Texas border law back on hold as appeals court doubts states’ power to deport illegal immigrants


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Quite a stunning move after the SCOTUS lifting its own stay.

Also, quite am unexpected turn. Back to SCOTUS?

A federal appeals court cast doubt Wednesday on Texas’ stiff new immigration law that tries to create a state deportation system, with the judges suggesting it would trample on the federal government’s prerogatives.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals put the law on hold late Tuesday, just hours after the Supreme Court had erased its own blockade.

Amid that legal whiplash, a three-judge panel of the appeals court heard oral arguments Wednesday and the members had a host of questions about how the law would work in practice.

Several of the judges cast doubt on the part of Texas’ law that would create a state deportation system, giving state judges the power to order someone to be returned to the border.

And they said there are a host of unanswered questions about how the rest of the law would operate.

“I’m not sure I understand the law totally,” said Judge Priscilla Richman.


Watching these people crawl through razor wire even when the Texas guards are telling them they will be arrested and sent home is pathetic... Biden needs to go to Prison for what he has done to America and these poor people...
The border is exactly the way the democrats WEF masters want it.

Democrats don't serve Americans, they serve the WEF's interest in America.

Democrats are working with the WEF to takeover America and enslave Americans.

Democrats are your enemy America.
I said what I meant. This mess is squarely at Biden’s feet. Anyone denying that should face face charges for being a traitor receiving the maximum penalty
Democrats are traitors. They are assisting the WEF with a total takeover of America.

If democrats aren't defeated, Americans will own nothing, live in pods, and eat bugs.

Democrats = WEF
Watching these people crawl through razor wire even when the Texas guards are telling them they will be arrested and sent home is pathetic... Biden needs to go to Prison for what he has done to America and these poor people...
These Judges in the 5th circuit need to go to prison for going against the U.S. Supreme Court.
Mr. Trump's dumbplomacy tied the Biden's adminstrations hands.
What are you talking about? No hands were tied. What Biden did was with his pen is to undo all the Trump had put in place to stop illegal flows to the U.S. Such as remain in Mexico. Biden could stop the flow by bringing that one back. And, there were a large amount of other things he undid with his executive power that stopped illegal killers to come into the country.
Quite a stunning move after the SCOTUS lifting its own stay.

Also, quite am unexpected turn. Back to SCOTUS?

A federal appeals court cast doubt Wednesday on Texas’ stiff new immigration law that tries to create a state deportation system, with the judges suggesting it would trample on the federal government’s prerogatives.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals put the law on hold late Tuesday, just hours after the Supreme Court had erased its own blockade.
Amid that legal whiplash, a three-judge panel of the appeals court heard oral arguments Wednesday and the members had a host of questions about how the law would work in practice.
Several of the judges cast doubt on the part of Texas’ law that would create a state deportation system, giving state judges the power to order someone to be returned to the border.
And they said there are a host of unanswered questions about how the rest of the law would operate.
“I’m not sure I understand the law totally,” said Judge Priscilla Richman.

What is it, I am not understanding? If the Supreme Court says it can go into effect, how can a lower court hold it up, after that?
Just like with student loans, they will do anything that virtue signals how enamored they are with desdbeats and law breakers.
USSC gotta be getting tired of being placed 2nd and 3rd rate.

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