Stunning and brave announcement!

Explain to me what harm is being done to .05% of the populace? And WHY, oh WHY does this tinny tiny minority get so much gravitas? Because why again?

There is a huge porn industry built around freaks and gimps, that's why; they demand ever increasing freak shows as its sick voyeur audience gets more and more jaded and desensitized and craves ever more exotic fetishes to indulge in.
Gays/trans are a HUGE .05% of the populace. So HOW is this even a "thing" in a democratic society?Just pondering.
We have seen how only 1 person can ruin a whole country. Soros, Biden and Hitler come to mind.
You can stop the way you feel? Asking a lot there. The people demanding deference apparently can't help their feelings either and think the world revolves around them. That just is not so.
Yes, you can.
I was once an ignorant hateful moron like you.
I learned and changed.
Yep. Harm, so silence is violence
but words hurt. I can't wrap my mind around this contradictory nonsense liberals spout.
Your stupidity is yours. Your ignorance is yours.
You can choose to eradicate both.
But you won't
That tiny mind won't let you.
Explain to me what harm is being done to .05% of the populace? And WHY, oh WHY does this tinny tiny minority get so much gravitas? Because why again?
Explain why, in Florida, the people you're hating are being denied medical care?
You're much too stupid to understand.
I am NOT harming anyone by not liking their cause. That isn't happening. This coming from people that want to skin republicans and hang Trump, from the nearest lamppost. the irony is rich.
Stiil stupid and, as a "conservative," proud of your ignorance.
Didn't say you were.
Try reading for comprehension rather than reading to generate stupid responses.

Yes, you can.
I was once an ignorant hateful moron like you.
I learned and changed.

Your stupidity is yours. Your ignorance is yours.
You can choose to eradicate both.
But you won't
That tiny mind won't let you.

Explain why, in Florida, the people you're hating are being denied medical care?
You're much too stupid to understand.

Stiil stupid and, as a "conservative," proud of your ignorance.

In your every butt hurt post.

Please jump into a lake of FIREAIDS and drown. TIA! :D

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