Tea Party Plummeting

Dude being Partisan is holding onto one political party that party can do no wrong. Being a Conservative doesn't make me partisan.

You can be anything you want when you make up your own definitions. Like I said, I'll stick with the book definition.

Partisan - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
: a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person; especially : one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance

By your own words of sticking to "conservatives" no matter what, you just admitted you are a partisan. Your accusation that I am one is an assumption on your part since I never said any such thing.

It's funny you only post the link but not the content within the link


: a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person; especially: one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance

ok you're being a partisan political hack if you support a person just because they have an R or D. I'm a person who has Conservative values and if that makes me partisan so be it. I will hold to my values what will you hold to the party?
Dude, you just defined yourself as a partisan. BTW, you also defined yourself as someone who "assumes" facts not in evidence.

He just defined himself as a partisan by saying that he would NOT vote party lines, but rather only vote for those who represent his values?

Are you sure you've thought this through?

Thank you, I really don't think he did.
: a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person; especially: one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance

ok you're being a partisan political hack if you support a person just because they have an R or D. I'm a person who has Conservative values and if that makes me partisan so be it. I will hold to my values what will you hold to the party?

You're getting closer to understanding now. Agreed, a person who votes only because a person has an R or a D after their name is a partisan.

You've stated you'll only vote for Conservatives. So, regardless of their fitness for duty or the job, you are voting for ideological reasons instead of the best person for the job. That's also partisan under "faction" or "cause", take your pick.

This entire conversation began because I mentioned the Tea Party screwed up in Delaware by picking a half-baked candidate who was never going to win a majority of Yankee blue-blood liberal votes over a "RINO". The fact you are against "RINOs" is also partisan. Mike Castle would have beat Chris Coons in the election, but the Tea Party would chose to back an unelectable candidate rather than someone who was not ideologically pure enough for their tastes. Now tell me that isn't a partisan as hell.
: a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person; especially: one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance

ok you're being a partisan political hack if you support a person just because they have an R or D. I'm a person who has Conservative values and if that makes me partisan so be it. I will hold to my values what will you hold to the party?

You're getting closer to understanding now. Agreed, a person who votes only because a person has an R or a D after their name is a partisan.

You've stated you'll only vote for Conservatives. So, regardless of their fitness for duty or the job, you are voting for ideological reasons instead of the best person for the job. That's also partisan under "faction" or "cause", take your pick.

This entire conversation began because I mentioned the Tea Party screwed up in Delaware by picking a half-baked candidate who was never going to win a majority of Yankee blue-blood liberal votes over a "RINO". The fact you are against "RINOs" is also partisan. Mike Castle would have beat Chris Coons in the election, but the Tea Party would chose to back an unelectable candidate rather than someone who was not ideologically pure enough for their tastes. Now tell me that isn't a partisan as hell.

No but if thats what you think go with it. but uncensored knew exactly what I meant.

Dude, you just defined yourself as a partisan. BTW, you also defined yourself as someone who "assumes" facts not in evidence.

He just defined himself as a partisan by saying that he would NOT vote party lines, but rather only vote for those who represent his values?

Are you sure you've thought this through?
No but if thats what you think go with it. but uncensored knew exactly what I meant.

No what? That you disagree with Merriam-Webster? That you make up your own definition of what partisan means?

Dude, are you asserting that because Uncensored agreed with you that you are correct? By that logic, since 66,882,230 voters said Barack Obama was the best choice for President and we should let him run the country over the 58,343,671 who voted for John McCain, then you should accept them as being correct.
The far right extremists like Uncensored and bigreb make up their own definitions all the time then demand we agree with their unreal view of their imaginary universe.

They then get mad when their nonsense is pointed out for what it is, nonsense.

Tis what tis.
I lived in a Democratic Party region for a time. I typically voted for locals who were conservative leaning. Changing your ideaology seems unlikely, as it reflects your core values, which don't shift at all or very little for most people.
No but if thats what you think go with it. but uncensored knew exactly what I meant.

No what? That you disagree with Merriam-Webster? That you make up your own definition of what partisan means?

Dude, are you asserting that because Uncensored agreed with you that you are correct? By that logic, since 66,882,230 voters said Barack Obama was the best choice for President and we should let him run the country over the 58,343,671 who voted for John McCain, then you should accept them as being correct.

