Tax Reform: Always The Same Tired Lies

So if all that was true then why are we still in debt and in a shitty economy? If the floppy eared idiot was so good...what the hell happened?

Oh, Obama was indeed good......But NOT a miracle maker....(and did you happen to notice how helpful that republican congress was to him???.....LOL)
How good? I don't see a lot after eight years. It doesn't take a miracle just some common sense. Where has that been
The heart of any GOP tax plan is all about saving the off-spring of the super rich million-upon-millions in estate taxes. I think being handed bucks should at least be taxed the same rate as actually working your ass off for it.
Oh...b-o-o...h-o-o. It must be class warfare. Mommy I gonna cry!
How good? I don't see a lot after eight years

Moron...under Obama the economy grew by almost 2.0%......The days of 5% growth may be long gone with China, India and Philippines' very low wage labor forces.
The heart of any GOP tax plan is all about saving the off-spring of the super rich million-upon-millions in estate taxes. I think being handed bucks should at least be taxed the same rate as actually working your ass off for it.
Oh...b-o-o...h-o-o. It must be class warfare. Mommy I gonna cry!

How so? I believe in a flat tax where the tax rate can be set to a low percentage for everyone made possible through a wide tax base which includes (but not limited to) things like money received through gift, inheritance, welfare, gambling winnings, etc. In Ben Carson's book he mentions that welfare should be taxed so that receivers could feel that they're part of the system. He didn't mention it but I think those living off old money should experience the same pleasure of inclusion.
The money I make is mine. It's not the government's.

Say that Republicans. With conviction.
Incorrect. Who pays for the cost of running the economy, taking part in it, the public and societal aspects, if not the very people who gain from it? You should not assume that membership in the economy is free.

The hypothetical, non-real world, hyper simplified concept you are pushing only holds water if we flesh out the rest of this magical land. IF you live on a boat which you own in international waters with no holdings or leins on sovereign land...then the money you make from whatever it is you're doing out there is all yours, babe. Good luck when the pirates find you.

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