Tanks to Ukraine change nothing

It's not so much the tanks as it is the patriot missile systems and other systems. Russia has been using Iranian drones against Ukraine successfully. But then Iran is now running into production issues and that supply is slowing down.

Ukraine seems to be more adept at using better tactics than the Russians. But the Ukranians have been having supply issues all along. Now with tank support vehicles the Bradley is better than the MVP....which between the Patriot missiles and Bradleys is why Putin is so angry. This war is becoming more expensive than he budgeted. He's had several leadership changes for his military...and he wasn't exactly happy about it. Nor has he had great replacement generals to choose from.

The goal for Russia is Crimea...and if Putin Nukes Ukraine or Europe he loses Crimea anyway....
Crimea needs water that comes from Ukraine....that's what the whole war is about. Ukraine cut Crimea's water off.

So.....how does Russia come out of this a winner? It can't!
It's not so much the tanks as it is the patriot missile systems and other systems. Russia has been using Iranian drones against Ukraine successfully. But then Iran is now running into production issues and that supply is slowing down.

Ukraine seems to be more adept at using better tactics than the Russians. But the Ukranians have been having supply issues all along. Now with tank support vehicles the Bradley is better than the MVP....which between the Patriot missiles and Bradleys is why Putin is so angry. This war is becoming more expensive than he budgeted. He's had several leadership changes for his military...and he wasn't exactly happy about it. Nor has he had great replacement generals to choose from.

The goal for Russia is Crimea...and if Putin Nukes Ukraine or Europe he loses Crimea anyway....
Crimea needs water that comes from Ukraine....that's what the whole war is about. Ukraine cut Crimea's water off.

So.....how does Russia come out of this a winner? It can't!
a good post,
what do you think about Moscow imperial economy ? when do you think they´d run out off cash ?

Even if the West sends all available tanks to Ukraine it changes nothing, because Russia can always put the red button and within few minutes eliminate Europe completely
USA will never respond, moreover Americans can be happy, the biggest competitor is gone
If somebody disagree with please proof the US will gonna deal in another way

Your English needs improvement tovarisch.

When that entire battalion is put in place, the fire power of those tanks will devastate the entire front line positions.

And just wait to see what happens when those F-16 fighters show up from the Netherlands.

You do realize that using a nuke on the front lines means you will be eating the fallout right?
a good post,
what do you think about Moscow imperial economy ? when do you think they´d run out off cash ?


Russia has enough munitions and money for the big push coming as soon as the weather allows (few weeks) but then it's over because they need to keep some munitions for national security...they cant completely drain their supplies....too many neighbors who would like to take advantage of a bear with no claws or teeth.

And that's the crux.

If they don't win with this latest push in March/April then they are toast. They are selling some oil but not enough to finance a war. As it stands now it's going to be a hungry winter next year now. They have depleted about 40% of their munitions in Ukraine to little effect....Crimea has no water still and Ukraine is thumbing their nose at Russia....giving their neighbors some ideas about breaking ties or grabbing some resources back away from Russia.

The question is going to be about how many tanks and pieces of equipment Russia can get to the battlefield? Last time they lost so many because of breakdowns which the Ukranians used to destroy more.
Russia uses these 5 million dollar Iranian drones...Ukraine uses $150 drones and a grenade.(toys) Sure the Iranian drones are stronger and fly further but the whole place is crawling with Ukranians....and now the Ukranians are getting a Patriot missile battery which can take out some of these Iranian drones and the Russian missiles. (Can't get them all)

Now what is going to be really important for Ukraine is the training....training for accuracy with their Artillery and Tanks. 5 well placed artillery rounds are better than 50 random rounds. (Which the new tanks and support vehicles from Germany and US are supposed to provide) This is because of logistics and supplies. And the Ukranians have been getting training everywhere....(supposedly a big secret)

Now the past airport attacks were strategically significant because it caused Russia to pull troops away from front lines to defend the airports....the attacks didn't do much except for the pulling back of troops.
And if Ukraine can do that again....

