Taxes go to those who CANT work, by a majority.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
A.) The majority in long term poverty in the USA have disabilities. (Most of them can't work) Shouldn't have to.
Highlighting Disability / Poverty Connection, NCD Urges Congress to Alter Federal Policies that Disadvantage People with Disabilities

B.) Then there's Retirees which get Medicare. (Obviously for the most part retirees don't work) Shouldn't have to.

C.) Taxes for school children. (Obviously for the most part school children don't work) Shouldn't have to.

D.) There's people which are temporarily unemployed due to things like layoffs. Who are looking for work.

E.)( Lets not forget all the taxes which also go towards roads, military.

Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.
Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.

The stunning ignorance belongs to you my friend.

I have no problem paying taxes for those who CAN'T work!

But many many MANY people are committing welfare fraud.

I knew a guy in high school who has become such a disgusting welfare queen I refuse to associate or even speak with him any longer. He doesn't have a single monthly bill...NOT ONE!

No rent, electric, gas, phone, food, and the POS brags about not having filed his taxes in over 10 years.

Ya know what his disability is?

He can't put the bottle down!

Welfare has utterly destroyed him! He used to rise to the occasion but only when he NEEDED he no longer needs to. So he doesn't.

His quality of life is putrid! It's sad and disgusting!
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Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.

The stunning ignorance belongs to you my friend.

I have no problem paying taxes for those who CAN'T work!

But many many MANY people are committing welfare fraud.

I knew a guy in high school who has become such a disgusting welfare queen I refuse to associate or even speak with him any longer. He doesn't have a single monthly bill...NOT ONE!

No rent, electric, gas, phone, food, and the POS brags about not having filed his taxes in over 10 years.

Ya know what his disability is?

He can't put the bottle down!

Welfare has utterly destroyed him! He used to rise to the occasion but only when he NEEDED he no longer needs to. So he doesn't.

His quality of life is putrid! It's sad and disgusting!

One example, means ALL cases are.
The data is pretty clear cut, not only is welfare as small fraction of taxes, but of those on welfare many can't work due to physical, and mental disabilities.

Wow, are you a Protestant by any chance?

I really am starting to think Protestants are a more simple minded, and heartless form of life.

I'm very proud to be Catholic heritage, most Catholics are more normal.

We don't range from Euthanasia, Transgender loving Netherlands to a bunch of War mongering people who refuse to help their fellow man in the USA South.
President Trump has come a long way in reducing that "majority" of people who "can't work and shouldn't have to."

Thank you, President Trump.
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President Trump has come a long way in reducing that "majority" of people who "can't work and shouldn't have to."

Thank you, President Trump.

There's a difference between the unemployment rate of those seeking for work, as opposed to the actual unemployment rate of those who typically can't work, and are unemployed including retirees, physically, and mentally disabled, along with children who go to school.
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Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.

The stunning ignorance belongs to you my friend.

I have no problem paying taxes for those who CAN'T work!

But many many MANY people are committing welfare fraud.

I knew a guy in high school who has become such a disgusting welfare queen I refuse to associate or even speak with him any longer. He doesn't have a single monthly bill...NOT ONE!

No rent, electric, gas, phone, food, and the POS brags about not having filed his taxes in over 10 years.

Ya know what his disability is?

He can't put the bottle down!

Welfare has utterly destroyed him! He used to rise to the occasion but only when he NEEDED he no longer needs to. So he doesn't.

His quality of life is putrid! It's sad and disgusting!

Its actually pretty difficult for people to get Social Security Disability, they often go before a court multiple times, and its even harder for them to get welfare, or section 8.

There might be some who slip through & abuse the system, theres also people with disabilities waiting years for income, living in homeless shelters.

I suspect you know very little about what TRULY goes on.

I'm going to college for Mental Health, and maybe onto Art Therapy.
Having seen the system first hand, and dealt with the Mentally Ill population, most of them DO GET Medicaid,
but actually don't have welfare, and while many of them have Social Security Disability, they often wait years in the beginning for that supplemental income, much less Section 8.
One example, means ALL cases are.

One example my big hairy left one!

Welfare has utterly destroyed the black family unit (replacing the father with a gov't check).

This has destroyed the entire black community. The kids no longer have a fundamental respect for life.
A.) The majority in long term poverty in the USA have disabilities. (Most of them can't work) Shouldn't have to.
Highlighting Disability / Poverty Connection, NCD Urges Congress to Alter Federal Policies that Disadvantage People with Disabilities

B.) Then there's Retirees which get Medicare. (Obviously for the most part retirees don't work) Shouldn't have to.

C.) Taxes for school children. (Obviously for the most part school children don't work) Shouldn't have to.

D.) There's people which are temporarily unemployed due to things like layoffs. Who are looking for work.

E.)( Lets not forget all the taxes which also go towards roads, military.

Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.

