Stupid waste of money and man power LAPD car chase


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
This bodycam clippage highlights why the police need more support not less.
The damage done by one crazed moron in this scene and the potential harm to others is unjustified IMO. In this situation the police are continually seeking to preserve the life that well-being of the person they're pursuing. I think they have it backwards. Instead of pulling out lighter weaponry and less lethal weaponry what they really needed was a shoulder rocket. At the very least police vehicles should be equipped with some type of EMP device that can render a motor vehicle completely immobile. It wouldn't be that hard. Either that or you use real stopping power that leaves no doubt about the result.

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pshaw, I learned this from the Three Stooges, I don't need to take his class.

Insane shit.

Hey, Sleazy Joe, open that border wider so we can bring more of whatever drug that guy used into this country!


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