Teenagers 'swatted' a 60-year-old Tennessee man to get his Twitter handle. The shock caused him to die of a heart attack.


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The teenagers targeted Herring because they wanted his "@Tennessee" Twitter handle, which he had acquired in 2006 and was reluctant to sell, according to NBC News.

....Sonderman initially harassed Herring by ordering cash-only pizza deliveries to his home, NBC News said.

The swatting, which took place later that evening, was prompted by Sonderman making a call to the police saying that a murder had occurred at the residence and that pipe bombs were on the property, the media outlet reported.

....Shane Sonderman, was sentenced to five years in jail on Wednesday. He was charged with wire fraud, interstate communication of threats, false information, and hoaxes, and conspiracy. He agreed to plead guilty in March to the conspiracy charge in exchange for other charges to be dropped, NBC News said.

I bet he doesn't do the entire five years. That irritates me.
The teenagers targeted Herring because they wanted his "@Tennessee" Twitter handle, which he had acquired in 2006 and was reluctant to sell, according to NBC News.

....Sonderman initially harassed Herring by ordering cash-only pizza deliveries to his home, NBC News said.

The swatting, which took place later that evening, was prompted by Sonderman making a call to the police saying that a murder had occurred at the residence and that pipe bombs were on the property, the media outlet reported.

....Shane Sonderman, was sentenced to five years in jail on Wednesday. He was charged with wire fraud, interstate communication of threats, false information, and hoaxes, and conspiracy. He agreed to plead guilty in March to the conspiracy charge in exchange for other charges to be dropped, NBC News said.

I bet he doesn't do the entire five years. That irritates me.
Did he get the Twitter handle?
This is both sad and tragic.

But teenagers have been doing stupid, reckless, irresponsible, hateful things for thousands of years – that will never change; teenagers today are no worse than teenagers 50 or 100 years ago.
The issue has less to do with the fact that they were teenagers and more to do with the crime itself.
He should have gotten at least 100 years. No plea bargains, no deals, BURY the little shit. Go through the law books line by line and charge him with EVERYTHING, maximum sentences served consecutively in either maximum security or solitary confinement.
I had to read this a few times before I understood what the crime was. 5 years seems incredibly lenient for something like this.
Changing a behavior can happen in 5 years if motivational anti criminal training of inmates with bully problems works.

Ancient people used fear to change behaviors. They would stone to death one for a serious crime and make the community look on. If the punishment looked grisly enough that particular crime might not occur again for 20 or more years. Problem solved.

The trouble with the Democrats feel good approach to crime is that it fixes nothing and creates a climate of brushing off bad problems into the creation of unthinkable ones. If we let the Democrats use power to the detriment of every body in society, we are accepting their little private footshoots that makes a case for the adage about the chaos that results when good men do nothing. It is a pity when a generation grows up in a cesspool of corruption that has permeated one party and is working against regular law abiding people.

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