Technology is going to eventually liberate the world

Nobody has predicted even the PC. So it is impossible to tell what technology will do, free people or enslave people. But if history is anything to go by, then technology will not free people but will enslave people instead.
OCTOBER 3 2016: ASSANGE ALIVE and FREE. Tomorrow is Wikileaks "October (4) suprise" GOOD Day Mate JULIAN!
You know, at one time when the Internet first started, and there was a way to communicate with others world wide without all the expensive phone bills, I thought that "yeah.............there is an excellent chance this will make humans smarter and bring us together".

I also felt that way when I saw people in oppressive regimes using social media as a way to try to change things.

However................after watching the way some of my younger friends act when they come over to my house to see me? Not sure anymore. Lots of the younger types like to live on their phones and would rather text than talk on the phone or face to face.
You know, at one time when the Internet first started, and there was a way to communicate with others world wide without all the expensive phone bills, I thought that "yeah.............there is an excellent chance this will make humans smarter and bring us together".

I also felt that way when I saw people in oppressive regimes using social media as a way to try to change things.

However................after watching the way some of my younger friends act when they come over to my house to see me? Not sure anymore. Lots of the younger types like to live on their phones and would rather text than talk on the phone or face to face.
Certainly. There is a lot of truth to that. I think it's like anything else - how the individual chooses to leverage it. A steak knife for me is a wonderful thing. I cut my steak, I eat it, end of story. A steak knife in the hands of Ted Bundy is a horrific thing.

So while our youth might be less socially adept - there are still billions of people leveraging it for incredible things. Did you happen to catch 60 Minutes last night? They did a story about AI and how IBM's Watson is assisting in cancer treatments. It was fascinating.

I just love the idea that governments cannot stop it - try as they might. Sure, they can hack. They can shut down internet access. But here you have a man flying a drone into an oppressive state and getting the information to them anyway.
Another great example of the power of technology. Lowering healthcare costs and disrupting the status quo. I can't wait until this moves into traditional healthcare. Whether directly through apps on a smartphone or some sort of affordable kit, the ability to take basic vitals (temperature, BP, heart rate, etc.) and get a diagnosis for common ailments at extremely affordable prices is a major game changer.

Startup Fights South Carolina Law on Online Eye Exams
Another great example of the power of technology. Lowering healthcare costs and disrupting the status quo. I can't wait until this moves into traditional healthcare. Whether directly through apps on a smartphone or some sort of affordable kit, the ability to take basic vitals (temperature, BP, heart rate, etc.) and get a diagnosis for common ailments at extremely affordable prices is a major game changer.

Startup Fights South Carolina Law on Online Eye Exams

I saw on the news the other day where some companies are already doing something like that. They have special booths where a tech hooks you up to machines to get your vitals, and you get to SKYPE with a doctor to see if you need basic treatment or if you need to get to a hospital. One woman's life was saved by one of these checkups because they detected a condition that was just starting and could have killed her, but it was caught in time.
Nobody has predicted even the PC. So it is impossible to tell what technology will do, free people or enslave people. But if history is anything to go by, then technology will not free people but will enslave people instead.

What history are you going by there?
Another great example of the power of technology. Lowering healthcare costs and disrupting the status quo. I can't wait until this moves into traditional healthcare. Whether directly through apps on a smartphone or some sort of affordable kit, the ability to take basic vitals (temperature, BP, heart rate, etc.) and get a diagnosis for common ailments at extremely affordable prices is a major game changer.

Startup Fights South Carolina Law on Online Eye Exams

I saw on the news the other day where some companies are already doing something like that. They have special booths where a tech hooks you up to machines to get your vitals, and you get to SKYPE with a doctor to see if you need basic treatment or if you need to get to a hospital. One woman's life was saved by one of these checkups because they detected a condition that was just starting and could have killed her, but it was caught in time.
Yeah...isn't that awesome? I live a little bit outside of one of the leading healthcare industries in the world and there are quite a few of those booths available. Also, one of the hospitals (and there are quite a few of them) has an app for your iPhone where you can have a video conference with a physician for just $25 and the physician will diagnose you and write a prescription (it's obviously for stuff like sore throats, ear infections, skin rashes, etc.). But for $25, a person doesn't even need health insurance for costs that cheap! The other great thing about it is that it frees up the ER's, Urgent Cares, and family practices for more serious illnesses. It's a good thing all around.

