Supreme Court to Temporarily Hold Abortion Pill Ban Until Friday

No, nobody ever said you were anybody’s employee. You may not even be employable. What is clear is only that you were off-topic, and also seem totally unable to understand what Golfing Gator was saying when you characterized his pertinent and personal remarks in comment #164 as … “just word games.”
What GG was doing was talking about what fetuses might be called (baby, thing, whatever). I simply see the words as attempts to sidestep accountability, and excuse what is cold-blooded murder.
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A possible mother-to-be, and only a pregnant potential mother-to-be, can with complete moral integrity agree to end her own pregnancy if in her opinion it is necessary. Does not matter what all you misogynist authoritarians think, or what f*cked up laws your even more f*cked up politicians pass.

Whether the embryo or fetus is viable or not, whether it is terribly deformed, whether it threatens her life, whether she was the victim of “legal rape” or just abuse and lied to by her “lover,” whether it (not he or she but it) was a mistake or an accident, a woman who refuses to carry a fetus or embryo for nine months to birth is — as a general rule — acting within her moral and natural right.

“Depraved indifference” is expressed more frequently by birthing many unwanted children than by not birthing at all. Rich and powerful men who have mistresses of course will almost always find ways to force them to have abortions — or pay their mistresses off to have them and hide them.

Most fathers whose daughters get knocked up by irresponsible jerks, however, support their daughters if and when they choose to have an abortion. Women who have many children by different fathers who cannot or will not support them are themselves showing “depraved indifference,” though their conduct is usually not illegal. Even professional prostitutes who are “raped” by men who don’t use condoms deserve legal abortions if they get pregnant. Abortion is today a consummately reasonable and moral choice for many women when an unwanted pregnancy occurs in otherwise normal life and family circumstances. It often is a good choice for the man involved as well.

Ending an unwanted pregnancy — as soon as possible — and making a decision not to give birth, whether for medical, economic, social or emotional reasons, ought to be both legally acceptable and morally respected, especially by men.

Many men, especially incels and misogynists and men cloistered or raised in old fashioned church communities, are actually perversely happy when women (and their children) “suffer for their sins.” Of course not all religious men (or women) feel this way! But in general such men are woefully unconcerned about women’s “reproductive rights,” and the difficult decisions they face when birth control fails or was not used as it should have been.

No law forces women to have abortions. No law forces men to use condoms. No law should ever prevent women having abortions — particularly when they are of sound mind and tried to access legal abortion as soon as possible. This is what “reproductive freedom” for women means.

I would add that although we do have necessary laws to require child support, “tricking” a man to marry or pay child support by having his child, especially if he tried to use birth control (or was lied to by the woman who claimed she used it), today usually shows another kind of “moral indifference” — as traditional and normal as this practice once was, and still is in many areas.
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The fetus stage does not begin until around week ten after conception, when the fetus itself is still less than 2 inches long. At this stage the “heart” is not developed, though a pulsing of nerves that will become the heart often is. Your “clump of cells” usually refers to the earlier zygotic stages called a morula or blastula — but “clump of cells” is definitely not a useful scientific term for the amazing reality of a healthy evolving zygote or embryo in the womb.

Of course in talking about a woman’s right to have an abortion we are mainly discussing the right of a developed human being — a woman — to take action to end her own pregnancy. Scientifically, one could say she is preventing the further development of an embryo or fetus, which in most cases she did not want conceived and is not “willing” to nurture in her womb or give birth to.

Of course many abortions are done for medical reasons, because the pregnant woman’s life is threatened or because — thanks to scientific screening — the mother and her doctors discover the fetus will die before birth, or be born and die shortly after, or “may” be born but live with terrible deformities. In cases like the latter one mentioned, the mother’s decision may be agonizing … but should be determinative.

Let's be honest:

In most cases she WILLINGLY engaged in the activity that created the life that is not her own....

Nothing whatsoever is "wrong" with the life....

And because she is unwilling to house the life for the seven remaining months it would take to grow it to completion, she ends it.


Appalling. Unconscionable.
This is what “reproductive freedom” for women means.
Maybe you should spend less time typing nonsense and spend more time in a dictionary. Abortion has NOTHING to do with REPRODUCTION.

rē″prə-doo͞s′, -dyoo͞s′

intransitive verb​

  1. To produce again or anew; re-create.
  2. To produce a copy, imitation, or representation of.
  3. To generate (offspring) by sexual or asexual means.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

You morons seem to think that all you have to do is tag a murderous act with the term "reproductive right" and that makes it OK. Nope, you are wrong again. Abortion is murder.




  1. The killing of another person without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing a person with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
So you dont want to answer this question ?

Look, they are you words....I will post them again so you can remember what you posted....

2. I never said anything about abortion being in the bible, but it is in the bible under th words "Thou shalt not kill."

But those of us who have read the Bible know that it is chock full of killing. David was honored for killing more than 1000 men.

The people of Israel killed entire civilizations, men, women and children. Hell they even killed all the livestock.

Thus it seems using the bible as our guide, not all killing is bad.
Look, they are you words....I will post them again so you can remember what you posted....

