Teachers and lion tamers get same wage under Cuban reform


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Cuban school teachers, journalists, lion tamers and doctors-in-training will earn the same salary under reforms spelled out Thursday and taking effect in the new year.

The changes will quintuple the minimum salary to the equivalent of $87 a month and prices in the state-run economy will jump as part of an overhaul in which Cuba's two currencies will be unified, ending a system in place for 26 years.

The new salary framework sets 32 wage levels depending on the job and the maximum is the equivalent of $396 a month, according to a 77-page Labor Ministry document published Thursday in the official government gazette.
The only lions in Cuba are at the zoo.
Ever train a lion, if not STFU, I've been bit a few times & it's not fun, you cannot make mistakes, compare that to teachers.

Just BSing. Except the teacher part, most are useless and/or built that way under a BS ed. system.

Are Cuban Journalists anything like U.S journalists high on misinformation & political concerns? A lion tamer is worth 100x that.
Ever train a lion, if not STFU, I've been bit a few times & it's not fun, you cannot make mistakes, compare that to teachers.

Just BSing. Except the teacher part, most are useless and/or built that way under a BS ed. system.

Are Cuban Journalists anything like U.S journalists high on misinformation & political concerns? A lion tamer is worth 100x that.
Nope. But I have a kitten..............so it's kinda sorta close. They really don't listen.
Not seeing a real distinction between "teacher" and "lion tamer". Aren't they the same thing?

Ever train a lion, if not STFU, I've been bit a few times & it's not fun, you cannot make mistakes, compare that to teachers.

Just BSing. Except the teacher part, most are useless and/or built that way under a BS ed. system.

Are Cuban Journalists anything like U.S journalists high on misinformation & political concerns? A lion tamer is worth 100x that.
Nope. But I have a kitten..............so it's kinda sorta close. They really don't listen.
Mine do. They respect me and follow me wherever I go. I seem to be a father figure to them
Salaries in Latin America are all similar . A 'sales person" here makes $30 a day. An expert backhoe operator makes $ 33 or so. Those are govt min salaries. The real deal knocks down about $350-400 a week ( 53 hours). Same with a good welder. Stated minimum is maybe $30 a day. The real deal knocks down $75-80 a day

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