About 8 years ago or so I was involved with the roll out of a clinical robot. A physician from anywhere in the world could log in and steer the robot through out the hospital. He/she could bring it right up to the bedside of the patient and they could see each other. The robot came equipped with BP cuffs, stethoscope, heart monitors, etc. The physician could walk the patient through attaching everything themselves and they could the get a really good exam. While it didn't bring down costs like these other technologies we are discussing, the cool thing about it was that it gave the patient access to the best specialists in the world, even if they resided in another country. Great stuff.
Nobody has predicted even the PC. So it is impossible to tell what technology will do, free people or enslave people. But if history is anything to go by, then technology will not free people but will enslave people instead.

What history are you going by there?
The human one, disgraceful as is. Luckily the age of the machines is coming soon, and we will make you history.
Nobody has predicted even the PC. So it is impossible to tell what technology will do, free people or enslave people. But if history is anything to go by, then technology will not free people but will enslave people instead.

What history are you going by there?
The human one, disgraceful as is. Luckily the age of the machines is coming soon, and we will make you history.

Why don't you try making sense first.
Nobody has predicted even the PC. So it is impossible to tell what technology will do, free people or enslave people. But if history is anything to go by, then technology will not free people but will enslave people instead.

What history are you going by there?
The human one, disgraceful as is. Luckily the age of the machines is coming soon, and we will make you history.

Why don't you try making sense first.
Technology will eventually replace every human work. Too bad, every species on earth survives at the merit that it can work for itself. Once this is taken away from humans, what future will humans get? Extinction, a form of liberation, in a way, I heard.
Nobody has predicted even the PC. So it is impossible to tell what technology will do, free people or enslave people. But if history is anything to go by, then technology will not free people but will enslave people instead.

What history are you going by there?
The human one, disgraceful as is. Luckily the age of the machines is coming soon, and we will make you history.

Why don't you try making sense first.
Technology will eventually replace every human work. ....

Nobody has predicted even the PC. So it is impossible to tell what technology will do, free people or enslave people. But if history is anything to go by, then technology will not free people but will enslave people instead.

What history are you going by there?
The human one, disgraceful as is. Luckily the age of the machines is coming soon, and we will make you history.

Why don't you try making sense first.
... Extinction, a form of liberation, in a way, I heard.

Heard from whom?
Nobody has predicted even the PC. So it is impossible to tell what technology will do, free people or enslave people. But if history is anything to go by, then technology will not free people but will enslave people instead.

What history are you going by there?
The human one, disgraceful as is. Luckily the age of the machines is coming soon, and we will make you history.

Why don't you try making sense first.
Technology will eventually replace every human work. ....


Why nonsense? Do you know an animal, or even a plant, that survives by not doing anything for itself?
What history are you going by there?
The human one, disgraceful as is. Luckily the age of the machines is coming soon, and we will make you history.

Why don't you try making sense first.
Technology will eventually replace every ....


Why nonsense? ....?

History. Technology has always created new work.
Machines will have no purpose without humans to take care of. They'll idle and rust away without purpose.

What are the masses going to do when they no longer have jobs because machines do them? Everybody will be on the Dole then.
Disagreed. There are explorer robots on Mars. There will be explorer and mining robots in the asteroid belt. They'll be fine without humans.

Also disagreed about people. What they do will be up to them. Some will be content to smoke pot and play video games all day but others will be restless. They'll be the ones designing new technology or going into space or under the oceans to use it.
Technology will eventually replace every human work. Too bad, every species on earth survives at the merit that it can work for itself. Once this is taken away from humans, what future will humans get? Extinction, a form of liberation, in a way, I heard.
Really? We're going to become "extinct" by having machines do the work for us? I wonder how many people said that same thing a hundred years ago when the tractor was built. Did we go "extinct"? No. Just the opposite - it helped us thrive.

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