Teachers are alarmed about boys getting "red-pilled" and "radicalized" online by guys like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
It seems teachers are alarmed that young men are watching videos online involving individual's such as Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, and Jordan Peterson and are getting "red-pilled".
and "radicalized".

"When teachers notice the warning signs of radicalization, difficult questions arise: Where is the line between shutting down these arguments and allowing kids to explore new ideas? And when is the right moment to intervene?"

My favorite part of the article is:

“I feel like I should be able to do a better job at teaching critical-thinking skills and they should have enough trust in me to believe that I’m telling them the truth.”

Question all authority, except MINE!
It seems teachers are alarmed that young men are watching videos online involving individual's such as Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, and Jordan Peterson and are getting "red-pilled".
and "radicalized".

"When teachers notice the warning signs of radicalization, difficult questions arise: Where is the line between shutting down these arguments and allowing kids to explore new ideas? And when is the right moment to intervene?"

My favorite part of the article is:

“I feel like I should be able to do a better job at teaching critical-thinking skills and they should have enough trust in me to believe that I’m telling them the truth.”

Question all authority, except MINE!
I would opine that the some students are reacting by their belief in INDIVIDUAL choice. These students are reacting negatively to Social Liberalism(statist left viewpoint Marxism/Fascism-many other names/titles for the same ideology) teachings. These students are reacting in a way that shows they prefer Classical Liberalism(Libertarian viewpoint/Tom Jefferson/Ron Paul types). Folks that can think for themselves like to set their own lifestyle parameters on what is acceptable to them & what is not. People who cannot think for themselves(Groupthink/statist left) just follow the dictates of their self appointed leader(s).
Imagine, adolescents going through dramatic changes in thinking and personality! This is entirely new and unforeseen(?)!
If "teachers" aren't equipped to deal with questions from teenagers, they aren't teachers.
Why is it important for teachers to monitor the free speech of their students? Will they tap their cell phones next?
Cell phone signals travel through available channels. "Tapping" wouldn't apply; it would merely be listening, if service provider defenses were unable to stop it.
Kids have been playing violent video games and watching carnage and realistic dismemberment in movies for a couple of decades but liberal teachers didn't seem to mind. Now they find a kid who tweets a disrespectful message about dykes on bikes and they get hysterical. Hypocrisy anyone?
It is funny "teaching critical thinking skills" and he actually means brainwashing them into leftist ideas also "shutting down arguments" but then says "critical thinking skills". Makes no sense.

That's what Woke academia actually mean when they say critical. They do not mean what we think of when we hear the term Critical Thinking. They mean behaving in a hostile, disruptive manner, trying to derail arguments on tangents before they can be made, etc.. This tactic is to shut the arguments down rather than hearing them out and debating them in detail. It is designed around a philosophy that it is easier to disrupt an argument than it is to rebut it. It's actually a childish mode of discourse that manifests itself in a "disrupt and dismantle" strategy.

Critical Theory and Critical Thinking are almost opposites of each other. Every definition of critical thinking I have read starts out as something that would be better defined as objective analysis, which I would roughly define as a mixture of constructive and critical thinking. Critical Theory, on the other hand, is an immature, one sided, edgy snark-fest designed to undermine and overthrow anything that is too "status quo".

Another thing I have noticed is that I never saw any Critical Thinking courses until the early 1990s. I believe this is because what the radical left actually want to sell, Critical Theory, wasn't selling. So, they took something that is basically the opposite of Critical Theory, Objective Analysis, redefined it in a very diffuse manner and re-branded it as Critical Thinking. This is because they want the mass public associating the word critical with the "overall picture", when in reality critical thinking is one aspect of Objective Analysis. Critical Thinking is what the radical left say they want, Critical Theory is what they actually want. When you attack Critical Theory, they defend Critical Thinking while pushing Critical Theory.

If I build something, you might hate everything about it, you might like everything about it, or more likely there will be things you like and things you don't like. You acknowledge the good and the bad, the agreeable and the disagreeable, the true and the false. This is objectivity, which Critical Theory claims is not only unattainable, except something that is supposedly pernicious in its nature. Objective Thinking is actually a sign of maturity, honesty, and a means of productive discourse. Critical Theory is the anti-thesis of objectivity and encourages enfant-terribilism and mob mentality.

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