Suddenly Dems want to scrap presidential debates!


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Suddenly Dems want to scrap presidential debates! Ha

3 Aug 2020
Get this: Democrats want to scrap this year’s presidential debates. It’s not hard to guess why.
“Whatever you do,” CNN’s Joe Lockhart, who served as President Bill Clinton’s press secretary, advised Joe Biden last week, “don’t debate” President Trump.
Dem strategist Zac Petkanas argues: “This is not a normal presidential election, and Trump is not a legitimate candidate” and so doesn’t deserve a debate. (Never mind that Trump won an overwhelming majority of electoral votes.)
At The New York Times, Elizabeth Drew says debates aren’t substantive. She discounts the “relevance” of the “carefully prepared one-liner” that sways viewers.
Just how dumb do they think Americans are? The real reasons Dems don’t want Uncle Joe in a live, unscripted square-off couldn’t be clearer: They’re absolutely terrified he’ll be a disaster.
Look, the 77-year-old Biden is famous for his gaffes, incoherent sentences, contradictions and non-sequiturs. It’s why his cognitive state has become an issue.
Fact is, Dems would never call for scrapping debates if their nominee were a gifted orator. Yet if Biden can’t be trusted in front of a TV camera, how on earth can he be trusted to run the country?

Whoops!!! The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left is getting cold feet..... They know that that bad orange man will chew him up and spit him out......
This admission shows that the PMS/DSA Democrats will loss this election.....
Suddenly Dems want to scrap presidential debates! Ha

3 Aug 2020
Get this: Democrats want to scrap this year’s presidential debates. It’s not hard to guess why.
“Whatever you do,” CNN’s Joe Lockhart, who served as President Bill Clinton’s press secretary, advised Joe Biden last week, “don’t debate” President Trump.
Dem strategist Zac Petkanas argues: “This is not a normal presidential election, and Trump is not a legitimate candidate” and so doesn’t deserve a debate. (Never mind that Trump won an overwhelming majority of electoral votes.)
At The New York Times, Elizabeth Drew says debates aren’t substantive. She discounts the “relevance” of the “carefully prepared one-liner” that sways viewers.
Just how dumb do they think Americans are? The real reasons Dems don’t want Uncle Joe in a live, unscripted square-off couldn’t be clearer: They’re absolutely terrified he’ll be a disaster.
Look, the 77-year-old Biden is famous for his gaffes, incoherent sentences, contradictions and non-sequiturs. It’s why his cognitive state has become an issue.
Fact is, Dems would never call for scrapping debates if their nominee were a gifted orator. Yet if Biden can’t be trusted in front of a TV camera, how on earth can he be trusted to run the country?

Whoops!!! The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left is getting cold feet..... They know that that bad orange man will chew him up and spit him out......
This admission shows that the PMS/DSA Democrats will loss this election.....

They also want to scrap the elections and just seize absolute power.

Elections are such an annoyance to them.
Progs will use a cardboard cut out of Biden. Like at the sport stadiums. But they will put moving lips on it like we see on the old Clutch Cargo cartoons with someone else doing the talking.
The DNC is scared. The MSM is scared. Obama is scared. Democrat political operatives are petrified. But the party doesn't have a platform beyond their new love of communism so they really don't give a shit what he says. The communists figure to be calling all the shots in the end if their media lapdogs can scam out an election win for them.
Debates are OBVIOUSLY worthless!

In 2016 the TV man told me with total confidence that Hillary won the debates, but when they took polls people clearly didn't realize that she won even though she totally won!

If people aren't even going to listen to the TV man when he tells them who won the debate, then why bother to have the debates at all? They just create opportunities for bad guys to lead people astray from the wisdom of the TV man.
There should be no problem with debates between the candidates so long as the good, old fashioned debate rules apply: candidates must stay behind their lecterns at all times and may not walk around the stage, no candidate may address another candidate personally, no personal attacks against a candidate or his family members, candidates must stay within their allotted time limits, candidates must not stray from the topic of the questions asked by the moderators, and no interruptions or talking over another candidate.

These debates should be dignified debates and not free-for-alls.

Let's have a little dignity for a change.
There should be no problem with debates between the candidates so long as the good, old fashioned debate rules apply: candidates must stay behind their lecterns at all times and may not walk around the stage, no candidate may address another candidate personally, no personal attacks against a candidate or his family members, candidates must stay within their allotted time limits, candidates must not stray from the topic of the questions asked by the moderators, and no interruptions or talking over another candidate.

These debates should be dignified debates and not free-for-alls.

Let's have a little dignity for a change.

And no confronting your opponent with a straight razor, eh CornPop?
There should be no problem with debates between the candidates so long as the good, old fashioned debate rules apply: candidates must stay behind their lecterns at all times and may not walk around the stage, no candidate may address another candidate personally, no personal attacks against a candidate or his family members, candidates must stay within their allotted time limits, candidates must not stray from the topic of the questions asked by the moderators, and no interruptions or talking over another candidate.

These debates should be dignified debates and not free-for-alls.

Let's have a little dignity for a change.
These "old school" rules that you describe have never applied to political debate. You're dreaming of good old days that never existed.
There should be no problem with debates between the candidates so long as the good, old fashioned debate rules apply: candidates must stay behind their lecterns at all times and may not walk around the stage, no candidate may address another candidate personally, no personal attacks against a candidate or his family members, candidates must stay within their allotted time limits, candidates must not stray from the topic of the questions asked by the moderators, and no interruptions or talking over another candidate.