No that I disagree with your Partisan political stupid ass.
You are a partisan political hack if you vote for a person just because they have a D or an R. I am not going to change my values to vote for a RINO just because they may have an R. If you change your values for the party then that speaks volumes about your character and that tells mne you had no values worth anything to begin with.
The far right extremists like Uncensored and bigreb make up their own definitions all the time then demand we agree with their unreal view of their imaginary universe.

They then get mad when their nonsense is pointed out for what it is, nonsense.

Tis what tis.

And here we have the troll. Whats the matter trolly are you politicing for troll of the year?
And here we have the troll. Whats the matter trolly are you politicing for troll of the year?

Jake is sitting in his tree, flinging feces at those who pass by. He has no idea what is going on, nor does he care. He is simply flinging shit - it's what he does.

If you feed him a banana (by paying attention to him) he will up the ferocity of his antics, if you ignore him, he will leave.

He is but a feral baboon and will behave as baboons do.
The Left is trying hard to spin the
political reality and story facing Papa Obama
Which is why you see the Left trolls and the MSM push RINOs in the primary
knowing that a RINO will decrease base turnout in the primary and general election
Then, any Republican in the general election will be played as "radical" no matter who

After all, it is not like Papa Obama can run on his record
Papa ObamaCare? only the extreme left or fools push that as a success

t/p HotAir

Obama’s nightmare economic re-election scenario unfolding?
The White House’s worst-case scenario for the economy on Election Day next year has become Wall Street’s baseline scenario. After looking at a string of weak economic reports and Europe’s growing fear of debt meltdown and contagion, JPMorgan – led by Obama pal Jamie Dimon – has just come out with a politically poisonous forecast.

The megabank now thinks the economy won’t grow much faster over the next 12 months than it did during the first half of this year — and that’s assuming Europe doesn’t go all pear shaped. It sees GDP growth at just 1.5 percent this year, 1.3 percent next year with unemployment at … 9.5 percent heading into the final days of the election season. “The risks of recession are clearly elevated,” the bank said. Here’s its reasoning:
Consumer sentiment has tumbled and household wealth has deteriorated. Survey measures of capital spending intentions have moved lower and the housing market shows little sign of lifting. Small businesses, retailers, builders and manufacturers all report a weaker business environment. Global growth has disappointed and foreign growth forecasts have been taken lower. In response we are lowering our projection for growth, particularly in the quarters around the turn of the year.

Team Obama had better permanently shelve any plans of running a “Morning in America”campaign. In fact, if a) the economic forecasts of Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs are accurate, and b) voters behave as they usually do during bad economic times, then c) Barack Obama will be a one-term president. No president in the modern era has been reelected with the unemployment rate higher than 7.4 percent, much less two percentage points higher.
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The far right facists here are being silly as usual, with nothing to offer. :lol:
No that I disagree with your Partisan political stupid ass.
You are a partisan political hack

Name-calling tells me you have run out of ammunition, cowboy. Try reloading with a visit to a library.

If calling you what you are is name calling so be it. You are a partiusan political hack.
Politican's from time to time change poolitical parties. If obama became a Republican would you vote for him? I really think you would.
I lived in a Democratic Party region for a time. I typically voted for locals who were conservative leaning. Changing your ideaology seems unlikely, as it reflects your core values, which don't shift at all or very little for most people.

Very true

The main parties have less to do with core values than keeping the status quo
keeping themselves in power which means keeping the crony capitalist system
we have grown over the years

Speaking of core values

Socialism, communism, fascism, crony capitalism are all forms of some level of CPE's
and share little with a true free market system. The Left finds some type of "comfort" in thinking
fascism is a child of the right and free markets, but they would be wrong. Fascists depend on and thrive on
a large and intrusive gov't or "big gov't", not small.

Peter Drucker
"the complete collapse of the belief in the attainability of freedom and equality through Marxism has forced Russia to travel the same road
toward a totalitarian society of un-freedom and inequality which Germany has been following. Not that communism and fascism are essentially the same.
Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion, and it has proved as much an illusion in Russia as in pre-Hitler Germany."
Fascism defined:
"It is simply collectivism freed from all traces of an individualist tradition which might hamper its realization"

Of course you know who said:
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak,
with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility
and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

Since communism or some socialist/statist variants have murdered more
people than any other political system,

one can understand why the Left tries to hide from it.

Of course, they miss the bigger picture
It is a problem of statism and the gov'ts role in our lives.

Quite often many call for certain goals or ends
with no appreciation of the means to get there

Which is why the US is in the mess we are today
Indeed, many on the Left think we will get "right"
this time

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