The majority of our taxes taken by the Federal Reserve's collection wing, the IRS, is turned over to the Treasury so that the Treasury can pay the principal plus interest on that bond that the Federal Reserve bought with a check which was drawn on an account that has nothing in it when they bought those Treasury bonds from the banks who showed up to bid on portions of our national debt. Treasury bond are, of course, our national debt.

Very little of our tax money goes to government programs.
It's not a black or white, can or can't, issue- lets peruse this article from The American Conservative-
Welcome to the Welfare-Warfare State

Oh, BTW, I'm retired and draw SS and a pension- I (and others in my same category), pay a monthly premium for access to Medicare- I paid into SS from age 14- I paid into Medicare from its inception- we can afford never ending wars, with soldiers and civilians being killed, foreign and domestic and bitch about money? Are you kidding me?

here's some more welfare/warfare writing

The Republican Path to the Welfare/Warfare State

Five Hundred Days of the Welfare/Warfare/Police State

Welfare-Warfare State “Freedom” and “Patriotism”

The MIC (Military Industrial Complex) is a jobs program- the TSA is a jobs program, ALL federal bureaucrats are under a jobs program- police are a jobs program, teachers are a jobs program, college professors who "profess" at state sponsored schools or accept federal grants are a jobs program- those salaries are all paid by taxes- now, you could argue they're beneficial, but, one man's trash is another man's treasure- war is a scourge on man kind. Period. Forcing one;s will on another, regardless of intent, is immoral and the root of ALL conflict- there is no justification for theft- there are attempts, but, in the end when you're forced to contribute to something you don't agree with then don't complain-
A.) The majority in long term poverty in the USA have disabilities. (Most of them can't work) Shouldn't have to.
Highlighting Disability / Poverty Connection, NCD Urges Congress to Alter Federal Policies that Disadvantage People with Disabilities

B.) Then there's Retirees which get Medicare. (Obviously for the most part retirees don't work) Shouldn't have to.

C.) Taxes for school children. (Obviously for the most part school children don't work) Shouldn't have to.

D.) There's people which are temporarily unemployed due to things like layoffs. Who are looking for work.

E.)( Lets not forget all the taxes which also go towards roads, military.

Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.
Most taxes go to the bureaucrats in the swamp, who never produce anything that anyone would willingly buy.

You really are out of your element here.
One example, means ALL cases are.

One example my big hairy left one!

Welfare has utterly destroyed the black family unit (replacing the father with a gov't check).

This has destroyed the entire black community. The kids no longer have a fundamental respect for life.

LOL, Not really a Left winger, more like a typical Catholic AKA socially Conservative, but economically Socialist.

Protestants seem to be cookie cutter thinkers, I don't really like your ilk.
You seem typically immoral, ignorant, and as one track minded simpletons.
Not to say there's not Protestant outliers, just I'm not particularly impressed by the Protestant masses.

So, welfare destroyed the Black families of Africa, Haiti, Jamaica etc.?

African Americans are perhaps the most wealthy, and affluent of the entire Black World.

Certainly they get more welfare here, than they would in Haiti, Jamaica, or Africa.
A.) The majority in long term poverty in the USA have disabilities. (Most of them can't work) Shouldn't have to.
Highlighting Disability / Poverty Connection, NCD Urges Congress to Alter Federal Policies that Disadvantage People with Disabilities

B.) Then there's Retirees which get Medicare. (Obviously for the most part retirees don't work) Shouldn't have to.

C.) Taxes for school children. (Obviously for the most part school children don't work) Shouldn't have to.

D.) There's people which are temporarily unemployed due to things like layoffs. Who are looking for work.

E.)( Lets not forget all the taxes which also go towards roads, military.

Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.
Most taxes go to the bureaucrats in the swamp, who never produce anything that anyone would willingly buy.

You really are out of your element here.

Yes, while it maybe true some taxes go to pay for government jobs higher salaries.

The majority of taxes go towards subsidizing, education for children, medicare for retirees, police, fire, roads, military, among various others.

As for the portion going towards supposed "Moochers" yes it does go to some "Moochers" but it appears the majority of them actually have disabilities.
or had been laid off of work.
A.) The majority in long term poverty in the USA have disabilities. (Most of them can't work) Shouldn't have to.
Highlighting Disability / Poverty Connection, NCD Urges Congress to Alter Federal Policies that Disadvantage People with Disabilities

B.) Then there's Retirees which get Medicare. (Obviously for the most part retirees don't work) Shouldn't have to.

C.) Taxes for school children. (Obviously for the most part school children don't work) Shouldn't have to.

D.) There's people which are temporarily unemployed due to things like layoffs. Who are looking for work.

E.)( Lets not forget all the taxes which also go towards roads, military.

Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.
Most taxes go to the bureaucrats in the swamp, who never produce anything that anyone would willingly buy.

You really are out of your element here.

Yes, while it maybe true some taxes go to pay for government jobs higher salaries.

The majority of taxes go towards subsidizing, education for children, medicare for retirees, police, fire, roads, military, among various others.

