, the slimy crooked bitch is now so unimportant, they haven't room to fit her in with modern liberal global geo-politics of the world. The school year is only so long. The bitch is out.
She wasn't even born yet when Mr. Hillary climbed Mount Everest.....she has been lying her entire life...almost like its a sickness....something she can't help....
How can you hide what the first lady of the U.S. did from history books? That's fucking stupid. Kids need to know about her "super-predator" remark, and about the wasted money the U.S. spent paying her, a person with ZERO experience in the healthcare field, trying to create a new federal healthcare program.

And Hellen Keller? WTF... I wonder if they teach about lynchings in their history books, like the one in Waco against Jessie Washington.

Waco Recalls a 90-Year-Old 'Horror'

This is an injustice. Hillary is a very important historical American figure. No other American politician has been able to get away with obstruction of justice, money laundering, tax evasion, abuse of power, charity fraud……

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You would think that the most corrupt bitch in the history of our country would at least get a mention.

Also, being a two time loser is noteworthy. She got beat by a worthless affirmative action nobody and a reality star.
She wasn't even born yet when Mr. Hillary climbed Mount Everest.....she has been lying her entire life...almost like its a sickness....something she can't help....

I think perhaps you meant to say the opposite. ANYBODY named after another person would by definition not be born yet when their namesake became famous.

Hillary Rodham was born in 1947; Edmund Hillary made his climb of Everest in May of 1953 when Hillary Rodham was five years old. She didn't "claim" to have been named after Edmund Hillary; she simply related an anecdote her mother had told her, to Edmund Hillary himself, probably as a personal tribute to his accomplishments. An anecdote that doesn't sound factual but is typical of stories a parent tells to a five-year-old to build their confidence in the same ballpark as stories about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

Go ahead, check me.

Simply relating a story one's mother told one, as a humourous quip to the character involved in that story, is in no way the same as claiming it for oneself. Anyone can see that 1947 came before 1953. So there is a "sickness" of lying" here but when it involves putting words in the mouths of others that they never claimed, it's a sickness of the word-putters, not the puttees.

Much the same as Elizabeth Warren's Cherokee/Lenape heritage.

That aside, without seeing the context of the material it would seem people still living don't belong in "history" books. Helen Keller is a whole 'nother ball game and I can see why they'd want to excise her. Helen Keller was a political activist, anti-racist, leftist whose image has been whitewashed over the years to a vastly distorted degree. They probably don't want her name brought up lest the truth of her bio get "discovered".
She wasn't even born yet when Mr. Hillary climbed Mount Everest.....she has been lying her entire life...almost like its a sickness....something she can't help....

I think perhaps you meant to say the opposite. ANYBODY named after another person would by definition not be born yet when their namesake became famous.

Hillary Rodham was born in 1947; Edmund Hillary made his climb of Everest in May of 1953 when Hillary Rodham was five years old. She didn't "claim" to have been named after Edmund Hillary; she simply related an anecdote her mother had told her, to Edmund Hillary himself, probably as a personal tribute to his accomplishments. An anecdote that doesn't sound factual but is typical of stories a parent tells to a five-year-old to build their confidence in the same ballpark as stories about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

Go ahead, check me.

Simply relating a story one's mother told one, as a humourous quip to the character involved in that story, is in no way the same as claiming it for oneself. Anyone can see that 1947 came before 1953. So there is a "sickness" of lying" here but when it involves putting words in the mouths of others that they never claimed, it's a sickness of the word-putters, not the puttees.

Much the same as Elizabeth Warren's Cherokee/Lenape heritage.

That aside, without seeing the context of the material it would seem people still living don't belong in "history" books. Helen Keller is a whole 'nother ball game and I can see why they'd want to excise her. Helen Keller was a political activist, anti-racist, leftist whose image has been whitewashed over the years to a vastly distorted degree. They probably don't want her name brought up lest the truth of her bio get "discovered".
Yes thank you I did get it backwards....one should never post while experiencing a severe hangover.....going back to bed now....
Republican Party Platform Texas

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."


Yep, that's the GOP Texas State party platform. KEEP KIDS STUPID!

That's how they want them not educated in Texas.
Republican Party Platform Texas

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."


