Take away his name pen.. More executive orders for Obama..

Be sure and let us know when he exercises unconstitutional power, mm-kay? Be prepared to quote the exact provisions in the exact EO.

A Presidential directive strengthening or weakening regulations? Better make sure someone on your team has not done the exact same thing in the past before making a completely hypocritical ass of yourself. Better make sure it is entirely legal before making a completely ignorant ass of yourself.

"Because Obama" is not evidence of unconstitutional or dictatorial behavior. I know you think it is, but it isn't.

Ooooooh, he's writing Executive Orders! A historical first! A DICTATOR!!! SOMEBODY STOP HIM!
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right wing bloggers dont really know what Obama is about to do or has done
Rubes are soooooo easy. Just say the magic phrase "end run around Congress" and they fall all over themselves to grab the bucket of piss and chug it.

Intellectual capacity of a bumper sticker. Not kidding.

Critical thinking is alien technology.
Be sure and let us know when he exercises unconstitutional power, mm-kay? Be prepared to quote the exact provisions in the exact EO.

A Presidential directive strengthening or weakening regulations? Better make sure someone on your team has not done the exact same thing in the past before making a completely hypocritical ass of yourself. Better make sure it is entirely legal before making a completely ignorant ass of yourself.

"Because Obama" is not evidence of unconstitutional or dictatorial behavior. I know you think it is, but it isn't.

Ooooooh, he's writing Executive Orders! A historical first! A DICTATOR!!! SOMEBODY STOP HIM!

I do not believe our forefathers intended our leaders to do an end run around congress and write executive orders. IOW, I believe they are ALL unconstitutional.

Why have congress at all if the President has the powers of a King? I believe that's exactly what they didn't want.
How many has he had? All I know is he has had less than Bush or Reagan.
How many has he had? All I know is he has had less than Bush or Reagan.

I don't care, I don't think there should be such a thing as an "executive order" for ANY president. They should all be repealed immediately based on the grounds that they are unconstitutional.
Be sure and let us know when he exercises unconstitutional power, mm-kay? Be prepared to quote the exact provisions in the exact EO.

A Presidential directive strengthening or weakening regulations? Better make sure someone on your team has not done the exact same thing in the past before making a completely hypocritical ass of yourself. Better make sure it is entirely legal before making a completely ignorant ass of yourself.

"Because Obama" is not evidence of unconstitutional or dictatorial behavior. I know you think it is, but it isn't.

Ooooooh, he's writing Executive Orders! A historical first! A DICTATOR!!! SOMEBODY STOP HIM!

I do not believe our forefathers intended our leaders to do an end run around congress and write executive orders. IOW, I believe they are ALL unconstitutional.

Considering those Founders who went on to become President wrote Executive Orders themselves, you are not only wrong, but have exposed yourself of being ignorant of all things Founder related!

Why have congress at all if the President has the powers of a King? I believe that's exactly what they didn't want.

You are another one who has never read an EO in your life. That much is obvious.
How many has he had? All I know is he has had less than Bush or Reagan.

You have to go back at least 100 years to find a President who has written less EOs than Obama. Every President in the past 100 years wrote more.

Not kidding.

Even JFK and Ford, who both had short presidencies, wrote more EOs than Obama has.


The piss masters would have you believe otherwise.
Hoover, one term President. Wrote more EOs than Obama.

Carter, one term President. Wrote more EOs than Obama.

JFK, shot dead after, what, 1036 days. Wrote more EOs than Obama.

Ford, less than one term as President. Wrote more EOs than Obama.
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Be sure and let us know when he exercises unconstitutional power, mm-kay? Be prepared to quote the exact provisions in the exact EO.

A Presidential directive strengthening or weakening regulations? Better make sure someone on your team has not done the exact same thing in the past before making a completely hypocritical ass of yourself. Better make sure it is entirely legal before making a completely ignorant ass of yourself.

"Because Obama" is not evidence of unconstitutional or dictatorial behavior. I know you think it is, but it isn't.

Ooooooh, he's writing Executive Orders! A historical first! A DICTATOR!!! SOMEBODY STOP HIM!

I do not believe our forefathers intended our leaders to do an end run around congress and write executive orders. IOW, I believe they are ALL unconstitutional.

