Take The Nuclear Football Away From Trump

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
The unhinged libtardos have been screaming Trump is off the rails and shouldn't have the nuclear codes for two years now. Now the former National Security Chief Clapper, who lied to the American public under oath about if the NSA spies on Americans and has been lying about unmasking, claims he doesn't think Trump should have the nuclear codes.

So here we have an idiot, who along with another idiot Obama, didn't do one damn thing to stop North Korea from getting nukes opining on whether Trump should have the codes. These two losers couldn't get a U.N. security resolution against North Korea and Trump has one in six months. This is from Trump's superior leadership by putting serious people like Mattis in place which sends a clear message we aren't fucking around. Leveraging China so WE DON'T HAVE TO USE NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Along with Trump's strong leadership increasing our military strength.

The more the losers rail Trump is unhinged and shouldn't have the codes he makes them look like idiots with his actions. Which by the way, can be measured by results which the libtardos couldn't achieve.
Hell, Bill Clinton supposedly walked around for months, not realizing he wasn't carrying the codes to retaliate against a nuclear attack.

The left's being more afraid of a nuclear-armed Trump than a nuclear-armed North Korea, Iran, Russia, or China shows just how unhinged they really are.
Hell, Bill Clinton supposedly walked around for months, not realizing he wasn't carrying the codes to retaliate against a nuclear attack.

The left's being more afraid of a nuclear-armed Trump than a nuclear-armed North Korea, Iran, Russia, or China shows just how unhinged they really are.

Got that right. Clintoon was an idiot. Hell that fucking moron shot a missile into the Chinese embassy in Turkey of all fucking places. And I don't know what he had against aspirins but he bombed an aspirin factory in some place.
The unhinged libtardos have been screaming Trump is off the rails and shouldn't have the nuclear codes for two years now. Now the former National Security Chief Clapper, who lied to the American public under oath about if the NSA spies on Americans and has been lying about unmasking, claims he doesn't think Trump should have the nuclear codes.

So here we have an idiot, who along with another idiot Obama, didn't do one damn thing to stop North Korea from getting nukes opining on whether Trump should have the codes. These two losers couldn't get a U.N. security resolution against North Korea and Trump has one in six months. This is from Trump's superior leadership by putting serious people like Mattis in place which sends a clear message we aren't fucking around. Leveraging China so WE DON'T HAVE TO USE NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Along with Trump's strong leadership increasing our military strength.

The more the losers rail Trump is unhinged and shouldn't have the codes he makes them look like idiots with his actions. Which by the way, can be measured by results which the libtardos couldn't achieve.
Nuclear war is the solution to climate change. Humans overpopulate the earth. We need to kill about 4.5 billion people to save the planet and cure it of fever.

Let Trump have full control. Heal mother earth.
I can't wait till asshole Clapper is prosecuted for Perjury and Treason and Subpoened to answer for his crimes.

Clapper is a spook. He knows who has the coin and Hillaryous made it clear who's coming down the trail after Obama.

It's all the lieberals have left. Trump being unhinged and unfit to have the nuclear codes is all they have left. Russia has left the house. Susan Rice is in deep shit.
So is Schultz Comey Lynch and Clapper but The Deep State will sweep it under The Rug!

I can't wait till asshole Clapper is prosecuted for Perjury and Treason and Subpoened to answer for his crimes.

Clapper is a spook. He knows who has the coin and Hillaryous made it clear who's coming down the trail after Obama.

It's all the lieberals have left. Trump being unhinged and unfit to have the nuclear codes is all they have left. Russia has left the house. Susan Rice is in deep shit.
Yes the far left policies of the last eight years made everything worse!

That is the price you pay when you allow the far left to have any type of power!

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