Sweeping illegal immigration enforcement legislation passes House committee #MAGA


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Sweeping immigration enforcement legislation passes House committee

Republicans in the House of Representatives are moving forward with sweeping immigration legislation that would crack down on sanctuary cities, hire thousands of new armed immigration officers and help facilitate President Donald Trump’s plans to deport undocumented residents.

The wide-ranging bill was approved this week by the House Judiciary Committee, with all 19 Republicans on the committee supporting it and all 13 Democrats opposing it.

Among a long list of other provisions, HR 2431 would transform an undocumented immigrant’s presence in the U.S. from a civil violation to a criminal misdemeanor. It would essentially “turn millions of Americans into criminals overnight,” Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, said at a hearing last week...

...The bill is named after two Sacramento-area law enforcement officers, Danny Oliver and Michael Davis Jr., who were fatally shot by an undocumented immigrant in 2014. Lofgren, arguing that it didn’t honor their legacy, introduced an amendment to rename the bill the “Trump Mass Deportation and Child Incarceration Act,” but she eventually pulled the amendment...

...supporters of the bill said it was important to help U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement — better known as ICE — enforce America’s immigration laws.

“The Davis-Oliver Act is a first and necessary step to modernize a broken immigration system,” Rep. Raúl Labrador, R-Idaho, the bill’s sponsor, said in a statement. “We need to give law enforcement at all levels the tools and resources they need to keep America safe and secure.”

The bill would also make it against the law for local jurisdictions to refuse to comply with requests from ICE to hold immigrants in local jails, in an attempt to eliminate “sanctuary” policies like those taken up by many Bay Area cities and counties. It would withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities, essentially giving legal backing to a Trump administration executive order to do the same....

...The House bill also calls for hiring 12,500 new ICE officers, and would issue them body armor and firearms. “What it provides for is really having people go door-to-door with assault weapons,” Lofgren said. “There are elements of it that I think are inconsistent with a free society.”

In addition, the bill would allow local jurisdictions to enforce immigration law. Currently, some cities and counties are allowed to do so through individual agreements with the federal government, but the bill would broaden that...

...Those provisions could have a big impact on California, especially if the state Legislature this year passes a bill making California a “sanctuary state” and prohibiting state and local law enforcement from using resources for immigration enforcement....

...Davis, a Placer County sheriff’s detective, and Oliver, a Sacramento County sheriff’s deputy, were shot and killed in October 2014, allegedly by Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte, an undocumented immigrant who had been previously deported from the United States twice. He is scheduled to go to trial later this year.

The widows of the two men were guests at Trump’s address to Congress earlier this year.

In 2015, Susan Oliver, Oliver’s widow, wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of legislation to crack down on sanctuary cities.

“I do not want your sympathy,” she wrote. “I want change so others will not have to endure the grief we have in our lives every day.”

Awesome. We need to get this passed and signed into law ASAP.
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Sweeping immigration enforcement legislation passes House committee

Republicans in the House of Representatives are moving forward with sweeping immigration legislation that would crack down on sanctuary cities, hire thousands of new armed immigration officers and help facilitate President Donald Trump’s plans to deport undocumented residents.

The wide-ranging bill was approved this week by the House Judiciary Committee, with all 19 Republicans on the committee supporting it and all 13 Democrats opposing it.

Among a long list of other provisions, HR 2431 would transform an undocumented immigrant’s presence in the U.S. from a civil violation to a criminal misdemeanor. It would essentially “turn millions of Americans into criminals overnight,” Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, said at a hearing last week...

...The bill is named after two Sacramento-area law enforcement officers, Danny Oliver and Michael Davis Jr., who were fatally shot by an undocumented immigrant in 2014. Lofgren, arguing that it didn’t honor their legacy, introduced an amendment to rename the bill the “Trump Mass Deportation and Child Incarceration Act,” but she eventually pulled the amendment...

...supporters of the bill said it was important to help U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement — better known as ICE — enforce America’s immigration laws.

“The Davis-Oliver Act is a first and necessary step to modernize a broken immigration system,” Rep. Raúl Labrador, R-Idaho, the bill’s sponsor, said in a statement. “We need to give law enforcement at all levels the tools and resources they need to keep America safe and secure.”

