Syrian invaders coming here.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Greensboro, NC: First Syrian refugees on the way there this week
Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 9, 2014
Greensboro NC First Syrian refugees on the way there this week Refugee Resettlement Watch
Our post of late last week where we reported that the US State Department is saying that thousands of Syrian refugees have been chosen by the UN to be resettled to your towns and cities went through the roof with thousands and thousands of readers passing it around.
They are probably flowing into other small cities as well, but the Triad offices of contractors Church World Service and World Relief-Evangelicals (two of the big nine!) seem especially adept at getting news stories planted. (Just last month see World Relief here and Church World Service in North Carolina, here.)

By the way, back in 2010 there was a huge controversy in this part of North Carolina about too many refugees with lousy care. We wrote a three part story about the problem, which begins with this post. Local churches asked that the flow be slowed. LOL! the series showed what a dog-eat-dog-world the world of federal refugee contracting can be!

From the Winston-Salem Journal:

GREENSBORO — The first in the current wave of Syrian refugees will arrive in the Triad this week, representatives with the organizations helping to resettle them said Friday.


Sarah Ivory, Church World Service director in the Triad, says they are working with the local Islamic Center. Photo: CWS Director Recognized by Triad Business Journal Church World Service Greensboro

A Syrian family of seven will arrive on Tuesday and will settle in Greensboro, said Sarah Ivory, the director of refugee and immigration services with Church World Service in Greensboro. The family includes five children, the youngest just 5 months old, Ivory said. The oldest is 10 years old.

Andrew Timbie, the office director for World Relief’s High Point office, said his organization is helping to resettle a family in Winston-Salem. That family also will arrive next week, although he would not provide the exact date.

“This is the first of many that we anticipate,” Timbie said of Syrian refugees.

Church World Service and World Relief work with the U.S. State Department and the United Nations to resettle refugees.

Ivory said the family coming to Greensboro is currently living in Jordan. Timbie said on Friday that he did not have a lot of background information about the family his office is assisting.

The organizations receive government money to help give refugee families fresh starts, but the goal is to help the families become self-sufficient, with the help of other community agencies. [At least they are admitting they do it with government money, something we never saw reported in the early years of writing RRW.---ed]


Ivory said Church World Service is working with the Islamic Center of Greensboro, the Greensboro Jewish Federation and the local Syrian-American community to provide other resources to the family, such as hot meals upon arrival, clothing and diapers.

Suppose to be thousands more where this comes from. More ISIS types!
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US State Department: UN has chosen several thousand Syrians for resettlement to America
Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 6, 2014

And so it begins!


Marie Harf at the US State Department sending out the first signals! The Syrians are coming!

As I predicted yesterday, it is coming—the announcement that we will be taking several thousand Syrian permanent refugees starting in a few weeks. The new fiscal year begins on October 1.

I’m using the word “permanent” for a reason. Some of the Syrians going to Europe are only going to be allowed to stay until the conflict is resolved, but our refugees are permanent.

From Middle East Monitor. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said this apparently in response to a question:

The United States has resettled 166 Syrians since the outbreak of the Syrian Revolution in 2011, a State Department official said on Thursday.

Marie Harf, US state department deputy spokeswoman, said during her daily press briefing, “The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) began in mid-2014 to refer Syrian refugees in large numbers to the United States.”

She pointed out that there are several thousands of Syrian refugees waiting to gain entry into the US, noting that the number will continue to increase.

And, we are expected to pony-up another $2 billion for the Syrian refugee crisis by the end of the year.

Don’t forget! Back in February, the Obama Administration bowed to pressure from “human rights” lobbyists/federal contractors to relax security screening so as to accommodate a Syrian migration to America, to your towns and cities. I can assure you that most of the Syrians admitted to the US will be Sunni Muslims.

US State Department UN has chosen several thousand Syrians for resettlement to America Refugee Resettlement Watch
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Cleveland Health and Human Services to be challenged this next year with more refugees
Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 12, 2014

It looks like Cleveland, Ohio will join the Triad of North Carolina and get some of the thousands of Syrian refugees the UN has chosen for America.
Cleveland Health and Human Services to be challenged this next year with more refugees Refugee Resettlement Watch
Is it because Welcoming America came to town (to soften them up!)?

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Lead poisoning, women’s reproductive health issues and the hardships of immigrant refugees top the priorities of Cleveland City Council’s Health and Human Services Committee this legislative session.