Considering those Founders who went on to become President wrote Executive Orders themselves, you are not only wrong, but have exposed yourself of being ignorant of all things Founder related!

Why have congress at all if the President has the powers of a King? I believe that's exactly what they didn't want.

You are another one who has never read an EO in your life. That much is obvious.

Actually, I have read several EOs. I did not believe our founding fathers had EOs and I have so far been unable to find proof that they did. The closest I can come, and this is admittedly not taking very long is the following:

Presidents use executive orders to avoid working with Congress, and, since Watergate, presidents have asserted executive privilege while calling it something else

from: Thomas Jefferson and Executive Power by Jeremy D. Bailey

and according to wikipedia ( I know, not the best source)

Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Until 1952, there were no rules or guidelines outlining what the president could or could not do through an executive order. However, the Supreme Court ruled in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 US 579 (1952) that Executive Order 10340 from President Harry S. Truman placing all steel mills in the country under federal control was invalid because it attempted to make law, rather than clarify or act to further a law put forth by the Congress or the Constitution. Presidents since this decision have generally been careful to cite which specific laws they are acting under when issuing new executive orders.

I do not believe our forefathers intended executive orders to give the president a power to do an end run around congress. In fact until the 1900's the "orders" the president put out were not called "executive orders".

And my proof in the pudding, so to speak:

One extreme example of an executive order is Executive Order 9066, where Franklin D. Roosevelt delegated military authority to remove any or all people (used to target specifically Japanese Americans and German Americans) in a military zone. The authority delegated to General John L. DeWitt subsequently paved the way for all Japanese-Americans on the West Coast to be sent to internment camps for the duration of World War II.

Do you really believe our forefathers intending our president to be able to do the above without any input of the people or congress?
I do not believe our forefathers intended our leaders to do an end run around congress and write executive orders. IOW, I believe they are ALL unconstitutional.

Considering those Founders who went on to become President wrote Executive Orders themselves, you are not only wrong, but have exposed yourself of being ignorant of all things Founder related!

Why have congress at all if the President has the powers of a King? I believe that's exactly what they didn't want.

You are another one who has never read an EO in your life. That much is obvious.

Actually, I have read several EOs. I did not believe our founding fathers had EOs and I have so far been unable to find proof that they did. The closest I can come, and this is admittedly not taking very long is the following:

Presidents use executive orders to avoid working with Congress, and, since Watergate, presidents have asserted executive privilege while calling it something else

from: Thomas Jefferson and Executive Power by Jeremy D. Bailey

and according to wikipedia ( I know, not the best source)

Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Until 1952, there were no rules or guidelines outlining what the president could or could not do through an executive order. However, the Supreme Court ruled in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 US 579 (1952) that Executive Order 10340 from President Harry S. Truman placing all steel mills in the country under federal control was invalid because it attempted to make law, rather than clarify or act to further a law put forth by the Congress or the Constitution. Presidents since this decision have generally been careful to cite which specific laws they are acting under when issuing new executive orders.

I do not believe our forefathers intended executive orders to give the president a power to do an end run around congress. In fact until the 1900's the "orders" the president put out were not called "executive orders".

And my proof in the pudding, so to speak:

One extreme example of an executive order is Executive Order 9066, where Franklin D. Roosevelt delegated military authority to remove any or all people (used to target specifically Japanese Americans and German Americans) in a military zone. The authority delegated to General John L. DeWitt subsequently paved the way for all Japanese-Americans on the West Coast to be sent to internment camps for the duration of World War II.

Do you really believe our forefathers intending our president to be able to do the above without any input of the people or congress?

Our founding Presidents wrote executive orders, they just weren't called EOs and numbered in the beginning.

Only two EOs in our entire history have been found to be unconstitional. Citing those as evidence that EVERY Executive Order is unconstitutional is one of the more ridiculous logical fallacies there is. If they were all unconstitutional, the Supreme Court would have ended them centuries ago.

The Legislature legislates. The Executive executes. Read an EO. The vast majority of them are orders to execute acts passed by Congress. Congress cannot execute the laws, they only write them. The Executive has to carry them out.

Some deal with enforcing existing laws, or strengthening or weakening existing regulations which fall under the authority of the Executive. Some establish executive committees to study ways to enforce laws or carry out regulations assigned by Congress for the Executive to create.
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