Supreme Court Is Controlled by Globalists....Thanks To Bush Nominee John Roberts


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Clearly the Bush family, Clinton family, and the Obamas are all in cahoots in this.
Chief Justice Roberts shouldn't even be in charge. Justice Clarence Thomas should be.
And the turncoat Judge Roberts is controlling the two newest members of the court by refusing to address election fraud:


Last Monday the United States Supreme Court refused to review the Pennsylvania 2020 Election cases.​
The court made the announcement on Monday morning.​
Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented from the denial.​

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I believe the point you are really trying to make should be that republican presidents do not have the skills or judgement to make picks for the supreme court that meet with your criteria. Simple solution. Quit being a rube, willing to vote for republican presidents. You ought to know by now, their conservative picks are not going to throw out the constitution to rule in your favor on all issues, just on the value of politics. Realize this and you can quit being disappointed all the time and you can get a life.
I got no problem with Roberts, or Kavanaugh, or anybody else up there and never have had, so I get to live a happy life, while you are just screwed by perspective. :auiqs.jpg:
I believe the point you are really trying to make should be that republican presidents do not have the skills or judgement to make picks for the supreme court that meet with your criteria. Simple solution. Quit being a rube, willing to vote for republican presidents. You ought to know by now, their conservative picks are not going to throw out the constitution to rule in your favor on all issues, just on the value of politics. Realize this and you can quit being disappointed all the time and you can get a life.
I got no problem with Roberts, or Kavanaugh, or anybody else up there and never have had, so I get to live a happy life, while you are just screwed by perspective. :auiqs.jpg:
Thomas and Alito were good republican picks

and so were many others like anthony scalia

But roberts was a horrible choice who pretended to be a conservative till he scored a lifetime appointment
I believe the point you are really trying to make should be that republican presidents do not have the skills or judgement to make picks for the supreme court that meet with your criteria. Simple solution. Quit being a rube, willing to vote for republican presidents. You ought to know by now, their conservative picks are not going to throw out the constitution to rule in your favor on all issues, just on the value of politics. Realize this and you can quit being disappointed all the time and you can get a life.
I got no problem with Roberts, or Kavanaugh, or anybody else up there and never have had, so I get to live a happy life, while you are just screwed by perspective. :auiqs.jpg:
Thomas and Alito were good republican picks

and so were many others like anthony scalia

But roberts was a horrible choice who pretended to be a conservative till he scored a lifetime appointment
Get over it. Two out of three for the Bush presidents ain't bad. This ain't the Burger King. You can't always have it your way. Not everything deserve to be decided in the law on the basis of politics. I do not have a problem. It is not of Supreme importance to me, as I am not looking to have the high court overturn the laws of the country as we know it.
Clearly the Bush family, Clinton family, and the Obamas are all in cahoots in this.
Chief Justice Roberts shouldn't even be in charge. Justice Clarence Thomas should be.
And the turncoat Judge Roberts is controlling the two newest members of the court by refusing to address election fraud:

View attachment 463351

Last Monday the United States Supreme Court refused to review the Pennsylvania 2020 Election cases.​
The court made the announcement on Monday morning.​
Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented from the denial.​

Roberts was reportedly a Frequent flyer on the Epstein plane.
Clearly the Bush family, Clinton family, and the Obamas are all in cahoots in this.
Chief Justice Roberts shouldn't even be in charge. Justice Clarence Thomas should be.
And the turncoat Judge Roberts is controlling the two newest members of the court by refusing to address election fraud:

View attachment 463351

Last Monday the United States Supreme Court refused to review the Pennsylvania 2020 Election cases.​
The court made the announcement on Monday morning.​
Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented from the denial.​

Now you don't know that for surer. Someone could have photos of him giving out salty peats in a Chicago men's bath house.
A Prog judge will be just that. A Repub judge will be of different views. We just can not figure it out.

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