In an interview Wednesday, city councilman Joe Cimperman said that the committee he chairs is “both perspirational and aspirational,” and while it must oversee the function of the city’s Health Department, it must also set the agenda to meet the needs of Cleveland’s changing social landscape.

This year, Cimperman said, that means anticipating a flood of refugees from Iraq, Syria and other war-torn countries, helping them settle in their new environment and connecting them with healthcare and social services.

“In the next 24 months, we are going to feel the effects of the conflicts in Syria and Iraq for sure,” Cimperman said. “I’m sad that they’re forced to flee their countries, but why can’t Cleveland be that welcoming place?”

Cimperman said the city will hold a Refugee Summit and luncheon on Oct. 30 in the City Hall Rotunda, where city leaders will explore ways to attract and accommodate an immigrant population.

Readers in the Cleveland area should plan to attend the “Refugee Summit.”

There are three preferred communities in Ohio—Cleveland, Columbus and Akron. To see who is running the refugee program for the federal government in Cleveland go here.
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World Relief: Spokane, Washington on the list to get Syrians in the new fiscal year
Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 25, 2014
The new year for the next batch of 100,000 (maybe 200,000 this year counting the Unaccompanied alien children) refugees, asylees, and assorted others the US State Department and Office of Refugee Resettlement and their nine contractors*** “welcome” to America begins in 6 days.


Mark Kadel, Director of World Relief, Spokane, WA: “…we’ve already been assured that we’ll receive a number of Syrians.” Photo: Mark Kadel Director of World Relief Spokane WA - TruthAtlasTruthAtlas Discover who s changing your world.

Here is a story from Spokane where World Relief (Evangelicals) reports on a new family of Iraqis coming from Syria.


SPOKANE, Wash. –

With the situation in Syria continuing to spiral out of control, between the threat of ISIS and an ongoing civil war, a family originally from Iraq and took refuge in Damascus will arrive in Spokane night.

The State Department reports half of Syria’s population has fled their homes because of the crisis, with thousands of people pouring over the Turkish border seeking refuge each day.

In addition to the Iraqi family arriving from Syria, World Relief Spokane says a Syrian family will be coming in the next couple months with many more to follow.


World Relief is one of nine organizations contracted by the State Department to resettle refugees that are legally invited to be part of the country. The Spokane office takes anywhere from 500 to 600 refugees a year.


The State Department estimates that 1,800 people will come to the U.S. from Syria in 2015, with some of them moving to the Inland Northwest.

We have learned that the US will be getting Syrian numbers on par with the numbers we have taken from Iraq (that would be close to 20,000 a year!), here, so when they say 1,800 above, I’m guessing someone left out a zero.

So far we have had reports that Syrians will go to North Carolina and Ohio. Add Washington State.

More terrorist!
Im far, far more concerened with millions of illegal aliens. ISIS is just a new name invented to scare us some more so they can steel more of our rights and controll us further. The illegals are the real terrorists.
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Obama announces Syrian refugee numbers for resettlement to US—4,000 for FY2015
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 1, 2014
But, I don’t buy it! The numbers will be much higher!

The UNHCR has been spouting-off that the US will be on par with Germany in taking Syrians which is 10,000 or more per year! Also, State Department honcho Simon Henshaw said in Turkey recently that our Syrian resettlement will come close to our Iraqi numbers in recent years which is close to 20,000 per year (approximately 68% of the Iraqis we are taking are Muslims)!


Syrian refugees coming to a town near you starting today! Photo:

Here is the Washington Post on the FY 2015 Presidential Determination. Hat tip: Skip

As you read this article with its several references to 2015, remember FY 2015 begins TODAY!
The Obama administration will greatly increase the number of Syrian refugees approved for permanent resettlement in the United States next year but has opted against a separate refugee program to serve victims of that intractable civil war, administration officials said Tuesday.

The State Department is reviewing more than 4,000 applications from Syrian refugees seeking permanent homes in the United States next year or beyond, up from dozens considered for resettlement this year and last, officials said. The expansion reflects determinations by the United Nations refugee agency and the United States that tens of thousands of refugees living outside Syria are unlikely to ever be able to return.

The White House said Tuesday that it has approved permanent resettlement for up to 70,000 refugees worldwide next year, the same figure as for fiscal 2014.

Up to 33,000 could be resettled from the Middle East and South Asia, including Syria. Although there is no set target for Syrian refugees, they are expected to form a far larger percentage of the total than ever before.