These debates should be dignified debates and not free-for-alls.

Let's have a little dignity for a change.

With Trump involved, that's not going to happen.
Wow!!! Another "Biden's afraid to debate" circle jerk.
Trump - "Hunter Biden"
Biden - [walks out]
More likely scenario:
Biden: Are better off then you were four years ago?
Trump: [Starts foaming at the mouth]
To be perfectly fair, Trump runs off at the mouth a lot and isn't afraid to drop F bombs on TV, but when have you seen him lose it and have a rage fit?

Also, I've seen Biden react with inappropriate levels of vitriol in moments that should have been dignified or even academic, from blurting out insults at disagreeable questioners at town hall meetings to famously telling an interviewer how he'd have taken Trump out behind the gym for a beating if they'd known each other as young men. Let's not pretend that all the volatility and personal attacks are only on one side of the room, here.
Suddenly Dems want to scrap presidential debates! Ha

3 Aug 2020
Get this: Democrats want to scrap this year’s presidential debates. It’s not hard to guess why.
“Whatever you do,” CNN’s Joe Lockhart, who served as President Bill Clinton’s press secretary, advised Joe Biden last week, “don’t debate” President Trump.
Dem strategist Zac Petkanas argues: “This is not a normal presidential election, and Trump is not a legitimate candidate” and so doesn’t deserve a debate. (Never mind that Trump won an overwhelming majority of electoral votes.)
At The New York Times, Elizabeth Drew says debates aren’t substantive. She discounts the “relevance” of the “carefully prepared one-liner” that sways viewers.
Just how dumb do they think Americans are? The real reasons Dems don’t want Uncle Joe in a live, unscripted square-off couldn’t be clearer: They’re absolutely terrified he’ll be a disaster.
Look, the 77-year-old Biden is famous for his gaffes, incoherent sentences, contradictions and non-sequiturs. It’s why his cognitive state has become an issue.
Fact is, Dems would never call for scrapping debates if their nominee were a gifted orator. Yet if Biden can’t be trusted in front of a TV camera, how on earth can he be trusted to run the country?

Whoops!!! The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left is getting cold feet..... They know that that bad orange man will chew him up and spit him out......
This admission shows that the PMS/DSA Democrats will loss this election.....

DEMOCRATS were FOR the Electoral College until they were AGAINST it.

DEMOCRATS were FOR investigations until they were AGAINST them.

And now DEMOCRATS were FOR debates until they were AGAINST them.

Like coming home to a guilty dog who's crapped all over your house, democrats telegraph their real intentions, are for everything that favors them, until the EC worked against them and you have to win STATES rather than a few cities, Durham begins to look into Obumma, and now, the 98 year old fossil has to actually get up before the world and PERFORM for the democrats against the steel vise of Donald Trump who will snap that fucker like a TWIG in front of the cameras.
Suddenly Dems want to scrap presidential debates! Ha

3 Aug 2020
Get this: Democrats want to scrap this year’s presidential debates. It’s not hard to guess why.
“Whatever you do,” CNN’s Joe Lockhart, who served as President Bill Clinton’s press secretary, advised Joe Biden last week, “don’t debate” President Trump.
Dem strategist Zac Petkanas argues: “This is not a normal presidential election, and Trump is not a legitimate candidate” and so doesn’t deserve a debate. (Never mind that Trump won an overwhelming majority of electoral votes.)
At The New York Times, Elizabeth Drew says debates aren’t substantive. She discounts the “relevance” of the “carefully prepared one-liner” that sways viewers.
Just how dumb do they think Americans are? The real reasons Dems don’t want Uncle Joe in a live, unscripted square-off couldn’t be clearer: They’re absolutely terrified he’ll be a disaster.
Look, the 77-year-old Biden is famous for his gaffes, incoherent sentences, contradictions and non-sequiturs. It’s why his cognitive state has become an issue.
Fact is, Dems would never call for scrapping debates if their nominee were a gifted orator. Yet if Biden can’t be trusted in front of a TV camera, how on earth can he be trusted to run the country?

Whoops!!! The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left is getting cold feet..... They know that that bad orange man will chew him up and spit him out......
This admission shows that the PMS/DSA Democrats will loss this election.....
They know that that bad orange man will chew him up and spit him out......
trump needs the debates ... bottom line.
would be interesting, biden might pull off an upset or trump could just blow himself up.

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There should be no problem with debates between the candidates so long as the good, old fashioned debate rules apply: candidates must stay behind their lecterns at all times and may not walk around the stage, no candidate may address another candidate personally, no personal attacks against a candidate or his family members, candidates must stay within their allotted time limits, candidates must not stray from the topic of the questions asked by the moderators, and no interruptions or talking over another candidate.

These debates should be dignified debates and not free-for-alls.

Let's have a little dignity for a change.

With Trump involved, that's not going to happen.

I know. It's sad. All he can do is stalk, bully, and try to speak over or interrupt others. He appears to have no familiarity with accepted rules of civilized behavior.
There should be no problem with debates between the candidates so long as the good, old fashioned debate rules apply: candidates must stay behind their lecterns at all times and may not walk around the stage, no candidate may address another candidate personally, no personal attacks against a candidate or his family members, candidates must stay within their allotted time limits, candidates must not stray from the topic of the questions asked by the moderators, and no interruptions or talking over another candidate.

These debates should be dignified debates and not free-for-alls.

Let's have a little dignity for a change.

You're terrified

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