As for the portion going towards supposed "Moochers" yes it does go to some "Moochers" but it appears the majority of them actually have disabilities.
or had been laid off of work.
The majority of taxes go to subsidizing worthless administrators and other unproductive bureaucratic moochers....There's a reason that 5 of the 6 wealthiest counties in Murica surround the District of Criminals.
LOL, Not really a Left winger, more like a typical Catholic AKA socially Conservative, but economically Socialist.
Those say a lot but ultimately lead the same place- control of others- religion and politics does that- in the same manner- based on bullshit promises- it's religion, not just protestants- ALL religions are the same ultimately- control.
A.) The majority in long term poverty in the USA have disabilities. (Most of them can't work) Shouldn't have to.
Highlighting Disability / Poverty Connection, NCD Urges Congress to Alter Federal Policies that Disadvantage People with Disabilities

B.) Then there's Retirees which get Medicare. (Obviously for the most part retirees don't work) Shouldn't have to.

C.) Taxes for school children. (Obviously for the most part school children don't work) Shouldn't have to.

D.) There's people which are temporarily unemployed due to things like layoffs. Who are looking for work.

E.)( Lets not forget all the taxes which also go towards roads, military.

Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.
Most taxes go to the bureaucrats in the swamp, who never produce anything that anyone would willingly buy.

You really are out of your element here.

Yes, while it maybe true some taxes go to pay for government jobs higher salaries.

The majority of taxes go towards subsidizing, education for children, medicare for retirees, police, fire, roads, military, among various others.

As for the portion going towards supposed "Moochers" yes it does go to some "Moochers" but it appears the majority of them actually have disabilities.
or had been laid off of work.
The majority of taxes go to subsidizing worthless administrators and other unproductive bureaucratic moochers....There's a reason that 5 of the 6 wealthiest counties in Murica surround the District of Criminals.

Hmm, while a lot of the "Money" may go to salaries, its probably mostly middle income ones, like teachers, police, fire, military personnel.
Considering they tend to be far more numerous than the administrators.
LOL, Not really a Left winger, more like a typical Catholic AKA socially Conservative, but economically Socialist.
Those say a lot but ultimately lead the same place- control of others- religion and politics does that- in the same manner- based on bullshit promises- it's religion, not just protestants- ALL religions are the same ultimately- control.

I'm not a devout Catholic, I'm religious but not deeply. But still none the less follow much (Traditional) Catholic values, including helping the poor, anti-Abortion, anti-War mongering, anti-Gay marriage, anti-Communism etc.

Although, in recent years the Catholic church has drifted Left.

As for Religious vs non-Religious, a lot of the control has equally been created by Atheist Communists.
Hmm, while a lot of the "Money" may go to salaries,
May- that introduces an ambiguous word into a clearly made sound explanation rendering it, well, ambiguous- where it goes "may" be the point but *a* point is it's taking from someone who produces wealth and gives it to someone who doesn't- the distribution is immaterial in the big picture- it's used as a tool to control others through appeasement-
Hmm, while a lot of the "Money" may go to salaries,
May- that introduces an ambiguous word into a clearly made sound explanation rendering it, well, ambiguous- where it goes "may" be the point but *a* point is it's taking from someone who produces wealth and gives it to someone who doesn't- the distribution is immaterial in the big picture- it's used as a tool to control others through appeasement-

Hmm, so retirees, school children, disabled, police, fire, road crews, and military personnel should get nothing?


What an illogical, and immoral monstrosity.

Civilization depends on these.

Leave it to Protestant savages to not grasp civilization, nor society.
Its pretty safe to say that the bulk of our taxes aren't being paid to just a bunch of lazy moochers.
Contrary to Republican popular belief, and stunning ignorance.

The stunning ignorance belongs to you my friend.

I have no problem paying taxes for those who CAN'T work!

But many many MANY people are committing welfare fraud.

I knew a guy in high school who has become such a disgusting welfare queen I refuse to associate or even speak with him any longer. He doesn't have a single monthly bill...NOT ONE!

No rent, electric, gas, phone, food, and the POS brags about not having filed his taxes in over 10 years.

Ya know what his disability is?

He can't put the bottle down!

Welfare has utterly destroyed him! He used to rise to the occasion but only when he NEEDED he no longer needs to. So he doesn't.

His quality of life is putrid! It's sad and disgusting!

One example, means ALL cases are.
The data is pretty clear cut, not only is welfare as small fraction of taxes, but of those on welfare many can't work due to physical, and mental disabilities.

Wow, are you a Protestant by any chance?

I really am starting to think Protestants are a more simple minded, and heartless form of life.

I'm very proud to be Catholic heritage, most Catholics are more normal.

We don't range from Euthanasia, Transgender loving Netherlands to a bunch of War mongering people who refuse to help their fellow man in the USA South.
ya catholic priest dawn the collar and prey on little boys.

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