Battles are fast moving...mobility and communications are crucial for staying alive and taking ground. Ukraine is very good at these....just as good as Russia. That's what caught Russia flat footed. They will come prepared this time...what will Ukraine answer with? Dunno....but if they hold out long enough Russia will need to stop for finances.
Russia has enough munitions and money for the big push coming as soon as the weather allows (few weeks) but then it's over because they need to keep some munitions for national security...they cant completely drain their supplies....too many neighbors who would like to take advantage of a bear with no claws or teeth.

And that's the crux.

If they don't win with this latest push in March/April then they are toast. They are selling some oil but not enough to finance a war. As it stands now it's going to be a hungry winter next year now. They have depleted about 40% of their munitions in Ukraine to little effect....Crimea has no water still and Ukraine is thumbing their nose at Russia....giving their neighbors some ideas about breaking ties or grabbing some resources back away from Russia.

The question is going to be about how many tanks and pieces of equipment Russia can get to the battlefield? Last time they lost so many because of breakdowns which the Ukranians used to destroy more.
Russia uses these 5 million dollar Iranian drones...Ukraine uses $150 drones and a grenade.(toys) Sure the Iranian drones are stronger and fly further but the whole place is crawling with Ukranians....and now the Ukranians are getting a Patriot missile battery which can take out some of these Iranian drones and the Russian missiles. (Can't get them all)

Now what is going to be really important for Ukraine is the training....training for accuracy with their Artillery and Tanks. 5 well placed artillery rounds are better than 50 random rounds. (Which the new tanks and support vehicles from Germany and US are supposed to provide) This is because of logistics and supplies. And the Ukranians have been getting training everywhere....(supposedly a big secret)

Now the past airport attacks were strategically significant because it caused Russia to pull troops away from front lines to defend the airports....the attacks didn't do much except for the pulling back of troops.
And if Ukraine can do that again....

Battles are fast moving...mobility and communications are crucial for staying alive and taking ground. Ukraine is very good at these....just as good as Russia. That's what caught Russia flat footed. They will come prepared this time...what will Ukraine answer with? Dunno....but if they hold out long enough Russia will need to stop for finances.
Baron any comment on this ?

ps great post, I will write my thoughts on this subject a bit later
Russia has enough munitions and money for the big push coming as soon as the weather allows (few weeks) but then it's over because they need to keep some munitions for national security...they cant completely drain their supplies....too many neighbors who would like to take advantage of a bear with no claws or teeth.

And that's the crux.

If they don't win with this latest push in March/April then they are toast. They are selling some oil but not enough to finance a war. As it stands now it's going to be a hungry winter next year now. They have depleted about 40% of their munitions in Ukraine to little effect....Crimea has no water still and Ukraine is thumbing their nose at Russia....giving their neighbors some ideas about breaking ties or grabbing some resources back away from Russia.

The question is going to be about how many tanks and pieces of equipment Russia can get to the battlefield? Last time they lost so many because of breakdowns which the Ukranians used to destroy more.
Russia uses these 5 million dollar Iranian drones...Ukraine uses $150 drones and a grenade.(toys) Sure the Iranian drones are stronger and fly further but the whole place is crawling with Ukranians....and now the Ukranians are getting a Patriot missile battery which can take out some of these Iranian drones and the Russian missiles. (Can't get them all)

Now what is going to be really important for Ukraine is the training....training for accuracy with their Artillery and Tanks. 5 well placed artillery rounds are better than 50 random rounds. (Which the new tanks and support vehicles from Germany and US are supposed to provide) This is because of logistics and supplies. And the Ukranians have been getting training everywhere....(supposedly a big secret)

Now the past airport attacks were strategically significant because it caused Russia to pull troops away from front lines to defend the airports....the attacks didn't do much except for the pulling back of troops.
And if Ukraine can do that again....

Battles are fast moving...mobility and communications are crucial for staying alive and taking ground. Ukraine is very good at these....just as good as Russia. That's what caught Russia flat footed. They will come prepared this time...what will Ukraine answer with? Dunno....but if they hold out long enough Russia will need to stop for finances.

