Texas mayor Pete Saenz: 'It was working under Trump, call it whatever you want to call it, but it was working'


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Everyone knows it "was working under Trump".

The Democratic mayor of Laredo, Texas, slammed President Joe Biden's immigration policy, alleging that his party has no plan to fix the southern border and has abandoned local communities in favor of massive spending proposals for other interest groups.

Mayor Pete Saenz says that for months many of his city's public services have been forced to focus on providing humanitarian aid, medical services, and transportation for thousands of migrants who pass through Laredo. Those are jobs, he says, the federal government should handle—particularly as the Biden administration loosens immigration restrictions. The added threat of COVID-19 has led Saenz to admit reluctantly that former president Donald Trump's policies benefited Laredo residents.

"We need to truly secure the border," Saenz told the Washington Free Beacon in an exclusive interview. "It was working under Trump, call it whatever you want to call it, but it was working."


"We're spending billions of dollars on alternative things but immigration isn't given priority. Border Patrol isn't being funded to the extent that Border Patrol has to be funded," Saenz said. "Their workload has increased to three times or four, and yet they're not funded. So, that kind of leads me to think the Democrats have the same mentality [toward the Border Patrol] as defunding law enforcement generally."

Laredo, which has a population of 260,000, is 95-percent Hispanic, making it one of the least diverse cities in the country. The city's concerns over Democrats' immigration politics challenge the conventional wisdom that strong border policies serve the anxieties of a dwindling white population. Republicans in 2020 doubled their turnout in the county in which Laredo sits, a pattern that continued in districts throughout southern Texas.

Biden's immigration policy, Saenz contends, serves neither Americans nor migrants well. He pointed to the squalid Del Rio bridge under which thousands of Haitian migrants lived and the outbreaks of COVID-19 and other diseases in Laredo as evidence that a de facto open borders policy is far from the humanitarian solution. Instead, he said, the Biden administration should work on processing overseas asylum claims—the principle that guided the Trump administration's "Remain in Mexico" policy.

"The key, ultimately, is removing the incentive to come to the border and file for asylum. I believe in the asylum process. It needs to be followed or changed. If we don't like the way people are attempting to come, we can have them apply remotely or from either the country of origin or some other place that is close to the country of origin," Saenz said. "No person wants to spend their last penny giving it to the cartels, then risking life and limb travel to try and get all the way to the border. And then there's still the uncertainty that they may not even be granted asylum. At some point, they'll be fugitives."



How come trump never got rid of illegal Haitian immigrants?
How come trump never got rid of illegal Haitian immigrants?
From your link, Haitians apparently got green cards. If they didn't have green cards they were deported, like all illegals when caught.
"Today, nearly all Haitians in the United States who obtain lawful permanent residence (LPR status, also known as getting a green card) do so through family reunification channels, either as immediate relatives of U.S. citizens or through other family-sponsored channels. Compared to all immigrants, Haitians are more likely to be naturalized U.S. citizens, participate in the labor force, and work in service occupations, but have lower household incomes."
I saw no call for going after the local employers hiring illegals.
Everyone knows it "was working under Trump".

"The key, ultimately, is removing the incentive to come to the border and file for asylum. I believe in the asylum process. It needs to be followed or changed. If we don't like the way people are attempting to come, we can have them apply remotely or from either the country of origin or some other place that is close to the country of origin," Saenz said. "No person wants to spend their last penny giving it to the cartels, then risking life and limb travel to try and get all the way to the border. And then there's still the uncertainty that they may not even be granted asylum. At some point, they'll be fugitives."

Surrender Soiree

End the asylum policy altogether; it's too easy to abuse. Remember, the doormat French gave asylum to the Ayatollah.
Surrender Soiree

End the asylum policy altogether; it's too easy to abuse. Remember, the doormat French gave asylum to the Ayatollah.

The leftoids have wrecked the asylum system, that much is certain.

It certainly was never intended to apply to a woman who gets smacked around by her guy; hell, half the women in the turd world would be eligible under that BS.
Trump had the border handled quite well.

As for asylum seekers?? Laws on that need to be changed.

Hell. Trump had the Mexican army at their Southern border to stop those convoys from making it to our border. Any that did make it had to stay in Mexico till their court date.

Now we have Bidung disaster on our border and another million illegals in the country. Illegals that cost we tax payers billions each year. You can bet voters are watching this disaster since Most Americans want all illegals out of our country.

2022 and 2024 should be very interesting to watch.

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