The bill would also make it against the law for local jurisdictions to refuse to comply with requests from ICE to hold immigrants in local jails, in an attempt to eliminate “sanctuary” policies like those taken up by many Bay Area cities and counties. It would withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities, essentially giving legal backing to a Trump administration executive order to do the same....

...The House bill also calls for hiring 12,500 new ICE officers, and would issue them body armor and firearms. “What it provides for is really having people go door-to-door with assault weapons,” Lofgren said. “There are elements of it that I think are inconsistent with a free society.”

In addition, the bill would allow local jurisdictions to enforce immigration law. Currently, some cities and counties are allowed to do so through individual agreements with the federal government, but the bill would broaden that...

...Those provisions could have a big impact on California, especially if the state Legislature this year passes a bill making California a “sanctuary state” and prohibiting state and local law enforcement from using resources for immigration enforcement....

...Davis, a Placer County sheriff’s detective, and Oliver, a Sacramento County sheriff’s deputy, were shot and killed in October 2014, allegedly by Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte, an undocumented immigrant who had been previously deported from the United States twice. He is scheduled to go to trial later this year.

The widows of the two men were guests at Trump’s address to Congress earlier this year.

In 2015, Susan Oliver, Oliver’s widow, wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of legislation to crack down on sanctuary cities.

“I do not want your sympathy,” she wrote. “I want change so others will not have to endure the grief we have in our lives every day.”

Awesome. We need to get this passed and signed into law ASAP.
It is about time something was done./ It has almost gotten to the point in the USA that that Marinda Rights had been rewitten by the Progressive to read:

You have the right to speak any lauguage you want and the Police have to know the language or you will go free.

You have the right to assualt anyone with rape, beating, cutting off heads, burning a tire around the persons head, shooting, kidnaping, breaking and entering or any other crime that you need to do to get dope.

If for any reason someone offends you. You have the right to take any action you want.

I anyone has somethings you want you have to the to take it from them.

I anyone shoots you, you have the right to sue them for any amount of money the have.

I you kill anyone during a crime it is their fault and you have no responsibility in the matter for the should not have been in that area.

I for any reason be sent out of the USA you have the right to just walk across the boarder again with no penalty.

I for any reasons you have a server and give secret information to another country no penalty will be put on you.'

I for some reason you lie to the government or jury, or court, or congress there shall be no penalty under law.

No Lawyer will be provided for you since you have not broken the law.
Sweeping immigration enforcement legislation passes House committee

Republicans in the House of Representatives are moving forward with sweeping immigration legislation that would crack down on sanctuary cities, hire thousands of new armed immigration officers and help facilitate President Donald Trump’s plans to deport undocumented residents.

The wide-ranging bill was approved this week by the House Judiciary Committee, with all 19 Republicans on the committee supporting it and all 13 Democrats opposing it.

Among a long list of other provisions, HR 2431 would transform an undocumented immigrant’s presence in the U.S. from a civil violation to a criminal misdemeanor. It would essentially “turn millions of Americans into criminals overnight,” Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, said at a hearing last week...

...The bill is named after two Sacramento-area law enforcement officers, Danny Oliver and Michael Davis Jr., who were fatally shot by an undocumented immigrant in 2014. Lofgren, arguing that it didn’t honor their legacy, introduced an amendment to rename the bill the “Trump Mass Deportation and Child Incarceration Act,” but she eventually pulled the amendment...

...supporters of the bill said it was important to help U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement — better known as ICE — enforce America’s immigration laws.

“The Davis-Oliver Act is a first and necessary step to modernize a broken immigration system,” Rep. Raúl Labrador, R-Idaho, the bill’s sponsor, said in a statement. “We need to give law enforcement at all levels the tools and resources they need to keep America safe and secure.”

The bill would also make it against the law for local jurisdictions to refuse to comply with requests from ICE to hold immigrants in local jails, in an attempt to eliminate “sanctuary” policies like those taken up by many Bay Area cities and counties. It would withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities, essentially giving legal backing to a Trump administration executive order to do the same....

...The House bill also calls for hiring 12,500 new ICE officers, and would issue them body armor and firearms. “What it provides for is really having people go door-to-door with assault weapons,” Lofgren said. “There are elements of it that I think are inconsistent with a free society.”

In addition, the bill would allow local jurisdictions to enforce immigration law. Currently, some cities and counties are allowed to do so through individual agreements with the federal government, but the bill would broaden that...

