I don't see much of a difference between capitalist production and that.
Syndicalism can meld into other economic systems quite easily.
It can exist under communism, capitalism, or mutualism.
Basically "working for profit". Still seems like it would still be "unequal"
As an anarchist, I believe society should exist without rulers. That is not me saying that I believe all people are equal.
I just favor a system where the workers have more control over their jobs, and that the wealth created is not disproportionately ascending upwards to a middleman third party that collects a disproportionate amount simply for investing into the company or owning the real estate.
But we don't know because true communism has never actually happened.
It did in 1918-1921 and 1936-1939.
There were not exclusively communist communities within those territories, but they were there nonetheless.
It isn't feasible today. And back when it possibly was, the socialist dictators just killed millions of people and suppressed any possible revolution.
"there can be no revolution without ammunition"
I do not care for communism, mostly due to the desire to make all property communally owned (I could reconcile with no money). With that said, it is just as possible today as it was for Nestor Makhno and the black army during the Russian Revolution.