Taiwan's National Flag Omitted in Official Twitter Posts of Olympic Medal Winners


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I wonder if Liz Cheney or Adam "I-just-have-some-dust-in-my-eyes" Kinzinger have anything to say about this.

THIS is the battle that America needs to win and be more vocal about. The silence is sending a very strong and powerful message to China. The weak IOC bend to Chinas will because they see them as the future and don't have any reason to act differently.

CNSNews.com) – For more than four decades, the International Olympic Committee has labeled Taiwan “Chinese Taipei” in deference to Beijing’s communist rulers, but the organizers of the Tokyo Olympics have gone a step further, choosing not to include Taiwan’s national flag when highlighting a Taiwanese medal-winner’s achievement on Twitter.

Multiple times a day, the official Tokyo 2020 Twitter feed honors medal winners from around the world, and almost without exception features a small national flag alongside the name of each athlete or team.

But alongside the names of Taiwan’s medal winners – four and counting – no such symbol of national pride appears.

(The only other country to be treated similarly is Russia – because it is officially banned from the Olympics until 2022 due to the controversy over state-sponsored doping. Russia athletes are still competing, but as the Russian Olympic Committee, and under a flag contrived for the occasion rather than the Russian national flag.)

So after a Taiwanese judoka won the silver medal in his category on Saturday, Tokyo 2020 posted a tweet listing the four winners – gold, silver, and two bronze – with the flags of Japan, Kazakhstan and France. Alongside the name of Taiwan’s Yang Yung Wei, however, was a blank space.
I'll be amazed if the CCP doesn't launch an attack on Taiwan within the next year. They have to know that Biden will not act against them or if he does it will be cursory at best. Putin might do the same with Ukraine but if he does, Russians will pay one hell of a price in blood and treasure.
I'll be amazed if the CCP doesn't launch an attack on Taiwan within the next year. They have to know that Biden will not act against them or if he does it will be cursory at best. Putin might do the same with Ukraine but if he does, Russians will pay one hell of a price in blood and treasure.

I'm starting to consider the possibility that Russia and China both launch attacks at the same time on multiple targets. It would ensure Taiwan falls rapidly and the world would be caught with their thumbs up their behind arguing with each other about who will do what (but NEVER upset the Communists, they might cut off our labour).
Dont believe that lie

the Taiwanese people who have lived there since recorded history dont even speak chinese

and they have a basic human right to choose their own government
When Dutch Rule ended in 1644 loyalists of the Ming Dynasty assumed administrative responsibility for the island. The Chinese lost the island in 1895 to Japan, and received it back in 1945.

As I stated, centuries.

This land belongs to China.
This land belongs to China.
Human being do not belong to other human beings

the Taiwanese people choose not to be dictated to by the CCP

your position is no different than pacifists in the 1930s who pandered to hitlers demand for territory where the people spoke german

but it was never enough to avoid war
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Human being do not belong to other human beings

the Taiwanese people choose not to be dictated to by the CCP

your position is no different than pacifists in the 1930s who pandered to hitlers demand for territory where the people spoke german

but it was never enough to avoid war
So, if the citizens vote then they should get their wish? So Ukraine belongs to Russia? For example? They voted to secede.
So, if the citizens vote then they should get their wish? So Ukraine belongs to Russia? For example? They voted to secede.
I dont know the situation in the ukraine well enough to comment

but I do understand the issue over Taiwan and the threat china is to every Pacific nation, particularly the United States
I dont know the situation in the ukraine well enough to comment

but I do understand the issue over Taiwan and the threat china is to every Pacific nation, particularly the United States

You see, this is Taiwan in a nutshell. China regained control of Taiwan in 1945. The Kuomintang, lost the civil war in 1948, and fled to Taiwan. The Communists won that civil war, and as such are the rightful rulers of China, Chinese lands, and people. Those lands INCLUDE Taiwan.
Taiwan is currently occupied by the ancestor's of a defeated side, the Kuomintang.

What you are saying is akin to if the Confederates fled to the channel islands along the coast of the US and started their own government there.
The land, would still belong to the USA. Not the CSA.

So stop with your horseshit.
So stop with your horseshit.
What you say is somewhat true

The Msoists won the civil war and now claim Taiwan, but they have never occupied it

that ugly red flag has never flown there and the Taiwanese dont want it to
Taiwan belongs to the Taiwanese people living there

if we dont stand up for freedom someday it will be our turn to become chinese slaves

We won't even stand up for our own freedom. We can't even fix our own problems. Fuck Taiwan, we need to fix america first then worry about the rest of the world.

Jesus our society is all worried about what to rename something so people's feelings don't get hurt, how the hell are we in a position to help another country?
Taiwan belongs to the Taiwanese people living there

if we dont stand up for freedom someday it will be our turn to become chinese slaves

It's similar thinking that dragged us into Vietnam and how did that turn out for us?
It's similar thinking that dragged us into Vietnam and how did that turn out for us?
As you might know I prefer the comparison to the months prior to Germany invading poland

the western democracies looked the other way as germany occupied the Rhineland, then Austria, and finally Czechoslovakia

Its understandable that western leaders wanted to avoid WWII

but appeasement on the face of aggression is not the way to do it
We won't even stand up for our own freedom. We can't even fix our own problems. Fuck Taiwan, we need to fix america first then worry about the rest of the world.

Jesus our society is all worried about what to rename something so people's feelings don't get hurt, how the hell are we in a position to help another country?
As I keep pointing out this not charity for Taiwan any more than britain and france going to war over poland was simple altruim

china is as much a threat to America as it is to Taiwan
Never been to Twitter or Facebook.

No surprise that Twitter would kowtow to the Chinese emperor.

It seems every nation in the world shakes in its boots whenever the emperor speaks.

It would be so nice if some nations were able to make China stay in its lane.

But, of course, they are all too cowardly to do so.

Sure hope that Japan stands up to the bully.

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