2. I never said anything about abortion being in the bible, but it is in the bible under th words "Thou shalt not kill."

But those of us who have read the Bible know that it is chock full of killing. David was honored for killing more than 1000 men.

The people of Israel killed entire civilizations, men, women and children. Hell they even killed all the livestock.

Thus it seems using the bible as our guide, not all killing is bad.
Not too interesting to me. I dont use the bible as my guide.
Are the abortion supporters willing to say that it would have been OK if their mothers had aborted them, and the life they now live had not ever happened ?
i certainly am! In fact your supposed “gotcha” question just shows your own childish illusion that “morality” and “justice” all center around your own individual — and quite possibly insignificant — life.

Most supporters of a woman’s right to end an unwanted pregnancy would probably agree with the way I already answered it. To see my response just press the link below:

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a woman who refuses to carry a fetus or embryo for nine months to birth is — as a general rule — acting within her moral and natural right.
FALSE! This very limited and simplistic view completely ignores the MAIN PARTICIPANT in the scenario > the person whose life is being taken away. As usual, liberals only focus on the "woman" who has inconvenience (albiet a major inconvenience) at stake, as compared to the typically overlooked preborn person, for whom it's a matter of life & death.

Just once, I would like to see a few of these pro-abortionists confront, face to face, a few of the adults whose mothers considered aborting them. For that matter, the pro-abortionists might just think about the fact that abortion could have kept THEIR OWN LIFE from happening.
i certainly am! In fact your supposed “gotcha” question just shows your own childish illusion that “morality” and “justice” all center around your own individual — and quite possibly insignificant — life.

Most supporters of a woman’s right to end an unwanted pregnancy would probably agree with the way I already answered it. To see my response just press the link below:

So if you "certainly" are "willing to say that it would have been OK if their mothers had aborted them", and you would not be alive now, and then you would be OK to not be alive right now, and you would be OK with dying, right ?
In what post, do you claim that ?

So if you "certainly" are "willing to say that it would have been OK if their mothers had aborted them", and you would not be alive now, and then you would be OK to not be alive right now, and you would be OK with dying, right ?
You seem really a bit slow here. I answered this question twice already and you still don’t get it! If I weren’t here I would not have opinions on anything!

By the way, slowpoke, there is a world of difference between NEVER having been born and … having been born, raised as a conscious and conscientious human being, and then being “murdered.”

But even that is not what you actually counterposed! You talked about being “OK with dying” — another issue entirely. Try to argue more clearly, ok?

While I certainly now don’t look forward to death, I accept “dying” as an inevitable part of what it means to be a human being. I am 74 years old and a grandfather. I’m happy to have a family and a young granddaughter to pass on my bits of wisdom and small legacy to. That is quite enough for me. If I actually educate others too, that is … an unexpected bonus.

Oh … I also want my granddaughter to be free and happy, and I certainly hope when my time comes I do not selfishly hold onto a miserable pointless life at her and my whole family’s expense. I’ve had some scares and I think I have my heart and mind at peace and in order. But I’m human. Who knows how I will feel in the future, or what that future will bring?
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You seem really a bit slow here. I answered this question twice already and you still don’t get it! If I weren’t here I would not have opinions on anything!

By the way, slowpoke, there is a world of difference between NEVER having been born and … having been born, raised as a conscious and conscientious human being, and then being “murdered.”

But even that is not what you actually counterposed! You talked about being “OK with dying” — another issue entirely. Try to argue more clearly, ok?

While I certainly now don’t look forward to death, I accept “dying” as an inevitable part of what it means to be a human being. I am 74 years old and a grandfather. I’m happy to have a family and a young granddaughter to pass on my bits of wisdom and small legacy to. That is quite enough for me. If I actually educate others too, that is … an unexpected bonus.

Oh … I also want my granddaughter to be free and happy, and I certainly hope when my time comes I do not selfishly hold onto a miserable pointless life at her and my whole family’s expense. I’ve had some scares and I think I have my heart and mind at peace and in order. But I’m human. Who knows how I will feel in the future, or what that future will bring?
I wasn't asking for your life story or philosophy. I just meant to point out that pro-abortionists are OK with abortions for everyone
but themselves.

As for my being "slow", (just because I dont adhere to your versions) ha, when you can accomplish 5% of what I've done in these links, you could consider yourself somewhat quick.

So you believe young children and teenagers should be having babies. I don't think so. The main reason we're begining to have all these crazy conversations is because even the people's of the advanced nations are feeling the affects of overpopulation on a dying planet. That last thing we need in this world is more people. The whole world should adopt the one child per family model now before it gets even worse. Abortion needs to be encouraged even more and access should be improved and make it no cost. These women are saving the planet since men can't seem to keep it in their pants. Banning Viagra would be another step in the right direction.
No, I don't think young children and teenagers should be having babies. I've never said that, but you claim to know what I think. Presumptuous posters on the internet are a dime a dozen.

You and I are somewhat in agreement.

The clot shots work against normal pregnancy and childbirth. Across the globe birthrates are in decline, and that started slowly even before the shots. Be happy!

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