...Those provisions could have a big impact on California, especially if the state Legislature this year passes a bill making California a “sanctuary state” and prohibiting state and local law enforcement from using resources for immigration enforcement....

...Davis, a Placer County sheriff’s detective, and Oliver, a Sacramento County sheriff’s deputy, were shot and killed in October 2014, allegedly by Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte, an undocumented immigrant who had been previously deported from the United States twice. He is scheduled to go to trial later this year.

The widows of the two men were guests at Trump’s address to Congress earlier this year.

In 2015, Susan Oliver, Oliver’s widow, wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of legislation to crack down on sanctuary cities.

“I do not want your sympathy,” she wrote. “I want change so others will not have to endure the grief we have in our lives every day.”

Awesome. We need to get this passed and signed into law ASAP.
Sweeping immigration enforcement legislation passes House committee

Republicans in the House of Representatives are moving forward with sweeping immigration legislation that would crack down on sanctuary cities, hire thousands of new armed immigration officers and help facilitate President Donald Trump’s plans to deport undocumented residents.

The wide-ranging bill was approved this week by the House Judiciary Committee, with all 19 Republicans on the committee supporting it and all 13 Democrats opposing it.

Among a long list of other provisions, HR 2431 would transform an undocumented immigrant’s presence in the U.S. from a civil violation to a criminal misdemeanor. It would essentially “turn millions of Americans into criminals overnight,” Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, said at a hearing last week...

...The bill is named after two Sacramento-area law enforcement officers, Danny Oliver and Michael Davis Jr., who were fatally shot by an undocumented immigrant in 2014. Lofgren, arguing that it didn’t honor their legacy, introduced an amendment to rename the bill the “Trump Mass Deportation and Child Incarceration Act,” but she eventually pulled the amendment...

...supporters of the bill said it was important to help U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement — better known as ICE — enforce America’s immigration laws.

“The Davis-Oliver Act is a first and necessary step to modernize a broken immigration system,” Rep. Raúl Labrador, R-Idaho, the bill’s sponsor, said in a statement. “We need to give law enforcement at all levels the tools and resources they need to keep America safe and secure.”

The bill would also make it against the law for local jurisdictions to refuse to comply with requests from ICE to hold immigrants in local jails, in an attempt to eliminate “sanctuary” policies like those taken up by many Bay Area cities and counties. It would withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities, essentially giving legal backing to a Trump administration executive order to do the same....

...The House bill also calls for hiring 12,500 new ICE officers, and would issue them body armor and firearms. “What it provides for is really having people go door-to-door with assault weapons,” Lofgren said. “There are elements of it that I think are inconsistent with a free society.”

In addition, the bill would allow local jurisdictions to enforce immigration law. Currently, some cities and counties are allowed to do so through individual agreements with the federal government, but the bill would broaden that...

...Those provisions could have a big impact on California, especially if the state Legislature this year passes a bill making California a “sanctuary state” and prohibiting state and local law enforcement from using resources for immigration enforcement....

...Davis, a Placer County sheriff’s detective, and Oliver, a Sacramento County sheriff’s deputy, were shot and killed in October 2014, allegedly by Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte, an undocumented immigrant who had been previously deported from the United States twice. He is scheduled to go to trial later this year.

The widows of the two men were guests at Trump’s address to Congress earlier this year.

In 2015, Susan Oliver, Oliver’s widow, wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of legislation to crack down on sanctuary cities.

“I do not want your sympathy,” she wrote. “I want change so others will not have to endure the grief we have in our lives every day.”

Awesome. We need to get this passed and signed into law ASAP.

Think it will pass the House and Senate? Maybe.

It would definitely ramp up deportations, self and forced.

I like it! I still see lots and lots of illegal contractors around.

[...]“There are elements of it that I think are inconsistent with a free society.”

Specifically what "elements" are these?

You would have to ask Rep. Zoe Lofgren. She made the boneheaded statement.

Then there's this boneheaded statement from Rep. Jerrold Nadler about undocumented (illegal) immigrants:
It would essentially “turn millions of Americans into criminals overnight,” Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, said at a hearing last week...

Among a long list of other provisions, HR 2431 would transform an undocumented immigrant’s presence in the U.S. from a civil violation to a criminal misdemeanor. It would essentially “turn millions of Americans into criminals overnight,” Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, said at a hearing last week...

Did anyone remind Nadler that undocumented immigrants are not Americans. They are illegal aliens.

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