Super malaria spreading rapidly in Asia


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
‘Super malaria’ spreading rapidly in Asia

A highly drug-resistant strain of malaria dubbed “super malaria” is spreading rapidly in South East Asia, leading scientists to warn that it could soon be a global threat. The disease, most commonly transmitted by mosquitoes infected with the parasite, was first detected in Cambodia in 2008 but has now spread to the three remaining countries that make up the Eastern Greater Mekong subregion: Vietnam, Laos and

And there shall be a plaque..........................well gawd dam this happens all the time just like those quakes.
‘Super malaria’ spreading rapidly in Asia

A highly drug-resistant strain of malaria dubbed “super malaria” is spreading rapidly in South East Asia, leading scientists to warn that it could soon be a global threat. The disease, most commonly transmitted by mosquitoes infected with the parasite, was first detected in Cambodia in 2008 but has now spread to the three remaining countries that make up the Eastern Greater Mekong subregion: Vietnam, Laos and

And there shall be a plaque..........................well gawd dam this happens all the time just like those quakes.

This is the problem with humanity's view of the world.

We think we can control the world, but we can't. Every time we try and control things, something happens which turns the tables on our control.

The world is warming up, Malaria is becoming resistant. Maybe this is the world's way of saying "cut back on the number of humans"
The medical establishment got cocky a couple of decades ago and put the kibosh on new antibiotics. Thought we had them all beaten.

Latest Drug-resistant Malaria Strain May Skirt 'Superbug' Status...

Latest Drug-resistant Malaria in Mekong Region May Skirt 'Superbug' Status
October 12, 2017 — Som Aun contracted malaria after moving to the Thma Baing district of Cambodia's Koh Kong province in 2002. Four years later, two of his children contracted the disease.
For five years, his son, An, now 19, and daughter, Sreyna, now 12, remained infected because no effective treatment was available, he told VOA Khmer. "Sometimes the disease is healed for one month, but it would come back in the next two months," he said, adding they both exhibited high fevers and chills. His children, who work in banana plantations, were in and out of clinics, and "after they took medicines, they would be fine for a period of time, then they would have to go to the hospital if they were in serious condition," Aun said. The family resorted to hospitals infrequently, because transportation cost 200,000 riel to 300,000 riel (or about $50 to $75). Researchers are increasingly alarmed by the emergence of a strain of drug-resistant malaria in Cambodia, a so-called "superbug" that stares down the most commonly used anti-malaria drugs.


A malaria patient rests in the only hospital in Pailin, western Cambodia.​

The superbug, first identified in 2008 in Cambodia, has spread into parts of Vietnam, Thailand and Laos. Last month, scientists from the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU) published a letter in The Lancet saying the superbug's spread throughout the Mekong area was a serious threat to malaria control and eradication. "A single mutant strain of very drug resistant malaria has now spread from western Cambodia to north-eastern Thailand, southern Laos and into southern Vietnam and caused a large increase in treatment failure of patients with malaria," says letter co-author Arjen Dondorp, and Oxford professor, in a MORU release. MORU is a collaborative effort involving Thailand's Mahidol University, Oxford University and the U.K.-based Wellcome Trust. "We are losing a dangerous race," Nicholas White, one of the letter's co-authors, said in the release. "The spread of this malaria 'superbug' has caused an alarming rise in treatment failures forcing changes in drug policy and leaving few options for the future."

Local officials not concerned

Huy Rekol, director of Cambodia's National Center for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control (CNM), said he was not worried by the drug-resistant malaria. "In our country, we don't need to worry about matters of death or resistance because we have efficient drugs to use every day," he said. Malaria in Cambodia is caused by two types of viruses transmitted by female mosquitoes, according to the CNM. It identified several factors leading to a rise in malaria infections in 2015, including increasing mobility of people living in malaria-affected areas. Rekol said that about 10,000 infections were detected in 2017, but all those identified as contracting malaria were treated. He said that any resistance was "manageable," adding that more should be done to prevent transmission in the first place.


A village malaria worker shows his malaria medicine kit at O'treng village on the outskirts of Pailin, Cambodia​

Nguyen Thi Khe, a former official at the government Institute of Public Hygiene, told VOA Vietnamese that malaria was "not a serious issue in Vietnam right now," a sentiment that was repeated by other officials. Dondorp said it was worrying that Cambodian malaria officials appeared to be unconcerned by the reports of drug resistance, which he said could undo the gains of recent years. "In northeastern Thailand, Srisaket province is affected, almost all of Cambodia is affected, as well as southern Laos, and South Vietnam," Dondorp said in an email to VOA. In an email, he said, "The evolution and subsequent transnational spread of this single fit multidrug-resistant malaria parasite lineage is of international concern."

A risk to Africa?
Granny says, "Dat's right - rich folks need to donate more money to fight malaria...

WHO: Global Progress Against Malaria at Risk as Funding Stalls
November 29, 2017 — Many countries are moving toward eliminating malaria, among them Madagascar, Senegal and Zimbabwe.
But a World Health Organization report warns that in other areas, progress has stalled. Malaria cases increased by more than 20 percent from 2015 to 2016 in eight African countries — including Rwanda, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. At the same time, funding for malaria prevention and treatment has leveled off, reaching $2.7 billion in 2016, less than half of the 2020 target. "That amount of funding internationally has plateaued; possibly it has reached the realistic maximum now," said David Conway, a professor from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. "And it has always been assumed, indeed it has been important that countries themselves should commit to funding malaria control. And I think the big opportunity now is for those countries to step up and realize that this is good value."


A woman carrying a baby holds a treated mosquito net during a malaria prevention action at Ajah in Eti Osa East district of Lagos, Nigeria​

Overall, Africa continues to bear the highest burden of the disease, with approximately 401,000 deaths in 2016, a slight decrease from the previous year. In addition to improving the coverage of existing methods of malaria prevention, the WHO calls for urgent investment in new tools. "More research is needed to develop an effective malaria vaccine that could cover the populations that, at the moment, have high malaria rates and that, perhaps, do not use the available interventions even when they are being funded," Conway said.

Several malaria vaccines are under development. The WHO is planning a major trial of the so-called RTS,S vaccine starting next year in Kenya, Ghana and Malawi. However, its latest report warns the world is at a crossroads. Without better funding and more effective rollout of tools to tackle malaria, the progress made in recent decades could be undone.

WHO: Global Progress Against Malaria at Risk as Funding Stalls

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