Yep, that's the GOP Texas State party platform. KEEP KIDS STUPID!

That's how they want them not educated in Texas.

I'm a teacher. The middle approach is best. IOW students must have some foundation of knowledge before they can think critically. But the best course of action is to think critically, to be able to use the skills and knowledge they've learned not just to recite facts but to come to their own conclusions and build on their knowledge.

The Left can be too stupidly "forward thinking" and the Right can be too stupidly "backward thinking" to reduce it to simplistics.

You gotta feel pretty stupid when Fox News debunks one of the Right's most ridiculous conspiracies. And even more stupid to keep bringing it up even months after it was debunked.

How does that stupid feel one wonders? As much as I've been accused here on the USMB, there has never been this kind of evidence against me.
Republican Party Platform Texas

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."


Yep, that's the GOP Texas State party platform. KEEP KIDS STUPID!

That's how they want them not educated in Texas.

I'm a teacher. The middle approach is best. IOW students must have some foundation of knowledge before they can think critically. But the best course of action is to think critically, to be able to use the skills and knowledge they've learned not just to recite facts but to come to their own conclusions and build on their knowledge.

The Left can be too stupidly "forward thinking" and the Right can be too stupidly "backward thinking" to reduce it to simplistics.
stupidly "forward thinking"?

Because figuring out stuff is stupid?

Makes no sense to me.
Republican Party Platform Texas

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."


Yep, that's the GOP Texas State party platform. KEEP KIDS STUPID!

That's how they want them not educated in Texas.

I'm a teacher. The middle approach is best. IOW students must have some foundation of knowledge before they can think critically. But the best course of action is to think critically, to be able to use the skills and knowledge they've learned not just to recite facts but to come to their own conclusions and build on their knowledge.

The Left can be too stupidly "forward thinking" and the Right can be too stupidly "backward thinking" to reduce it to simplistics.
stupidly "forward thinking"?

Because figuring out stuff is stupid?

Makes no sense to me.

Yes, being "forward thinking" is stupid when you think kids can construct their own knowledge out of nothing. It would be like giving a three year old a book and saying, "Here, figure out how to read this," without much or any instruction. Humans are not born knowing how to read. A very few can actually figure it out on their own; most can not.

You have to give them so much information and knowledge first, THEN they can figure out more. It is more than just "sense". It is actually common sense. I know that is in sad short supply these days.
Texas Board Votes To Cut Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller From History Courses

This is how curriculum is decided in US public schools.

The Texas State Board of Education voted Friday to remove mentions of Hillary

The Texas State Board of Education voted Friday to remove mentions of Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller from the state’s mandatory history curriculum — but will keep in Moses’ influence on U.S. founding documents, The Dallas Morning News reported.

The changes are part of an effort to selectively ”streamline” information in history classes for some 5.4 million schoolchildren.

As a part of the board’s assessment, each historical figure was given a numerical importance rating from one to 20 by committee members, according to the newspaper. Clinton, the first woman in U.S. history to win a presidential nomination by a major political party, only ranked a five. Keller, a writer and activist born in 1888 who was the first deaf and blind American to earn a college degree, rated a seven.

Local members of the Texas legislature rated a 20. All students are required to learn about the current U.S. president, so Donald Trump was not assessed.

Texas Monthly reported that board members had considered cutting a “value-laden” phrase about “all the heroic defenders who gave their lives” in the 1836 battle of the Alamo against Mexican soldiers in what was then Mexican Texas. One state official called it “politically correct nonsense,” and the board chose not to drop it.

“In Texas, you don’t mess with the Alamo and you don’t mess with our Christian heritage,” Texas Values President Jonathan M. Saenz said in a statement. “We applaud the majority of the State Board of Education for doing the right thing by restoring our foundational rights and history.”

The vote is preliminary and may still change. The final vote is in November.
Originally, this article appeared in the Left wing Huffington Post, assumingly to attack the state of Texas from burying the memory of famous women in American politics as a sexist thing to do. But really, all they end up doing is show how easy it is to sanitize history in public schools according to your own bias as to who is important and who is not.

Then again, if you are a Leftists, don't you want the memory of Hillary stricken from history?

I mean, really.

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