The State Department has received more than 4,000 referrals in recent months and is processing them, a State Department official said. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak for attribution, said “large numbers” of Syrian refugees will begin to arrive in 2015.

We are then expected to be grateful to Obama for not setting up a separate Syrian program to bring in even greater numbers which the refugee resettlement contractors must have been clamoring for. Remember the State Department kept the contractor’s testimony secret from the public here in June.

The Bhutanese resettlement program which the Bush Administration began will be closed we are told, so there will be lots more room in the regional allotment for the Syrians! We resettled over 8,000 Bhutanese in 11 months of FY2014, here.

So we will increase the number of Muslims entering the US because the Bhutanese are mostly Hindus (60%), Buddhists and Christians.
Next year, Syrians seeking resettlement in the United States will benefit from the closure of a dedicated program for refugees from Bhutan that has brought tens of thousands of refugees to America over several years.

Because all the nations of the Middle East and South Asia are lumped together for purposes of refugee consideration, elimination of special consideration for the Bhutanese gives other applicants from the same region a better shot.

More importantly, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees has expanded the number of Syrians it screens for resettlement anywhere, including the United States.

The UN picks most of our refugees!
The overwhelming majority of refugees resettled in the United States are first identified as candidates by the UNHCR. The United States then does its own review. The UNHCR hopes to identify 50,000 for resettlement somewhere next year, and another 50,000 in 2016.

The WaPo story mentions briefly at the end that the Presidential Determination released yesterday does not mention Syrians by name at all—of course not! Would you expect any honesty from this White House in the run-up to November elections?

Update: Be sure to check the WaPo comments, they are more interesting than the news itself (well almost!).
Greensboro, NC: First Syrian refugees on the way there this week
Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 9, 2014
Greensboro NC First Syrian refugees on the way there this week Refugee Resettlement Watch
Our post of late last week where we reported that the US State Department is saying that thousands of Syrian refugees have been chosen by the UN to be resettled to your towns and cities went through the roof with thousands and thousands of readers passing it around.
They are probably flowing into other small cities as well, but the Triad offices of contractors Church World Service and World Relief-Evangelicals (two of the big nine!) seem especially adept at getting news stories planted. (Just last month see World Relief here and Church World Service in North Carolina, here.)

By the way, back in 2010 there was a huge controversy in this part of North Carolina about too many refugees with lousy care. We wrote a three part story about the problem, which begins with this post. Local churches asked that the flow be slowed. LOL! the series showed what a dog-eat-dog-world the world of federal refugee contracting can be!

From the Winston-Salem Journal:

GREENSBORO — The first in the current wave of Syrian refugees will arrive in the Triad this week, representatives with the organizations helping to resettle them said Friday.


Sarah Ivory, Church World Service director in the Triad, says they are working with the local Islamic Center. Photo: CWS Director Recognized by Triad Business Journal Church World Service Greensboro

A Syrian family of seven will arrive on Tuesday and will settle in Greensboro, said Sarah Ivory, the director of refugee and immigration services with Church World Service in Greensboro. The family includes five children, the youngest just 5 months old, Ivory said. The oldest is 10 years old.

Andrew Timbie, the office director for World Relief’s High Point office, said his organization is helping to resettle a family in Winston-Salem. That family also will arrive next week, although he would not provide the exact date.

“This is the first of many that we anticipate,” Timbie said of Syrian refugees.

Church World Service and World Relief work with the U.S. State Department and the United Nations to resettle refugees.

Ivory said the family coming to Greensboro is currently living in Jordan. Timbie said on Friday that he did not have a lot of background information about the family his office is assisting.

The organizations receive government money to help give refugee families fresh starts, but the goal is to help the families become self-sufficient, with the help of other community agencies. [At least they are admitting they do it with government money, something we never saw reported in the early years of writing RRW.---ed]


Ivory said Church World Service is working with the Islamic Center of Greensboro, the Greensboro Jewish Federation and the local Syrian-American community to provide other resources to the family, such as hot meals upon arrival, clothing and diapers.

Suppose to be thousands more where this comes from. More ISIS types!

Define, "ISIS types"................Are they like blacks, women, gays, and education? Should we fear them because we don't understand them?...........
Im far, far more concerened with millions of illegal aliens. ISIS is just a new name invented to scare us some more so they can steel more of our rights and controll us further. The illegals are the real terrorists.

Monopolies are the real Terrorists...........................................................

Without monopolies, no one would need the cheap labor of illegals.

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