I didn´t know that we have such experts , great post, are you a Moscow watcher or work with this subject ?
lets talk about " big push", rest of your post is very clear, , and knowledge based thats why Baron wont give his answer .
" big push"

1) do we talk about Donbas ? or ?
2) how big ? 100K?
3) Mobiks are not mechanized, so we are gonna see Bakhmut style & cannon fodder´s waves of attacks ?
4) lets say they ´ll attack with 20-100K. how they will solve logistic problem ? according soviet military doctrine , any large attack must feed from a large front´s material hub (near front line ) for any other logistic solution they dont have enough tracks and specialists. Our HIMARS easy reach the front´s material hubs so how Muscovite are gonna attack , with AKMs with pockets full of bullets ?
In '41 the US was still re-arming and financing the Nazis and FDR had to threaten them with Treason charges to being them into line .


Do you're own research? Bruh. I read, and listened from the soldiers themselves. I don't need to listen to your fairy tales.

We should have allied with the Germans to crush the Soviets in 1945. Too bad we didn't.
I didn´t know that we have such experts , great post, are you a Moscow watcher or work with this subject ?
lets talk about " big push", rest of your post is very clear, , and knowledge based thats why Baron wont give his answer .
" big push"

1) do we talk about Donbas ? or ?
2) how big ? 100K?
3) Mobiks are not mechanized, so we are gonna see Bakhmut style & cannon fodder´s waves of attacks ?
4) lets say they ´ll attack with 20-100K. how they will solve logistic problem ? according soviet military doctrine , any large attack must feed from a large front´s material hub (near front line ) for any other logistic solution they dont have enough tracks and specialists. Our HIMARS easy reach the front´s material hubs so how Muscovite are gonna attack , with AKMs with pockets full of bullets ?
I have friends who live in the neighborhood....let's just say that. I don't want them involved in anything nor do they wish to be.
And I have other friends who are very familiar with artillery and how it works strategically.
Then this coupled with a few publicly made videos of briefings...and I know too much. (Which really isn't helping with my worry for my friends)
The bottom line is that we ALL just want this to be over.

Ukraine was steadily working towards "Westernization" along the lines of being very friendly with the EU. However old prejudices die hard. However....it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the stark contrast that exists to this day of the difference between the EU and former Soviet Bloc nations....those old border guard stations are the line...and once you pass them the infrastructure change is still drastic to this day. And that change is what these former Soviet Bloc nations want to erase.

I don't know of a single group that doesn't harbor a severe mistrust of Russians. They are friendly towards them but remain mistrustful. And things like this attack on Ukraine tops the list why. The reason why Slovakia and the Czech Republic separated is because of prejudices...not much else. But they are united in their mistrust of Russia.

Granted, Ukraine shouldn't have cut off Crimea's water supplies. (More prejudices that encouraged it to happen) But Russia really shouldn't have annexed Crimea anyway and then got pissy about the lack of water for crops.

Now the big wrinkle that might follow all of this is if Crimea AND Ukraine work out a deal to where they unite against Russia....Crimea gets its water back. It got originally cut off because of their dealing with Russia...
I have friends who live in the neighborhood....let's just say that. I don't want them involved in anything nor do they wish to be.
And I have other friends who are very familiar with artillery and how it works strategically.
Then this coupled with a few publicly made videos of briefings...and I know too much. (Which really isn't helping with my worry for my friends)
The bottom line is that we ALL just want this to be over.

Ukraine was steadily working towards "Westernization" along the lines of being very friendly with the EU. However old prejudices die hard. However....it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the stark contrast that exists to this day of the difference between the EU and former Soviet Bloc nations....those old border guard stations are the line...and once you pass them the infrastructure change is still drastic to this day. And that change is what these former Soviet Bloc nations want to erase.

I don't know of a single group that doesn't harbor a severe mistrust of Russians. They are friendly towards them but remain mistrustful. And things like this attack on Ukraine tops the list why. The reason why Slovakia and the Czech Republic separated is because of prejudices...not much else. But they are united in their mistrust of Russia.

Granted, Ukraine shouldn't have cut off Crimea's water supplies. (More prejudices that encouraged it to happen) But Russia really shouldn't have annexed Crimea anyway and then got pissy about the lack of water for crops.

Now the big wrinkle that might follow all of this is if Crimea AND Ukraine work out a deal to where they unite against Russia....Crimea gets its water back. It got originally cut off because of their dealing with Russia...
i see, a good post. once you have time, It would be great to know your opinion on "big push" logistic (old ussr style ?) , is it possible under watch of our satellites , drones and rain of our HIMARS rockets

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