Stuff kids say/do...


VIP Member
Apr 23, 2004
You'll have to check the Marauder's Map...
Let's hear the funny stories of either yourself as a kid, or your kids, or even ones that you don't know, but see in stores, etc.

I was at the Mall of America last year with my hubby and our friends Michelle & Nate, and their then-3yr old son Caleb.

We were walking around the mall, and Nate, being the odd-duck that he is, would just blurt out random lines from various Christmas songs. He wouldn't sing the whole song, just a line or 2. And at random. Caleb, being a typical 3-yr old human parrot, would try to mimic what Nate sang. Nate then sang a line from "I'm gettin' nothin' for Christmas", which was the line "'cuz somebody snitched on me". Caleb tried to repeat Nate again, but instead of "cuz somebody snitched on me", his 3 yr old articulation blurted out, pretty loudly "cuz somebody shit on me"-which also echoed in the area we were in. He didn't mean to say it that way, but it was still funny. Me and my hubby, and Nate were just rolling, and Michelle was mortified, because some women looked at her funny when Caleb said that. She quickly tried to explain to the women what he MEANT to sing, or was trying to. I don't know that they were convinced though.

We still sing that line to each other, as a gag.

my son 4 at the time and i were out to breakfast one day sitting at a very crowed outdoor garden cafe........he orders pancakes....pours tons of syrup on them .......the yellow jackets / hornets start dive bombming him ......... i tell look at him...he looks at me....throws his hand up and says.........

fucking bees!
manu1959 said:

my son 4 at the time and i were out to breakfast one day sitting at a very crowed outdoor garden cafe........he orders pancakes....pours tons of syrup on them .......the yellow jackets / hornets start dive bombming him ......... i tell look at him...he looks at me....throws his hand up and says.........

fucking bees!

its one of those times you should get mad, but can't because it was so cute.
One time I was playing monster with my daughter and when I cornered her in
the kitchen she yelled "fuck off mommy I don't want to play anymore".

I also babysit 4 other kids (which can be a riot). The one thing that sends them in hysterics is when I say "Lucy pooped in her diaper". Lucy is the cat. :D

Send help. :terror:
Okay, one story of each kid, LOL, I have to be equal!
I was putting on make up one day and Josh said he wanted some on. Payton told him "Girls wear makeup, boys play video games", LOL! I thought that was cute coming from a 3 year old. :D
Josh was sitting on a stool holding the butter bowl while his dad was spreading butter on his toast. Josh set the bowl down, grabbed his toast and climbed off the stool. He took 2 steps and the toast flew from his hands and landed butter side down on the floor. About time it happened Josh said, "well shit". I hate that he said that but was so proud that he knew when to use that phrase, LOL! :D
UsaPride said:
Okay, one story of each kid, LOL, I have to be equal!
I was putting on make up one day and Josh said he wanted some on. Payton told him "Girls wear makeup, boys play video games", LOL! I thought that was cute coming from a 3 year old. :D
Josh was sitting on a stool holding the butter bowl while his dad was spreading butter on his toast. Josh set the bowl down, grabbed his toast and climbed off the stool. He took 2 steps and the toast flew from his hands and landed butter side down on the floor. About time it happened Josh said, "well shit". I hate that he said that but was so proud that he knew when to use that phrase, LOL! :D

sometimes you just can't get mad for them swearing, especially when you're THINKING the same thing!
Here's one from my 6 year old. I was getting ready to go to the bank and I had been promising him we would make brownies, however I was out of oil and told him he would have to wait till I went to the store. He told me while I was out could I please stop at the store and get 1 thing, just 1 thing! it won't take long mom. so I asked what? he said some oil. Ok I can do that. He then told me, "Oh and 2 toys would be greatly appreciated too!" I about fell over laughing. such a big word and used very appropriately!

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